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Dry Happy Brother


Karma Genetics

Z1on Here is some info on Happy Brother

When I was working in a coffeeshop in 1996 we used to get some weed called Happy Brother
It was the strongest herb I smoked in those years. As I was also growing at that time I really wanted to grow this oh so tasty herb myself. So I asked that supplier if I could get some seeds from it. He told me he got the herb from an old Rasta man in Amsterdam. The brother of this Rasta grew this herb for his brother because he was paralyzed, the original grower said he made it but I don’t think so because he did not have any seeds. Then it went silent and I didn’t see this supplier for almost 2 years. In 1998 he came walking in with a new supplier of the Happy Brother and he brought me 3 clones’ that really looked like shit. The first grow I did with it was so special to see a plant produce my most favourite smoke. And up to this day it still is my most favourite smoke.

It is not a big yielder, but it’s very strong against insects and diseases. It makes rock hard little nugs that don’t shrink much when dried. It flowers for about 9 to 10 weeks.

But the taste and the effect is what this is all about. The taste is very hard for me to describe I have not smoked any other herb that tastes like this. I am sure all smokers will really like the taste.


Hey KG, finaly i found your little hide, what you asked is to be done, give me a few weeks and im ready. anyway nice little thread, and the buds so dank :D
This looks kinda like that Clever man nug thread bud, in frostiness. I cant wait to grow some shit like that :D. I wanna have my bowls melt when i hit them :p

Karma Genetics

Thanks for the fine reactions. Happy Brother is what we all should smoke it would make the world a better place. Even the worst trolls will be friendly afther smoking this. It just makes you sit and smile.


Active member
can you try to describe the smell and taste.....fruity, dank, skunky, hashy, afghanish? they look great man, nice job.

Karma Genetics

Its a hard to discribe tastse. First thing i think of is flowers it's got a fatty taste and the taste stays in your mouth for long. Its also got somthing sweet. It's realy a different taste then any other weed i smoked. See it ones and you will always recanise

Maybe Esben can also try to discribe it he smoked it.
Definitely a good looker!! If you would like to share, what is the lineage of Happy Brother? and how'd the name come up? You should give me a taste I'll describe her for ya :biglaugh:
