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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Your message emanates with peace my brother!
Please come in for a visit!
We have missed you! :jump:


stoned there was a few good moms and teens at the last market,mostly purple kush and some other purples. GKG had some nice headband teens also


Active member
check the website for what mom's and teens GKG has on hand.

bandit, glad to see you're back around. hope we run into one another at the market sometime. it would be nice to meet you.


My HT Med Cup Experience

My HT Med Cup Experience

Hey all just wanted to stop in and share my experience at yesterday's 1st Annual HighTimes Medical Cannabis Cup. First as some of you know I have been to the actually Cannabis Cup in Amstredam and this was better and worse for various reasons. The Pro's were: the people (I met DJ Short, Ken "Ken's GDP", BOG, owners of Harborside and BPG, and many more), the seminars were surprisingly insightful and audience driven, the ability to medicate on site, the freedom of being searched, music, and last but not least the multitude of beautiful women. The things I though could be improved upon were organization, no samples of the enteries, seating and rest areas, heat issues, sound issues in seminar room, and WATER WATER WATER!! Not to mention the biggest downfall in my opinion was the lack of judges. You know for each catagory ther were only 2-3 jugdes!?! Why do 2 people have the power to say what's best over a democratic voting system. And 2 oz (or 30something grams of hash or 30 something medibles) between 2 people over two days is absolutely crazy, my throat hurts thinking about it. One of the medible jugdes said after 17 edibles the towel in her hotel started to move next thing she knew she woke up in bed the next afternoon. Well what the fuck?? Who needs 17 medibles and at that point there is no possible way of knowing what has what effect, duration, burnout, ect. Anyways the judgeing part really seemed to be down right dumb. But what ever, it just makes me appreciate GKG that much more. We have such a great system and I'm really trying to spread the word as much as I can. I also had to tell you all you've been ripped off. I saw flyers posted all over the place...a new "farmers market" is starting in SF with very similar connotations, only on sat, people from all over come and only bring the best, yadayadadyada. Anyways I'm sure you may not be the first but immitaion is the highest form of flattery so take it with a grain of salt.

Oh and I hope to get some space sometime hopefully by or before winter so I can find some new keepers to bring up to the market. Thanks again for introducing us Payaso, BOG REALLY really hooked it up and it was great to talk with him over beers and a joint. Goodtimes to say the least. I was even lucky enough to try his own organically grown, perfectly cured Sour Bubble, and wow! No wonder it's so hyped, I've smoked Sour Bubble before, but nothing like that. It actually had a lime undertone that is best described as addicting. Delish to say the least, one of those down to the last hit delicious type of medicine, oh and she's strong to boot.

Anywho long story short: GKG has constitently made me realize that this industry can thrive and be compassionate. And thrive in a soulful sense not monatarily. HT is very money driven and this is apparent for more reasons than I want to go into, but I just had to say you all have it right and could show these big dogs how to thing correct.

Peace, love, and respect.



New member
I bought some great cuts of purple kush at the market beginning of may, I've been back twice since then,wasnt able to get the purple kush,picked up some great cuts of papaya and trainwreck, but, I really want to get some more of the purple kush, any idea when that guy will be back with more ??? I live in sac , while its not the other end of the world,its over a 2 hr ride , which I will happily take to get some more of this kush.....
Thanks for any info !!


New member
We simply vote on the favorite edible judged on most effective, best tasting. I hope we see some of that fabulous cashew brittle that turtlefarmer has brought in the past. Everyone needs to get their entry in by July 3rd with exception of the edibles which can be brought in on the 4th.
lol that was my wife that made him the brittle for the last cup,she also gave him the recipe , and , a couple weeks back , my wife also gave some brittle to the lady at the market (greeter) , I believe her name might have been cat ? She (wife) also told me that she'll enter a recipe if you needed one for the cup, as long as we dont have to be there on the 4th, we have other plans unfortunately, is bringing them to the market on this sat good ? she'll bring the brittle also,it'll keep fine unrefridgerated for several weeks, the entry she would bring would be in need of a fridge because it contains chocolate , is this a problem ? .... the brittle will be a gift to you guys/gals to do with as you will,she'll bring a cookie tin of it, the other recipe, i believe i red somewhere that you need 56 pieces/ doses for the edible entry, correct ?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes saturday works.. loved the brittle and yes 56 samples should be ample..

We started the cup as a fun little local competition. Nothing serious.. just a good time for members and as it has grown and spread out over the counties we still try to totally maintain the event for the pure pleasure of the plant and with the intention of bringing like minded people together for showing off their pride and joy.
I love a good party!! :greenstars:


Man i cant wait to experience the farmers market i look forward to being around like minded people in OKLAHOMA if you even mention weed or the like they look at you like your satan or something its quite ridiculous.
IM LOOKING FORWARD TO MY MOVE TO KELSEYVILLE!!!!!!!! I hope to meet nice kind people who enjoy to discuss important topics and enjoy each others company!!!! Around here if your not talking cattle or working cattle they dont care!!!!


BTW quik question...just wondering are the people around clearlake overly religous ...just wondering I'm a Deist myself(believe in GOD but not the bible or religion) I'm fine with it either way but around oklahoma if yuour not christian then you are looked down upon by the churchs and MUST be saved!!! I hate that I'm perfectly fine the way i am and know more about the bible than most who worship it!!!! I just want to live where ones beliefs are not scoffed at and rediculed just because they are different than the norm


The revolution will not be televised.....
If you dont smoke alot of meth and have sores all on your face then you prolly wont fit in no matter what your relig.!! Just kidding!! Clearlake is great man and the people are down to earth as can be. Hopefully you will enjoy the community and the water as much as I do when im there. As far as relig goes you honestly will be living in a melting pot of all types and your veiws will be free to be your own. In Cali they look down on ya for other things rather than which God you pray to. Good luck either way and make sure to go see the ladies at GK to obtain the finest in herbal everything.


GOD!!!!! i hate meth it is the TRUE scurge of earth ive watched family and friends waste everything away cause of that drug I HATE IT!!!! i tried it twice(yrs ago) and couldnt stand the feeling THANK GOD!!!!! i wish to god it didnt exist!!!!!
hey gary you will learn fast that pretty much everyone is accepted in california. don't worry i guarantee that your quality of life will be better than ever. especially having gkg in your backyard. i envy you my friend. welcome to the golden coast. haha tokentreasures is just letting us know that teen plants will be available at the market. peace bro.
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