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Dual 126 watt LED GPW grow


Girls look nice genetics, was curious what you have goin on on the left side of the led's? Are those plants being lit by the 600w you had in there last round?

It's a loooooooong story, bot no they are not from the last round. Right now they are just sitting there with a couple 80 watt shop lights over them but I'm working on getting 2 205 watt LED'S from someone I know and setting them up. The problem is the plants range from 2 foot to 6 inches. I borrowed the 600 for the first grow and I could get that one but it's to warm now for this room.
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OK folks sorry for the long delay. A friend got tossed and we all got a little nervous so I cut them on the 27th.

Out of the eight plants I ended up with 332 grams. The largest one dried out to 59 grams. Also take into consideration that I cut everything off the stalks and everything is smokable. I took them a week early but that wouldn't have made that big of difference.

My next grow will be with 2-126 watters and 2-205 watters. It will be a few weeks before we get started because I want to see if there's any fallout from our friend. We don't expect any, but hey, you never know.:gday:


New member
1.3 grams per watt?? wow these lights are pretty impresive pitty production costs are still pretty high...great grow Genetics real inspirational... how was the smoke? any quality differences from HPS grows?


Active member
OK folks sorry for the long delay. A friend got tossed and we all got a little nervous so I cut them on the 27th.

Out of the eight plants I ended up with 332 grams. The largest one dried out to 59 grams. Also take into consideration that I cut everything off the stalks and everything is smokable. I took them a week early but that wouldn't have made that big of difference.

My next grow will be with 2-126 watters and 2-205 watters. It will be a few weeks before we get started because I want to see if there's any fallout from our friend. We don't expect any, but hey, you never know.:gday:

Pretty damn good for a week early. Do you have any end photos to show us? :)


just wanted to stop in and say...

this thread impressed me.
even tho the grower didnt have everything perfect, dialed in, and optimal, they still garnered over that 'holy' 1gpw mark.

im, for one, impressed.

now bring the costs down on these things, and youve got a revolution on your hands.

thanks for taking the time to update the thread thru all of lifes curveballs. i know it can be tough sometimes.

but, i just wanted to say, thanks, and ya did a fine job.
those lights are finally, really, starting to make a good argument against HIDs arent they...

Out of the eight plants I ended up with 332 grams. The largest one dried out to 59 grams. Also take into consideration that I cut everything off the stalks and everything is smokable. I took them a week early but that wouldn't have made that big of difference.


Hey ledgirl, doesn't guiness have a rule that records can't be broken without proof?


please dont tell me someone's trying to pull the wool over our eyes....
that wouldnt be a smart move.

i wouldnt mind seeing some photographical proof, as well.

not to say i dont trust ya, n all....



Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been on much. We had a very close friend that was arrested and our entire group decided to get things cleaned up for a while.:yoinks: I wasn't in to mood to take anymore pictures and it wasn't a concern at that time. I'm sorry some might infer that I'm being dishonest, but I'm not going to take pics of trimmed weed, scales and the such. I think the grow pictures speak for themselves. The same as these lights speak for themselves. Although some of the comments in this forum get's me upset, I refuse to be part of these arguments. I think anyone that grows much can see there's 40 grams per plant on them.

I'll be starting a new grow soon. It will be with 2-126 watters and 2-205 watters. I'll be growing Dutchgrown seeds, C99, Sweetest Cindy 99, Dieserella and Brainfreeze. The plants are nearly vegged and the clones will be cut soon. I didn't want to run the seedplants because of the size they will get in my limited area. See ya'll soon.:tiphat:

Sorry, I didn't read the other posts. The smoke was no different than under any other light. Very sticky buds and a nice high.

Epod, I kept them short by dropping the lights to withing 3 or 4 inches early in their growth.
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Well it was a great grow regardless and security comes 1st so sh!t happens, we are all here to share or learn and all deserve to be show the respect we give to others...play nice...


Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been on much. We had a very close friend that was arrested and our entire group decided to get things cleaned up for a while.:yoinks: I wasn't in to mood to take anymore pictures and it wasn't a concern at that time. I'm sorry some might infer that I'm being dishonest, but I'm not going to take pics of trimmed weed, scales and the such. I think the grow pictures speak for themselves. The same as these lights speak for themselves. Although some of the comments in this forum get's me upset, I refuse to be part of these arguments. I think anyone that grows much can see there's 40 grams per plant on them.

I'll be starting a new grow soon. It will be with 2-126 watters and 2-205 watters. I'll be growing Dutchgrown seeds, C99, Sweetest Cindy 99, Dieserella and Brainfreeze. The plants are nearly vegged and the clones will be cut soon. I didn't want to run the seedplants because of the size they will get in my limited area. See ya'll soon.:tiphat:

Sorry, I didn't read the other posts. The smoke was no different than under any other light. Very sticky buds and a nice high.

Epod, I kept them short by dropping the lights to withing 3 or 4 inches early in their growth.

Im sorry genetics but this is exactly why we are asking for pictures, I see thousands perpetually and can see the difference between a 20gram plant and a 60 gram plant.

You can say that you got a certain number, can't argue that, regardless of what we believe you have created a situation denying anyone who questions you with some proof, even ledgirl asked for pics.

No one is doubting her lights and engaging this to argue her LED capabilities, i think people are asking because they doubt you.

Either way Enjoy the smoke and thanks for the show.


If you think I care what anyone else thinks, or doesn't think, you're mistaken. I don't even trim the plants where I grow because of the smell. If you think I'm carrying scales along with branches of plants in a garbage bag to appease the naysayers guess again. Where I live I'd be lucky not to go to prison for growing these plants.

I did the grow for LEDGirl and to document a grow for myself. It's to bad people have to be cynical. But that's not my problem. I'm doing another grow soon. And I'll post pictures that make me feel comfortable. If someone chooses to question my honesty and integrity, that's on them. I'm not trying to be rude, but what other people think or don't think doesn't mean anything to me. Honestly, I think it pisses some people off that these lights did what they did. And I'm shooting for my next grow to be double what this one was. If anyone wants to stop in, that's cool. But if they think I'm being dishonest, why bother.


Why delete post # 58 where i apologize for sounding cynical in post #56 ?

I only pointed out that i agree with the security risk your taking by carrying the scales and pot together!

If you think I care what anyone else thinks, or doesn't think, you're mistaken. I don't even trim the plants where I grow because of the smell. If you think I'm carrying scales along with branches of plants in a garbage bag to appease the naysayers guess again. Where I live I'd be lucky not to go to prison for growing these plants.

I then apologized for sounding pissy in my comment
Im sorry genetics but this is exactly why we are asking for pictures, I see thousands perpetually and can see the difference between a 20gram plant and a 60 gram plant.

Again i understand no one but you can tell us how much you got in the end because you where the only one able to see what the scales said.

Sorry Genetics for sounding rude,
Enjoy your smoke!