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Fathers who grow


Hey Gents,

My 7yo son has been diagnosed with Aspergers' Syndrome. It's on the autism spectrum. For the 1st 5 years of his life he threw up almost daily. Children on the spectrum have numerous gut issues and allergies. Doctor after doctor, diet after diet, he threw up.

I read an article about a mom who had given her autistic son cannabis and the turn around was amazing. Following her lead we decided to try canna-tincture. We give him 2 drops every morning.

I can't rememberr the last time he threw up. It has not been since we have been administering the tincture. He would avoid food and who wouldn't if you threw up all the time.

He is now a munching pumpkin man. My wife who would prepare elaborate foods for him for years hoping it would work was severely depressed. She would spoon feed him the healthy organic foods made with love and he would throw up. It was maddness. Nothing can be more heartwrenching than to have a sick child other to lose them to the Grim Reaper.

Needless to say, my wife is estatic as am I. We are so greatful.

Another thing, behaviorially our son has improved markedly. He would have the most intense melt downs. Once I had to grab him and pull him out of a resturant. Outbursts were common. WERE.

Now he is at the top of his class in reading and math. And, making friends. That had been a challenge due to the social akwardness that Aspergers' brings. Today he has a gang of pals that hang out and play together.

His teacher says he is a joy in the class and is exceptionally bright. Before the tincture he was labeled as a "special needs problem child". No more.

Just writing this bring the tears. I am looking into contacting other parents that have had these challenges and found relief in our sweet plant. Autism is on the rise big time. It was 1 in 150 up to 2005. Today autism is showing up in 1 in 90.

The time is right to bring awareness of the value of this wonderful medicine for autism to the world.

Sorry to have ranted here. I'm sorry if I hijacked the thread. I just wanted to share our struggle and our great victory.


That's awesome man.

The powers of cannabis!


is there a post requirement or how long i am a member of ic before i can join ?

got me stumped on this one guys :chin: lemme check on it. I "think" it might be 50 posts as well.back later when i find out
go ahead and try to join the group and see if the system lets you...


How do I join a group?
To join a group, click the group title then click 'Join Group'. When you have joined a group, its name will be shown in your public profile. You must be a logged-in, registered member to join groups.

this is all i could find for now :yes: does not have a post requirement listed
still checking, but i would again encourage you to try it and see if you can join
:friends: see you all down there


There's no option to join the group when i follow the link. Just the group member's avatars and the message "You need to be a member of this group to view its contents"
I would love to participate.

just below that, right in the middle is the click to join option. If that does not work, don't forget us and we will see you when you can join :ying:
still trying to find out for you guys.... patience please :smoke:


Along with three great sons (30,29,&7) I also have a sweet lil grandaughter. She just turned 2. thanks for all your kind words and such a warm welcome.


LOL, I am a father and a grandfather. Guess they kind of go together.
Funny thing is that I am a second generation grower. My father grew and taught me. And now my 18 year old son wants to learn to grow. He grew up with a grow room in the house, but I decided early on that I wasn't going to have him helping me till he got to be at least 18 unlike me who was learning about growing at 12 and actually doing it along side my father at 14. There was a different attitude about it in the 70's though. Or at least that is how I percieved it.

Anyhow, great idea for a thread.


well il be able to join as soon as my baby girl arrives on the 20th december



Gentlemen it is 50 posts + 7 days as a member as posted in the link above. Hope to see you all there :yes:

blackburngrower - a very Merry Christmas indeed :wave:

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danny karey

Congradulations on the baby girl man!!! Thats great news, when ya get 50 posts would like to see ya join the group.

Goodluck man!!!

You can count me in, as soon as I get my thread count up. Nice to see all the dads around.

Wilson! my oldest girl has Aspergers' Syndrome along with Celiac disease. I find your post very interesting.

Peace all, hope to see you soon,

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