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Dr. in the house? ear and throat..


Active member
so you know how it is when u get the crop in u smoke all kinds... etc. i made some hash, probably smoked 3.5-4 grams(1-1.5 week time) and noticed my throat started to get soar... common for hash smoking. so about 3-4 days ago i quit smoking the hash, started cutting back AND started vaporizing 9/10 hits a day. coughing fits coming out of no-where; ill wake up at night just to cough, my lymphnodes(sp?) under my jaw feel a bit tender and the indentation behind my left ear feels pain, a dull ach, with a stabing pinch every now-and-then. feels like a ear/throat infection comming on... :badday: so besides drinking way more water(already started) and doing an ocasional salt-water gargle(warm water yuch) what else is sugested...??

im unenployed and uninsured, otherwise id go to a doc. :bashhead: :fsu:
maybe should see if i can get some anti-biotics? :spank: :laughing:


Active member
just quite ANY kind of smoking, and drink a lot.

A lot of cool orange juice, and lemon ice cream.

It's a common infection of the upper lung trait: tonsils, ear duct, and lynphonodes.

I wouldn't take an antiobiotic without a medical advice, anyhow if it get worse visit a medic that will prescribe you the correct dose of antibiotic/chorticosteroid.

The main reason of the insurgence of your infection anyhow, are the temp jumps that weaken your immunitary system. What you want to avoid now are quick change of temps, especially from ACs.


Active member
gramsci.antonio said:
just quite ANY kind of smoking, and drink a lot.

A lot of cool orange juice, and lemon ice cream.

It's a common infection of the upper lung trait: tonsils, ear duct, and lynphonodes.

I wouldn't take an antiobiotic without a medical advice, anyhow if it get worse visit a medic that will prescribe you the correct dose of antibiotic/chorticosteroid.

The main reason of the insurgence of your infection anyhow, are the temp jumps that weaken your immunitary system. What you want to avoid now are quick change of temps, especially from ACs.

thanks man! i dont smoke cigs, and only vaped one hit today....(6pm...)

i guess ill get some OJ, been drinking this minutemaid pmagranite/blueberry/apple/grape/raspberry mix and water.

its funny u mention the temps. my house's a/c is shitty and dosent cool most of the rooms, and my bedroom is so hot by 10-11am im awakened by sweat stuck to the sheets... just moved a 5K BTU a/c into my room, so your saying not to use it? or dont make it real cold? i feel sick in general so im sleeping alot and trying to keep the house a constant 78.... the a/c helps me keep my window closed at night, when the real cold air normal came in. ima try an find a free-clinic in my area. its so shitty being broke... :violin:


Active member
thanks man! i dont smoke cigs, and only vaped one hit today....(6pm...)

i guess ill get some OJ, been drinking this minutemaid pmagranite/blueberry/apple/grape/raspberry mix and water.

its funny u mention the temps. my house's a/c is shitty and dosent cool most of the rooms, and my bedroom is so hot by 10-11am im awakened by sweat stuck to the sheets... just moved a 5K BTU a/c into my room, so your saying not to use it? or dont make it real cold? i feel sick in general so im sleeping alot and trying to keep the house a constant 78.... the a/c helps me keep my window closed at night, when the real cold air normal came in. ima try an find a free-clinic in my area. its so shitty being broke... :violin:

the problem arise when you are all sweated and you go in a cooler room, or stay in front of a fan.

Using the AC is not bad, unless you have problem to the cardio-respiratory trait, the problem is that often people switch repeatedly from an AC ambient to a hot ambient, eg: inside/outside the house, car, shops....

So just be careful to avoid quick change of temps, especially when you are covered in sweat, and never ever let the sweat dry in a cool ambient.



You guys are crazy. If you feel sick for over a week, go see a doctor, may be bacterial infection. Up to one week, then gets better, probably viral infection.


sounds like it can be dry throat and if you further irritate it by coughing and hacking then it might become soar and infected.

try throat spray and drink plenty of water. It might also help to get a little exercise to free up some of the dry stuff in the lungs. the nodes under the jaw are probably tender because you are constantly pressing on them or because of the violent physical of the cough. In standard illness, they become swollen but they usually do not hurt.

in regards to antibiotics. an MD or RN is best suited to offer those but i can say that if you do not have green/yellow sputum (the fluid the lungs and throat hack up), then you prob dont have a bacterial infection. bacterial infections are usually assisted with fluid build up. Also does sound like a viral infection, perhaps a minor epiglottitis or strep throat

since it does sound viral and not bacterial, I would goto a doctor asap if it gets much worse. epiglottitis, for example, can be deadly. If you want to wait it out, give it 2 weeks. most viral infections never last longer than a couple weeks in a healthy person.

lastly, in a viral infection, the thraot can feel quite dry and harsh, salt water might make it worse. salt gargle is often good for bacterial infection but not viral.

i`ll smoke one for ya, bud. :rasta:



me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i had this happen to me, but it only happened when i smoked though. and that was all the time since my crop had come in. i was smokin alotta blunts though and than started to use a fiber filter, it helped but i was too far gone, not even smokin a bowl, water or dry, helped the coughing any, so i stopped blazin for a month. never smoke cigs or anything else, just the ganj, so i thought i would be ok, just the body tellin me that it needed a break, which is cool.


Active member
yea actualy i drank a whole bottle of OJ(1L) and the juice burned the shit out of my throat... think i was smokeing too much, my throat is feeling 50% better, but my ear still feels wierd/pain, ill get over it. my gag reflex was so sensative for a while that if i even started to smoke i would cough and throw up.. probably my bodys way of saying 'quit it!'.... thanks for the help.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

yeah i feel ya on the E-N-T issues ...the best advice anyone can give you for starters is to lay off the carcinogens for a while. let your lungs heal for about a month. If you need to get high, cook it up. i had an old bottle of Amoxicillin chillin in my med cabinet that really sped up the healing process when i was in your same boots. Im sure if you called around, you can find a friend or relative who has a half used bottle remaining. coughin up phlegm is no way to live.


LiLWaynE said:
i had an old bottle of Amoxicillin chillin in my med cabinet that really sped up the healing process when i was in your same boots. Im sure if you called around, you can find a friend or relative who has a half used bottle remaining. coughin up phlegm is no way to live.

dude.... dont say that...

dont play god with the bodies physiology unless you know what you are doing.
if you cant tell the difference between a viral and bacterial infection, then dont tell people shit that is harmful.

Phlegm is mucus. often times, phlegm is caused from the body trying to rid physical objects. OR, if it is yellow/green in color it signifies infection. if people do not have discolored phlegm then 99.9% of the time, you rule out infection. dont take anti-biotics if you dont know what you are doing.

90% of the time, Acute bronchitis is viral and not bacterial, meaning anti-biot is harmful.
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pSi007 said:
dude.... dont say that...

dont play god with the bodies physiology unless you know what you are doing.
if you cant tell the difference between a viral and bacterial infection, then dont tell people shit that is harmful.

Phlegm is mucus. often times, phlegm is caused from the body trying to rid physical objects. OR, if it is yellow/green in color it signifies infection. if people do not have discolored phlegm then 99.9% of the time, you rule out infection. dont take anti-biotics if you dont know what you are doing.

90% of the time, Acute bronchitis is viral and not bacterial, meaning anti-biot is harmful.

No offense but you can't make a decision based solely on phlegm/color. Both viral and bacterial infections can cause an exudate. To see an infection you can order a complete blood count which shows the amount of white blood cells (elevated or normal), along with vitals (temperature, respiration rate, etc) and other symtoms (redness, edema, heat, cough, etc). Finding an infection is the easy part, distinguishing between viral and bacterial is the hard part, sometimes with the patient demanding antibiotics when it is viral. Best thing would be to use a diagnostic technique such as culture or rapid strep test, but that is another story.


Well I'm not going to say that you sound like this kind of sick or that kind of sick. When I got that exact type of symptoms it was an ear and lung problem and didn't get better untill I got a super antibiotic from the doc and cut waaay back on smoking.

Anyways antibiotics You can get amoxicillin from online pet stores. $30 for 100 250mg pills. I use these when my dog gets UTI from not being able to clean her vagina. That saves me $500 a year which is what the vet appointments cost when this problem comes up. Finally a nice vet told me what to do and it's been easy and cheap ever since. A Dr. friend of mine said its okay for us to take them but the binders can cause upset stomach easier.

My uncle, who has no insurance and can't get state health plan has been using these antibiotics for 10 years. They say not safe for humans but whatever.

I have insurance so thankfully I don't have to go through this anymore but when I was younger and destitute I found a clinic in town for the homeless and they saw me and gave me antibiotics for a total of $5.

Not condoning the pet meds but they work and its how a lot of people I know do it.
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texsativa said:
No offense but you can't make a decision based solely on phlegm/color.

damn, i wrote 5,000 words and the shit was deleted by my web browser. Anyway, you are wrong. I diagnose respiratory emergencies by; respiratory rates and depth, and sometimes by OXY levels, as well as any blockage. discolored sputum is 100% infection. This tells me there is respiratory blockage. since you are a pill chopper and not involved in Emergency service, you would not know. You are not an MD. MDs dont attack paramedics by debunking our field techniques. MDs do need to preach against non trained people eating random antibiotics. If people told me their doctor told them to take AMOX for a sore and dry throat, I would report your ass asap and ask where the hell you got your medical certification. In all emergencies, we look for sputum and ask the patient a series of questions to diagnose the presences of infection. If i cannot detect respiratory emergencies then i rule out emergency infections.

Sputum is important because it is considered airway blockage. if they dont have any sputum and ust a soar throat then i would suspect, like 100% of every human being at every minute of every day, has at least some viral and bacterial infections in the body. 99.999% of the time, the bodies immunity deals with the pathogens.

If i see progression to sputum, then i see there is a developing infection. If there is no sputum, then it is VERY difficult for me to diagnose respiratory infection.

99.9% of debilitating and developing infections, being; bacterial, viral or fungal infections will produce discolored sputum.

BTW, I`m in a RN academy and nationally accredited as an EMT-Paramedic and we are told to administer cipro for UTI, not amox. If i suspect any MD offering prescriptions of medications for non-related illness OR any medication that is not associated for the illness, it will be my duty to report them to the medical board.

The Bling

colloidal silver

drink some and put drop in your ear youll be good they have it at whole foods or other healthfood stores or just make it. but its antiviral and pribiotic