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Feminization of seeds

yep Marijuanaman, foliar fed the asprin as well, it works to but mainly I just stik to medium aplication from 2nd from last week to last week of vedge, and second week of flowering, I seldom change what works for me ...

just my grain of salt on the subject, I'm not here to convince anyone but I was told to keep my experience on the matter under my hat, so I thought I'd share, before one of you guys/gals hurt yur selfs with dangerous products LOL
I'll stay out of yur thread but I'll say here that, aspirin is much simpler and accesible to every man and woman of our community, and realy works(without the face mask and chemical gloves) ...
geeesh ...


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I can't really say, sophisto, it just happened. It was in Mother Nature's hand, all I did was grow a few seeds. And alot of people complain about selfed plants, aka hermis, so I don;t know where to stand, just glad it happened for me.

Country Mon

Active member
You guys totally crack me up with your baseless fear of silver nitrate. Read the MSDS; it's a totally safe process. All pro seed breeders are doing it with great results now. It's about as dangerous to use as Miracle Grow. You aren't going to be smoking the reversed plant... what are you thinking is going to be dangerous? Are you thinking the seeds are going to contain some chemical that will carry over to the offspring?

STS is simply a formula to inhibit ethylene in female cannabis plants, which results in the formation of male flowers and pollen. It isn't gonna be scrambling DNA or creating mutations or dangerous by-products. While I can fully admire the desire to be fully organic... it gets a bit silly sometimes.

Go over to the Reservoir Seeds forum to get the recipe. Rez listed the link above. This method is tried and true, and is cheap and safe. I posted a big how-to thread back at Cannabis World, but it's gone now.

I have never had success with colloidal silver, and doubt aspirin could be as effective as STS. Why swim up a waterfall? STS works great.
Country Mon said:
I have never had success with colloidal silver, and doubt aspirin could be as effective as STS. Why swim up a waterfall?
Laughing Out Loud ... why dont you put some experience under yur belt? aspirin application works a 100% of the time ... try it out when yur tiered of fucking around ...
since I'm getting some PM here ...

since I'm getting some PM here ...

it would be my pleasure to clarify the posologie ...

that's 2 aspirin, crushed into powder form, diluted in one gal for medium application ... or 1 aspirin, crushed and diluted in 1L for foliage aplication ...

apply 1 week prior to 12/12 regim and end of 2nd week after introduction to 12/12, male flowers will form with what we use to call "survivor pollen" that will produce 100% female seeds when applied upon a sensemilla mama plant ...
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i hope ya dont mind me jumping in here with a quick q's..i am new around here but this thread looked like it had some folks that may help me..

i got a sack of ww lastnight and it came from a buddys grow[indoor hydro] from clones that were from clones and i opened up a bud and about 10 seeds fell out..whats the chance of getting a female from these types of seeds..they look good with color but the size was smaller then most..

thanks and sorry to just jump in like that...

herb weedmen
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very nice information fellas...for us newbies trying to just rip of the violence machine down here in southamerica is a true bless informations like that

thanks mates hope to someday we can all meet and burn nice herbs together

peace and light

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