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following h3ads formula, and getting rust spots?


hey guys, giving my girl 4ml hygrozyme, superthrive, 6ml micro, 9ml bloom and im seeing rust spots. Is this because im using tap water (my tap water is ~200 ppm).

Here it is lemme know what u guys think

or is it because maybe i was foliar feeding?


What is your pH and have you calibrated your pH meter recently? That info is critical to getting a usable answer.

What are you foliar feeding and why are you doing it?

Plus you really are not following H3ad's formula, he does not use enzymes or superthrive.


aite aite, ill drop the superthrive probably in the next watering. no particular reason for foliar feeding just thought they liked it lol.

ph is ~6.0 going in. i use gh drop test kit

Guest 18340

Use r/o water, drop the superthrive and up you ph to 6.3. By upping your ph you will make more cal/mag available to the plant.
I went thru the same exact problem (only I don't use additives, just GH micro and bloom) until I upped my ph. I actually go as high as 6.5 but 6.3 should give you improvements.
Look at the chart, it'll give a good "visual".
I use those ph test drops too, try to get the color more green than yellow


  • PH_CHART.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 42


What, exactly, were you foliar feeding? If it was your modified H3Ad formula chances are those rust spots are actually nute burns. If that is the case you may need to flush the plant...but be careful it looks overwatered already.

You might want to take your question to the nursery section and fill out the questionnaire. Chances are you will then get an answer from someone more knowledgeable. Those guys are most excellent at diagnosing problems.


yeah i was foliar feeding my modified h3ad formula. ill drop the superthrive and stop foliar feeding. i was thinking it was the foliar feeding causing those rust spots because all of the new leaves that werent sprayed look great, but the older ones which i sprayed look like that.

thanks for the advice evilme ill use r/o, drop the superthrive, and up the ph a little. thanks fellas


so i bought some RO water, just stuck to the 6ml micro 9ml bloom nothign else no enyzmes nor superthrive.

when i use to use tap water i usually adjusted ph first, but since im using r/o water now there was no need to adjust the ph at first so i added the nutes the to a gallon of water and then tested the ph and the ph of the r/o gallon mix with the 6/9 brought the ph down to like 4.5. So then i added ph up till it was around ~6.0
did i do this correctly or should i have added ph up first?

also i got the reverse osmosis drinking water cause i figured that would still have some minerals in it. is that a good idea?


Active member
Yup its your tap water

that looks more like grorox than coco

ro+di will bring on its own issues. seems best to have a little tap in with the good water.

its not about the overall amount of whatnot
its abuot the ratio between the whatnot and the whozit

with tap water, i also had issues. the excessive calcium locks out magnesium and sometimes the other way around

things to try:
let your nutrient mix settle for a longer period of time [overnight?] as perhaps its not done buffering before the plant gets it

raise the pH in week 2 and 3 - my plants in coco really like it between 6.1 and 6.3, but not for the entire grow. I find feedin them 5.8 in week 1, 6.2 in weeks 2 and 3, then 5.8 the rest of the way helps. my problems in coco always seem to be week 2 or 3 in flower, regardless of what i did in grow.

you could try charging up the coco with cal-mag+ before transplanting.

hang on i need to get more beer, look after my ancient dog, and smoke another bong.

im still new to all this so take wha i post with a grain of salt.

on edit: superthrive is fine, but when they say one or two drops per gallon, they mean one or two drops per gallon. I have fantastic luck with it but less is more. and yeah, nix the foliar feeding

the plant already knows how to grow

we tend to get in the way more than we help

if the plant asks you for something, accommodate it. thats all. nothing more. don't overthink it.

more grows could be saved if the growers would just let the grow happen and leave it alone...tend to it, care for it, guide it, but let it go and do its thing.


appreciate the help brotha. are you pretty sure its my tap water?
i was thinking it might be becuase at 200 ppm it could have a good amount of minerals in it or something, and then mixed ontop of the 6/9 heads it could be overkilll. the ph of my tap water coming out of the faucet is like 8.0 lol so i always phed down before i added nutrients. but now that im using r/o im doing ph up after, you think thats cool?


do you think the proportion is going to be better now that im using R/O? i guess the only way to tell is to wait it out lol


Active member

I also us Head's formula and I've found that GH nutes self-buffer really well in r/o water. Adding 6mls of micro and 9mls of bloom my ph adjusts to 5.7-5.8 every time. I've only seen organic nutes drop the ph as low as 4.5. Are you sure your gh drop test is giving you an accurate reading?


i dunno on my gh drop tester it showed the ph as a light red after i added the 6ml micro and 9ml bloom to a gallon of r/o drinking water ppm at ~11.

evilme, when you add the 6ml micro to 9ml bloom to the r/o gallon of water (without adding ph up or down first) what does your ph color read at?

Guest 18340

Hey dude, got your pm.
I don't use h3ads formula, I use Lucas's 8ml micro/16ml/bloom (flower), 5ml/micro, 10ml/bloom (veg). But, I went ahead just now and mixed a 1gal batch of h3ads 6/9 (using r/o water that was 25ppm) and my ph drops gave me the same color as yours, light red. Mind you, I use GH nutes.
So, your light red reading is correct.
And yes, add ph up after you mixed all your nutes.
What I do is mix mine, then check ph, then adjust accordingly.
Right now I'm vegging with 5ml/micro, 10ml/bloom, r/o water, and I always have to add ph up. When I set the ph to 6. I had a slight cal/mag def, once I raised it to 6.5, no more defs. I don't use cal/mag or any other additives.
If I'm not mistaken, the Lucas formula is meant to be used with r/o water and no additives (cal/mag). Oh, and I've never ever foliar (i can't even spell it, lol) feed.
That plant in your pic doesnt look happy at all.
Anyway, hope this helps. Hit me up if ya have anymore probs. Evl...


hey man i really appreciate the quick time, she actually is looking at lot better today with more green leaves ill take another picture tommorow morning so you guys can see. i dont think she looked that bad in the first pic, maybe its cause i had her tied down at 3 different points? anyways really appreciate your help, i just wnated to make sure nothing was too crazy because ive had nutes before balance the ph, but my gh micro and bloom seem to make it pretty low.

also RO drinking water at ~11ppm is okay right? i could have gotten distilled but i figure the drinking water prbably has some nice trace minerals

looks like this guy had the same problem:

Guest 18340

11 ppm is fine. Right now I get my water from the Glacier water machine in front of my local WinnDixie, its a pay as you fill r/o machine. 30 cents a gallon.
When I used all 3 GH bottles (Grow, micro and bloom) I would never have to add any ph up or down, now I always have to ph up.
You're doing it right.
Yeah, I didnt see that your plant was tied down, lol.
Good luck dude, and hit me up anytime you need help. If I can't help you, somebody here can, thats for sure. Their are some well respected folks here that I look up to.