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Fast Fungi / Myco Mother Culture Mix


Living with the soil
Quote: "How do you know how long to brew the tea for? Do you wait for the foaming to stop? Do you scrape away the nasty looking foam stuff at the top?"

I guess these^^^^^ questions are where I thought you weren't experienced with teas,and if you ask how long to brew a tea...that would be a strong indicator that a person wasn't experienced.
I make my own Lactobacillus cultures for AACT and brew 35 gallon batches of AACT at a time.
I also collect BIM's and make a culture from that to use for AACT.
I have read MM's stuff and have come to understand a lot from his work.
You can make a tea from anything...but that's not the basis of keeping it simple as we are told. Had you mentioned that you wanted to use what you had left in your first posting here,I would have probably had a different answer to the questions which made it look like you were unfamilar with the brewing process and the ingredients.
I have made teas using several things that I didn't really need..so I would say that as long as the products you mention are of a natural/organic origin you could make a tea using them,but that's not what we are taught to do by MM,CTguy,and CC,etc...so I merely suggested a common simple tea.
We are a bunch of "do it yourself" types here and a lot of us use different simple variations on the basic AACT recipe.
And as MM has also mentioned,the foam tells you nothing,it can be messy...but that is really nothing in my book to worry about.
Beneficial fungi takes on many helpful duties for us, breaking down nutes, fighting off problems in the root zone & leaves, etc, etc.

Cool set of vids of a nematode getting owned.



Mind Blowing Vids =

Cordyceps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuKjBIBBAL8&NR=1

* Wish I could find the cordyeps species that targets the head of the spidermite..

Time Lapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDkLFcCZyI&feature=fvw


Veggie garden is looking great after the culture tea feed & foliar coating.
Thought I would share this new finding.

4 days ago I took a small white chuck of the fungi culture & brewed a EJ bloom / oatmeal / molasses tea.

Went to feed tonight & found something strange floating around in the thick foam.

Wasn't sure what it was until it got pored out & come to find out these 3 mushrooms caps formed inside the tea.


I buried them in the soil :)

Got to do a longer brew expiriment to what all I can get growing in there & how big I can get them.


Here is a cool new thread of "freemans" mother plant growing mushrooms: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=3720169#post3720169
Come to find out that that the Ecto caps forming in the tea is said to be next to impossible from the experts here.

Im going to attempt to do it again, lets hope mother nature will bless me with another miracle.

Day 4





More info soon.


Active member
Do you have any better pictures of those mushrooms? Do they have an external spore surface?

Mushrooms are so cool and there is so much experimenting to do with them, especially in relation to cannabis.

Keep up the good work!
The pic of the 3 caps sitting on the soil (that came out of the tea) is all I took, thought it was cool but nothing controversial.

They were very slimy & smooth on both sides with no gills to be seen but I doubt they were fully formed.

Regret not keeping them brewing to see how large they get but im hopeful that I can replicate it again & this time I will document it better.

Going into flower now so I got over 2 months of fungus culture bloom teas planned.

This is when the fungus culture teas really do there thing.
Brrr its getting cold down in the basement where im brewing - normally I wouldn't bother running a water heater in my brewer (mostly wasteful electric usage) but since I have one, im pretty sure the fungi will thank me for giving them a nice warm bath.

Cant remember whats best but im thinking 80deg F ?
Cool hash ball :)

Wiki don't specify what temp for Endo or Ecto but does for Trich.



From Wikipedia

Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Hypocreales
Family: Hypocreaceae
Genus: Trichoderma
Diversity: about 35 species

Trichoderma is a genus of fungi that is present in all soils, where they are the most prevalent culturable fungi. Many species in this genus can be characterized as opportunistic avirulent plant symbionts.[1]

Cultures are typically fast growing at 25-(30C or 86F), but will not grow at 35°C. Colonies are transparent at first on media such as cornmeal dextrose agar (CMD) or white on richer media such as potato dextrose agar (PDA). Mycelium are not typically obvious on CMD, conidia typically form within one week in compact or loose tufts in shades of green or yellow or less frequently white. A yellow pigment may be secreted into the agar, especially on PDA. Some species produce a characteristic sweet or 'coconut' odor.

* Not that Trich is what im trying for or at least I think ?

Maybe that was a tightly knit glob of Trich fibers ? LOL

Trich is good stuff for plants & somehow manages some sort of co-existing with Endo & Ecto.

But what im specificly trying to do is get Ecto caps to growing the tea & from my short life as a Psyco mush farmer I think fruiting temps were in the 80's ?