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Fresh new DNA from China!


Fascinating stuff.:)
You could well be holding the new 'Elvis', 'OG kush' or 'god-knows-what but-it's-amazing' strains!!!.
Good luck and please educate us all. :D


Thanks for the fascinating update. Hope you'll be able to score some of the smaller local seeds as well.

I agree that sending the seeds as freebies is not a good idea. When Gypsy was giving out those Mazar-i-Sharif landrace seeds a lot of people complained even though it's a drug cultivar, and this is clearly an oil (seed) cultivar. Also the point of freebies (at least at the boo) is to pass them on to newbie growers... if they get "schwag" after growing the beans they'll be put off growing for life and we don't want that!

Of course after you've worked the line some generations the freebie idea great as that way you'll get a lot of test growers (hopefully).

However as some people will surely be interested selling the seeds on Seedbay is a good idea. Of course clearly labeled as un-worked hemp seeds from Yunnan and preferably with like 100 seeds in a pack instead of 10. Since I'm an ICMag addict and want the site to stay online I'd recommend you send them to the ICMag server auction fund


Active member
ICMag Donor
As for sending off the seeds to be given away... I am not sure I would feel right doing so. Considering these have never been bred for psychoactive effects one way or the other they will all vary considerably I am sure. While yes many will find interesting and novel traits many others will be pissed off to find they grew what alloted to mexican schwagg. I think if perhaps I, or others with me, breed out a generation or so first and find the keepers and make seed from there it would be a far better start for these. I just don't want to tarnish the varieties reputation before it even has a chance.

This is a very responsible post. You should in fact grow them out yourself and pick a few other "testers" to grow them out also and then compare notes on the "Medical" values of each strain (seed type) collected.

Only those that show qualities that would be beneficial within a Medical usage should be bred. After breeding and testing the quality of those first crossings then I would say pass them on to seedbay.com so that others may experience the Landrace findings that you were so blessed to come across.

You are so correct in not wanting to tarnish the varieties reputation before it is even given a chance. A huge thumbs up to you my friend.


Hey this is an excellent thread. You must feel like you are on the frontier and rightly so :) Kudos for taking it upon yourself to investigate. I look forward to seeing the pics also.

This is a very responsible post. You should in fact grow them out yourself and pick a few other "testers" to grow them out also and then compare notes on the "Medical" values of each strain (seed type) collected.

Only those that show qualities that would be beneficial within a Medical usage should be bred. After breeding and testing the quality of those first crossings then I would say pass them on to seedbay.com so that others may experience the Landrace findings that you were so blessed to come across.

You are so correct in not wanting to tarnish the varieties reputation before it is even given a chance. A huge thumbs up to you my friend.

Interesting. How does one go about that - defining what might be beneficial within a medical usage context? Is there some way to know what quality is good for a particular ailment?


Active member
ICMag Donor
Interesting. How does one go about that - defining what might be beneficial within a medical usage context? Is there some way to know what quality is good for a particular ailment?

If you have Insomnia and a certain plant helps you sleep then you know it could be good for patients that suffer Insomnia, instead of them having to use deadly prescription medications to be able to fall asleep.

If someone has extreme nerve damage or back pain and a certain plant helps take away the pain or is heavy body numming then you know that this most likely could be used for patients that suffer chronic pain.

If someone has ADHD and a certain plant helps them to focus on a main task then you know that this most likely could be used for patients with ADHD or ADD.

It is all trial and error and sharing the cannabis with friends and smokers so that they can give you their take on it also. That is how I started breeding cannabis was to help friends with medical issues. I would continue to breed a project until it gave a desired result and then I would move on to the next friend and cannabis project.


Canna Coco grower
So, I did the asking around today that I said I would. The day started with me waking up in the computer bar. I was locked out of my apartment complex the night before because the gates close at midnight. After awaking I made it home and woke up my wife and we were on our way to find the woman from the day before.

When we found her she informed us she infact bought the seeds from a nearby market that sold them somewhat in bulk. She gave us the address and some details of weed in general from what she understood it to be. We arrived at the market and found the shop with the big burlap bag full. It cost 75 cents per kg and I bought one kg. After talking to them I was dissapointed to learn this wasn't local seed but a variety created in kunming to have extra large seeds. But they eased my concern when they mentioned "the local variety has far too small of seeds to enjoy eating thats why only a few people farm it here" which let me know there was infact a local variety both in the wild and being cultivated by a few.

Next, we headed off to the plants from the day before. I couldnt help but worry as to their fate though. They were growing in the middle of rubble from a torn down building. After actually inspecting their substrate and such I was abit surprised to find they were basically growing in concrete, red brick, and clay all mashed together. The "dirt" was without water. It hasnt rained here in months or something. The plants seemed surprisingly healthy though. I thought it interesting they were so hardy.

After talking some with my wife we decided to stay in China for awhile. You are all aware what doors this opened. I found an old chopstick in the rubble and started excavating. it was really a challenge to extract the plants from their substrate. Their root systems were literally growing in the cracks between concrete and brick. While extracting them I noticed an interesting smell on my finger. I wondered "I scratched my armpit, maybe its just my BO" but I had to know for sure. I scratched the stem abit with my fingernail and gave it a sniff. Sure enough the odor was not me but the plant. It had a very strong citrus and Body odor smell combined with a bit of spice, in all fairly perfume like. Despite comparing it to BO, it was a very pleasant smell. I scratched and sniffed the remaining plants to find they all had variations of this odor. I was quite impressed. Actually, I messed up the time line because now I remember it was the smell that made me decide to dig them up haha.

So, they are now all in containers with good (maybe, its chinese) soil and freshly watered with mineral water. I have pics of everything but the phone is out of money and wont let me email them to myself. Also, we lost the usb cord for it. So, I will add the pics later on with updates as well.

As for sending off the seeds to be given away... I am not sure I would feel right doing so. Considering these have never been bred for psychoactive effects one way or the other they will all vary considerably I am sure. While yes many will find interesting and novel traits many others will be pissed off to find they grew what alloted to mexican schwagg. I think if perhaps I, or others with me, breed out a generation or so first and find the keepers and make seed from there it would be a far better start for these. I just don't want to tarnish the varieties reputation before it even has a chance.

On to another note.... I have never transplanted from one substrate to another before. I was not able to leave the roots coated in any of their original material, as there was none it was simply rocks and brick. The plants look very saggy and unhealthy at the moment. What do you all think about this? Is that common at this point? Oh, also some other notes about their physiology. They have nine blade leaves ranging from very slender and sativa to fairly stout and indica like. One had 3 blade leaves on its early shoots then shot to nine while the others started with five and went to nine. Even on the same plant some express both indica and sativa like leaf structures. Three of the plants are in the beginning stages of branching and one is a straight shot without branching.

Hey man... lots of interest here.... however... you have mentioned in your posts REPEATEDLY... that you have pix... always some reason why they aren't here... but you seem to have the ability to post...

I've been here years so I've seen LOTS of "STORIES"... would be nice if you followed up on your statements and produced some photographic evidence of that which you speak...

your in China?? in a small village?? some pix of that place too...

Inet access in a small village?? cool... China is a growing..


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey man... lots of interest here.... however... you have mentioned in your posts REPEATEDLY... that you have pix... always some reason why they aren't here... but you seem to have the ability to post...

I've been here years so I've seen LOTS of "STORIES"... would be nice if you followed up on your statements and produced some photographic evidence of that which you speak...

your in China?? in a small village?? some pix of that place too...

Inet access in a small village?? cool... China is a growing..

I believe he has previously stated that he has taken photos with his "camera phone" and thus he needs to replenish his minutes (not everyone has unlimited plans) before he can upload photos to his computer and thus to ICMag.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
YUM YUM!! :yummy:


FWIW: :)

Hello, again, everyone. So, today is a new start and I will tell you how things have went since my last post. I guess this will also become some what of a grow log at this point as I have tossed a few seeds into soil and snatched up those local vars I found.

First, a bit about the seeds. I have them in a large dish like container that seems as though its purpose was to simply pop large quantities of seeds (or if my wife is right to piss in). It is very shallow with a large diameter, perfect for my use. I used rocks to label the different seed phenos and will watch how they grow from here.

Now, on to a more depressing story. The transplanted plants were very saggy yesterday and by the time night came the leaves were for the most part dry and dead on all. I said to myself "I am not going to let this happen like this!" and grabbed a knife and topped them all. The tops I put half way into water filled bottles and put on my patio's window seal before going off to bed....

I awoke to find they were all thriving and green again! I was so thrilled to know they had pulled through. This is my first indoor grow and I wasn't sure they were going to. The mother plants are still pretty damn dead and my expectations for their survival are not the highest but the genes will live on! I managed to find what I believe to be rooting hormone today and will add it in with the water. They are responding so positively to soaking in water I might try to pull off a hydro grow. I trimmed all the dead leaves that didnt pull through and now the cuttings all appear healthy as rain.

I am glad others agree with my view about sending off the seeds to people who wouldnt be prepared to deal with sorting through the lot for winners. I also bought some nutes but I think I was ripped off..... here is the chemical analysis the box had to say, though I think it may just be water with yellow food dye.

Total Nitrogen : .005%
Ammoniacal Nit : .003%
Nitrate Nit : .002%
Phosphate : .01%
Potash : .02%

This is a floweing nute and I figured I could supplement the low Nitrogen content with urine or such.

My experience growing is limited to outdoor and ev en there it has only been once. I am completely novice to indoor growing and as I upload the pics and update the post with the plants' details I will also be very honored to be given advice and such. In all, I will treat this thread as both a new landrace strain's introduction to the world as well as a novices first indoor grow attempt. I hope the second doesn't deter interested persons and I will try to be as least "noobish" as possible to not annoy those interested in the genetics and traits but unconcerned with my inexperience and needs while growing.

The photos I will post in the next few hours to ease your troubled minds and enlighten your inquiring souls :D I hope you will all enjoy dissecting the pics to giv e ideas of the plants classification and such. I am such a nerd for this kind of thing and would love to hear other peoples ideas of how the leaf and plant structure appear.

*Update* Photo time



Active member
cool thread!

i eat hemp seed on my corn flakes in the morning which i buy from Sainsbury's (big UK chain). they used italian hemp seeds, that tasted ok, but they've recently changed to chinese, and the improvement is HUGE! way nicer nuttier flavour, and loads more kernel...

the point is, if what you guys are saying is right and chinese seed hemp is full potency, then i can buy bags of seed at the local supermarket!! HILARIOUS!!!!!! :D

I wrote a terribly long post only to hit back on accident and lose it:faint:

In short, I bought an adapter for the camera SDMini and on my way back home I noticed a little road. Well, first I noticed a chicken:

But after that I noticed a road. I told my wife we should stroll down it to see whats to find. She agreed and this was our reward :

This time I left the mother, and father, where they stood and simply took cuttings for my collection. I realize now I should have done that to begin with.

And to top it all off atleast one of the mothers has started to recover and is showing signs of life!


Note - I posted the pics from earlier in their relevent locations starting at the beginning of this thread.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Nice thread!
I love those pics and i look foward to read some smoke reports of bud coming from those chinese seeds. I love landraces and weird genetics ;)
Keep us posted mate!
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City Twin

My two cent worth. Local strain, grows in rubble. At the least there would be drought resistant, low water need genetics in the makeup. I would think a breeding freak would love to have some of this trait to work a few generations.
Haha, yeah I am. So many people have chimed in to offer encouragement. It makes me feel I must be doing something atleast a bit worthwhile. It even has me thinking of travelling around to other places that may have unknown landraces awaiting discovery such as Myanmar. I have always had a sense of adventure and this is giving me the opportunity to use it to benefit others and not only myself.

About drought resistance, believe me, you have no idea! It rained today, this is the first time in what seems to be months. I wish I would have snapped some photos of the roots when the plants were snagged. Despite the largest being over three feet (not visible in the pics, before it was mulled down) none of them had roots longer than two inches nor branched over one! This seems to be a strain that puts water and rooting on the back burner of its concerns.

I'll keep posting updates but, unfortunately, in a month or so I will be off to beijing. I won't be able to afford having my kid born in a decent hospital if I keep working here pulling in only abit over five hundred a month. Ofcourse I will take cuttings with me and finish off the grow there but it means all the growing you will see posted in the next month will ultimately just be repeated again. Ofcourse, next time it'll be under abit better conditions such as a decent light and hydro system.

Also, alot of people are giving me reputation points with messages attached. I am not sure how to see who you are and respond to your messages. I would love to reply to everyone but I don't know who that everyone is.

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