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Feminized G-13 Gigabud and LEDs


New member
Hey I need some advice from ANYONE. I was real high last night smoking out of my bong. I looked down the bong into the water and noticed a beer cap floating around in the water. I was like 'ah fuck', so I went to my shower and dumped out the water for some fresh love, ya know?. well -- WRONG MOVE !!!......now I have resin all over my shower floor and dont know how to get it off. I guess a little bleach and some elbow grease will win this one?

Any other suggestions thought? Thanks in advance ICmag.

What's the shower floor made of? That would make a huge difference. 2 things that usually work best for me.

1. Sponge with scotchbrite pad on back (be careful with scotchbrite)
Good at getting bigger spots and "chunks" of resin off
2. Mr. Clean magic eraser
gets everything that #1 won't get off


i totally agree about par, and i find it fascinating, as well as the color coming of your lights being very very nice for cannabis, but the intensity thing i speak of is what a heliophylic(lumen luving) plant like this one is going to need to perform her best. we shall see though, as u are right about par watts being whats really going to the plant, watts we pay for , lumens we get, but if theese arent in the right wave length then they dont matter, alot of floros putt out their peak output in green which as we know isnt really needed, mix this with the shitty design of a cfls coil and a 42 watter in actuall par lumes is looking to be more like 20 watts if that. i really want to see much more of this thinking in the future technologies. hope your led turns out great-

Thanks for the good vibes your sending this way. I love the thought of LEDs and the potential benefits and we all know what they are but I just dont know if they will perform. I hope to god they do because I will love life that much more. All in all right now, Im happy with the light. Flowering will completely be a thing of its own but I seriously followed this light around other forums for the last 6-7 months and felt and still feel pretty confident that it will yield.

Me personally, do not think it will beat a 400w hps but before I lite anyones fire just remember its my opinion. I could and possibly might be wrong. Furthermore, if I can produce a gram per watt then I would really rate this light high. If I achieve more then 126 grams then I will be blown away. Cheers


i think that(126g) would be a great yeild but the site itself as youve said and ive checked does say it bumps like a 4 hundo, if there cost wasnt so high id be the first one making experiements, the future is a frugle wasteless abundance.


i think that(126g) would be a great yeild but the site itself as youve said and ive checked does say it bumps like a 4 hundo, if there cost wasnt so high id be the first one making experiements, the future is a frugle wasteless abundance.

What do you mean, it bumps like a 4 hundo? Referring to price and if thats the case yes it is high IMO but that is the story of every LED right now, even the ones that don't work.


Its hard to judge but growth as of right now seems to be quicker than my 600w MH. Couldnt say for certain unless I had a side by side but I dont. Who knows......


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What can I say, I'm pretty upset right now..I detected some fungus gnats, so I thought "fucking great, I love bugs". I think my problem is small right now......

Im not so up on how to get rid of them. To my general knowledge I should stop watering, let the soil become dry and hang 'yellow' sticky cards out. What is something that will destroy the larvae? Something with similar effects of a air born heat seeking missile but wont kill all my beneficial bacterias and such? That would really be great.

Enough typing for now, I have to run to the store and locate some yellow sticky insect traps - whatever, just something yellow and sticky I guess, ya that sounds good. I also think potatoes on the surface draw those little turds out?

Whats your stance on neem oil Icmag? Hate it or love it? God, I'm incredibly high.


i mean is supposed to yeild like a 400 according to the company, which i of course highly highly doubt, is what i meant, id guess it yeilds around what a 150hps does costing 70$. will have to wait n see.


i mean is supposed to yeild like a 400 according to the company, which i of course highly highly doubt, is what i meant, id guess it yeilds around what a 150hps does costing 70$. will have to wait n see.

I catch what your saying. There is not a LED in the world under 180w that could come close to equaling a 400w HPS. I knew that before I bought the light and I still know it using the light. To me it is not all about the yield, I mean yes it is nice but I can get over it when other voids are filled. Those being zero heat, zero secondary cooling, close to zero noise (no inline fans), no bulbs to swap out, no bulbs to replace, and my favorite part, my 50inch plasma TV uses more juice to operate.

I look at it this way if I run a perpetual SOG (witch I plan on doing) and obtain 1 gram per watt then Ill be more then happy pulling 4.5 ounces every 4-5 weeks. The benefits are just to compelling for me, now if I add two more lights then things could just be ridiculous
i mean is supposed to yeild like a 400 according to the company, which i of course highly highly doubt, is what i meant, id guess it yeilds around what a 150hps does costing 70$. will have to wait n see.

That statement is based on the average hps grower only getting .5grams per watt and the LED grower getting 1gram per watt.
What can I say, I'm pretty upset right now..I detected some fungus gnats, so I thought "fucking great, I love bugs". I think my problem is small right now......

Im not so up on how to get rid of them. To my general knowledge I should stop watering, let the soil become dry and hang 'yellow' sticky cards out. What is something that will destroy the larvae? Something with similar effects of a air born heat seeking missile but wont kill all my beneficial bacterias and such? That would really be great.

Enough typing for now, I have to run to the store and locate some yellow sticky insect traps - whatever, just something yellow and sticky I guess, ya that sounds good. I also think potatoes on the surface draw those little turds out?

Whats your stance on neem oil Icmag? Hate it or love it? God, I'm incredibly high.

I am battling fungus gnats as well... I've been keeping populations under control using yellow sticky traps and predatory nematodes... don't sweat it... there's worse things to have :)


That statement is based on the average hps grower only getting .5grams per watt and the LED grower getting 1gram per watt.

the above post makes no sense. If your plannig on getting a half pound every nine weeks with a led light id say u must be joking- as i said in my opening post, intensity intensity intensity,, leds for veg sure, but dont get your hopes up in flower, atleast not to the tune of half a pound ever two months with around 180 watts.

the outside sun is 10,000 lumens per square ft. what are leds? 900? 1500?


the above post makes no sense. If your plannig on getting a half pound every nine weeks with a led light id say u must be joking- as i said in my opening post, intensity intensity intensity,, leds for veg sure, but dont get your hopes up in flower, atleast not to the tune of half a pound ever two months with around 180 watts.

the outside sun is 10,000 lumens per square ft. what are leds? 900? 1500?

To much baggage with the HPS route. For me to go back to HPS I would have to be running a high scale grow but Im not. Im growing in a closet off my master bed room and HPS does not serve my needs.

I ran my 600w cooltube, granted I yield 1.5lbs, the noise would wake my up from the fans and the heat made my nuts sweat, lolz. In the end I had more bud then I knew what to do with. Just keep in mind, not everyone is looking to make money from bud and if that is the case- well then LEDs work quite well.

Enough bickering please. I'm not here saying LED is better anyways and if you want to here it, then fine " your HPS is the best in the whole wide wide world".

All I'm doing is documenting - thats it.


What is something that will destroy the larvae? Something with similar effects of a air born heat seeking missile but wont kill all my beneficial bacterias and such? That would really be great.

Nematodes -> Steinernema feltiae


Got the veg and flower chamber set up in my tent. There are a few more things I need to get that will replace my make shift stuff Im using now. Eitherway you get the idea..

Temps dont climb over 80 as of yet. Once I add the second 126w that may be a different story. All in good time. If temps do climb because that bigass cfl gets pretty hot ill just attach my carbon filter which creates negative pressure in the tent. That will fix that, regardless I will have to add it at some point as soon as the odors start. Once I get my second light ill be able to add three gigabuds down below every week. The flower time is 'only' supposed to be 5 weeks but Ill just have to see about that for myself. So I want to have 5 rows of three, adding three every week and also harvesting three every week. I first have to see what two of these lights will be able to handle or just see what my one can handle and go from there.

So I have some questions for anyone to help me out with. The blanket, you know the stupid one with stares on it.....sadly enough it has to go at some point. Preferably sooner then later. What would be a durable material that I could use in its place, that can be taped in place, able to be removed frequently for access, and of all important - light proof. I actually would like all velcro instead of type but whatever, what do you think would be better?

Overall I'm happy with everything. That above cfl is only 64 watts so all in all I'm consuming 188w and maintaining a female mom and flowering 4 plants at all times. I'm thrilled I guess.


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I have another question for the ICmag electrician. I will be running a total of two fans. One for air movement and one inline axial fan attached to my carbon filter. How do I know what it is drawing in the form of watts with these numbers:

Inline axial fan on filter
Input 120V AC 60Hz
Output 48v DC 500mA

And Fan two
120ac 60Hz 0.03A

What do these numbers mean? lol I am not good at that aspect of the job. Thanks in advance for the help :xmasnut:


Active member
botanist85 - looking good there fellow LED user!!! I'm growing with one 126w as well. I'm looking forward to see how your tent progress's - My next project is to figure out some sort of table to get the plants off the ground a bit - create nute/water storage...



Active member
Also, I've been told Diatomaceous Earth about 1/4-1/2in thick on top of the soil will help with the gnat larvae. I found it at the local nursery down the road. Fairly cheap too.