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Expected yield from 400w?

What can I expect for a yield per plant from a 58000 lumen 400 w HPS? Vegged for about 3 months, kept my pH perfect, little problems. ive read that people were getting 2-3 ounces per plant using higher watt lights but i cant find anything regarding 400w.
Enough to keep you happy until your next harvest?

5-8 ounces total is something to be personally satisfied with from a 400w in my opinion.
thanks. even tho i have about 15 plants its still pretty much the same yield right?

Personally, I don't know if you can get more with that number of plants under a 400w, but there is a ceiling to how much a 400w can produce. Hopefully, you find that ceiling, wherever it is. A half ounce per plant might certainly be reasonable I would think perhaps, but I haven't done it. Good luck and have fun!


european ganja growers
one 400w hps wont be anuff for 15 plants that have had 3 month veg bro (unless there LST/scrog big style)..it just dont cover unuff space and will struggle to penetrate the canopy..remember your plants are going to grow 2/3 times the hight thay are now when in flower.. try and get your hands on another 400:yes:....

now 40 cuts on the other hand (SOG), veg for 1 weeks in 1ltr pots with coco= 1 plant 10gram dryed= 400gram dryed bud = 1gram per watt = 400 gram dryed bud (in theory lol) :woohoo:.....
lots off small plants under a 400 work better bro (well thats my thought anyway)..

keep it green
^exactly. the general rule is that for every square foot of canopy you should have 50 watts of light for that space. This means a 400w will only lay down a footprint of approx 2x4, or 8 square feet. Sure you could use a bigger space, but the light density will decrease the further you raise the light off the plants. 15 plants with 3 months veg flowering under a 400 is unrealistic. It would just be too crouded and would result in alot of super airy buds due to lack of light penetration. If you were to spread out 15 small clones and veg for a week, then flower, you'd have a much better and efficient design.

My advise would be to cram 4 or 5 of your plants in a 2x4 area, if possible. Tie the stems down to create a fat, even canopy of leaves (maximizes your light efficiency). Use as large of containers as you can- the more roots, the more bud. Be prepared for alot of additional tying down later during flowering when the plants stretch. Good luck!


On a previous grow i grew 2 plants in a 60x60x180cm tent using a 400w hps and my end results was plant (a) 4.5oz and plant (b) 5oz so 9.5oz of bud thats 266g all together. I started from seed and vegged them for just short of 3 months, and took about 10weeks from when i flipped to 12/12. The one thing i need to point out tho is i grew in coco not soil


imho the best bet for high commercial type yields in SOG..all the major breeders base their yeild/sm on using a sog grow...you need a nice indica dom plant,and if its a sativa,make sure its a fairly early finisher..grow a mother plant,then take anywhere from 16-36 clones,depending on you space,preference..i prefer 25..thewn as soon as theyr nicely rooted,place the clones in small sqaure pots filled with coco/perlite..or any other medium you use (dwc works great for sog)....i use sqaure 6*6in pots...i can fit around 25 plants CONFROTABLE under a 400 hps,with more room to spare!if i want to i can place around 64 plants under there!!

start flowering asap ionce theyr in the pots..theyll stretch and fisnish to arouynd 1ft-2fty..depneding on light/strain,etc..it will be one main bud,since the plant didnt have time to grow lateral branches..each plant can yeild around 10-15 DRY grams,though this can be MUCH higher depdning on light/strain/experience...

you guys make the math

6 by 6 rows of 6in sqaure pots filled with coco coir..each plant yields 15 grams dry..thats 540 grams or 19.04 OUNCES!!

this is HIGHLY possible..especiaLLY with a nice commericla strain like bigbud,chronic,northern lights etc...ofcourse yrmv...you can get only around 5 grams per plant..it all depnds...but with a sog grow..the results are endless...

imho if you NOT growing a gram per watt....you have to work on dialing your grow in...what i like bets,is each plant is the top cola(most potent part of plant)..and there is no veg,so with 2 400 hpos..you can harvest more than a pound every 4 weeks..i dnt know about you ..but a pound will hold me down for a month..lol


Active member
yeah for highest yield I would go for 25 like mobbDeep said in 5x5x6 inch pots starting from clones maybe a week for babies to get used to new pots and soil and flower them you should get around 14 zips ,a half oz dry from each one maybe a little more from the ones in that sweet spot.I want to try 40 under a 400 I will probably have to add more light but I figure that I can get 20 zips out of it at least a lb. if conditions are optimum
thanks everyone. im flipping them tomorrow so i just took my few star pupils and i will do them only. i would rather have higher quality than quantity. i just didnt know and overdid it.
mannn, we got so owned by this thread lol

first grow for us was 4 plants under a 400 watt hps after 9 week veg under 400 watt mh and we got like 4 zips. major nitrogen overdose throughout all of the plants lives. this made us laugh :) we got some good tips though and realized how noob we are.


Wow, this is a good thread. I use 2 400s in a 4x4x8, and have been kinda dumming my way around it. Just confirms to me that running many clones ASAP after rooting is the way to go. Thanks all that put in their 2 cents here, good stuff to chew on.
thanks to everyone who posted in here it was very helpful. i moved up and got another light rather than pulling any girls. ended up with 15. 3 weeks into flower today and they look awesome! also started a new batch today. said f*%k it and planted 50. time to grow some balls eh?


I've crammed 12 plants (six weeks veg) in 3-5 gallon pails under a 400W in a little over a 2'x4' area (one sq meter) 8 week flower = One pound of dry bud. Other grows with 5-6 plants I've gotten 8+ ounces.


anyone who tells you different cant possibly know what they are doing, i got 1 and a little more than 3/4 lbs from my last grow, and i only gave them the full 800 watts in the last couple weeks! thats too close to 2lbs

all i had was 14 plants in a 4x4x7 cab




click my last grow link in my sig, everything is there, and "word to the wise" BLAZEONEUP is one of the few thats known for his hydro and soil grow techniques and overall yields, check him out. a lot of what i did is based on some of the things that he has done. always give credit where credit is do


yeah for highest yield I would go for 25 like mobbDeep said in 5x5x6 inch pots starting from clones maybe a week for babies to get used to new pots and soil and flower them you should get around 14 zips ,a half oz dry from each one maybe a little more from the ones in that sweet spot.I want to try 40 under a 400 I will probably have to add more light but I figure that I can get 20 zips out of it at least a lb. if conditions are optimum

My freind that the beuty of a true commercial sog grow..there is no limit to how many plant you can put udner each light..you can DEF fit way more than 40 plants under a single 400w hps..and froget about adding more lgihts..as the canpty will be even,so light dispersal will be even ,and the plants stay short,so no side lighting is required...

What seems to be popular is using 1 liter sida bottles for a sog grow clones from root to 12/12..you can EASILY put around 49-64 p[lants under a 400 w hps..using soda bottles...but wait,thats STILL not the limit..

You want some REAL fun man..use those smaller machine soda bottles...that ones that cost a dollar..like thew onesn that DRBUDGREENJEANS uses..fit around 100+,flowered asap as they root...in a coco coir/perlite medium (harder to get rootbound than soil) with nice good nutes...you can get around 10 grams dry,maybe 5...either way that 500 to 1000 grams!!!!!:woohoo:

17.6 ounces or 35.32 ounces per each light...no alot of people will thnk what i just said is false or simply not possible..but if you need proof visit dr buds thread on micro grows...ofcurse uf you wanna reach the 1000 gram point,you really need your strain dialed in,maybe a 600 or 1000w wont hurt...

like i said if your not making ATLEAST 1 g/w..then you aint workin your grow properly IMHO...peace

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