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Florida Growers Thread

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To keep the ole lady from chewin on it...............LOL
Your right even if I grow it off she'll then just go to my neck!!

Woke up this morning to the neighbors Mini Horses were on my front porch eating my dogs food was like wow I came out side from smoking a wake-n-Bake step out and what do I see about 10 littleass horses on my porch I thought Damn that was some good shit! I went in and said Honey do me a favor and see if we are growing little horses on our front porch she laughed then went to look then I knew something was up someone done slipped some shit in our Weed! Both of us Halluctions of wild little horses....lol ok so the nieghbors fench broke and they ended up on my porch I didnt even know they owned littlbitty horses! Well thats my growing in florida trip for this morning! oh whats that got to do with growing in florida well just goes to show you to watchout! you never know what could happen... OK OK I know to much Acid when I was a yougen....listen kids this could happen to you!! Forever Burnt,
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Sorry Camera broke

Sorry Camera broke

Just got in from hiking and man some of my babies are already 10-17" Tall already and they all have preflowered except a few stubborn ones so they get a patch of their own! Looks like this is starting off like a great year of growing :)



Thats always good news! as far as outdoors goes these days, dont do much of it. I usually cut an extra 15 or 20 clones and just pop em in the ground around the train tracks a few blocks from the house. Right on the bay and the only folks that go through there are the homeless and most of my snooty assed neighbors wouldnt dare go down there! I wont really maintain them at all but will go look at them every week or so. I got a nice little indoor garden going now and am only doing the outdoors for shits and giggles.



New member
5 of 50

5 of 50

I did my thing 5 - 8"ers in the ground Since my divorce it's tough to get things started. NO CLONES damn! Well with the law of averages I should bring 5 Full Term Females to flower.
So for the next 6 - 10 weeks I'll be maken' the rounds dropping (GPS) breadcrumbs. Florida has some great vast Forest. Fires, drought, floods, animals and people make for a tough site plan.

45 more holes to fill.
whats up guys? When is the best time or month to put plants or start plants outside? Hopefully I will have clones soon but right starting seedlings inside.I heard inFlorida we can have several harvests a year? is this true? thanks for the help.MIke


Active member
I had 4 harvest this year would have been 5 but lost round do to an outta town trip Right now get them in the ground! for multi harvest you will need a mom and clones under 24/7 light using this the only times you will not be able to harvest outside is the months of june and july the humidity is too much here in Fl.


a link to a multi harvest thread read and learn Thanks to Wolfshadow I have bud to smoke right now!

good growin so far

good growin so far

I hve 2 male lsd #4s outside about 3 feet tall,, and i have a few seedlings ,they re 1 or 2 grapepunch and the skunk freedies from GN,,i also have some bogglegum comin to me so i'll have those growing asap,,,it's been hot as hell i have my grow box outside in the shed and my temps are upper 90's the seedlings dont seem to mind,,i have a 8 or 9 inch fan blowin on them 24/7 ,,,Thanks....................Herb


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Hell I would!!!!

Hell I would!!!!

Give me a free trip I am outta here!!!!
Starating to do a RainDance Hoooyaayaananaaanaaa, whhooooneeeenannnnnaaaaaaaaashhoooonannneeneennnnnaaa! hope it works hate haulin H2O

Heya FL fellas...

Heya FL fellas...

I know I'm not the ONLY chick in Florida who loves dancin' in the rain in white t-shirts.... :rolleyes:

AM I???? :(

~jazzy T~
Hmmmmmmmm... that's fer sure... :p

I dunno who I'm gonna get to take a pic of my boobies...

Maybe I should just ask some guy off the street, or somethin'... lol


New member
Hahahaha you guys thought you could have fun without me on this ritzy little foreign grow site but no deal! the jig is up! other cliches!!!


Active member
What the hell took you so long!!! well the clones are rooting and the seedlings are popping up everywhere! gonna be a great grow year in FL. got Lifesavers, BOGS Meldey, WYDaddy & some AK-48 and some self Crosses of my own. Next crop I want to see is Jazzy getting some seeds of her own!!! Oh Jazzy I am free to take that PIC 4 U :)

The only reason I haven't ordered some seeds is because, well, I don't use credit cards, debit cards, or anything like that. So I can't buy ANYTHING on-line, which sucks...

(I'm just teaching myself to budget. It's about time! lol)

Anyway to buy seeds WITHOUT a VISA? :confused:

And Aqua... sounds good! I plan to catch some rays in the backyard tomorrow afternoon... fenced in yard, so I sometime take my top off! teehee!

(I like tanlines, though... they're so sexy... showin' "no man's land" and all... heh! :D )
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