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Do these look normal for 40 days of 12/12?


I've noticed some leaves have started changing color. Not sure why or if something is out of whack. I'm suspicious it could just be part of the plant's life-cycle [shrug]. But they seem a bit young for that at 40 days 12/12? I dunno.

--First grow, 250w, 3 bagseed plants, 3 gallon pots, LST
--40 days veg w/ HM, 40 days 12/12 w/ HPS
--I water when dry which has been about every 5 days. I pH to 6.0-6.5. I aim for 6.5 but have watered with a bit lower. I'm using distilled so even on non-nute waterings I add some MagiCal. PPM for "non-nute watering" has been maybe 300ppm? I'm not real great about using my meter.
--I've been using Technoflora's "Recipe for Success Starter Kit" nutes at 1/2 strength every other watering. It comes out to around 1250 ppm most waterings, I think (I don't measure every time).

I tried giving an extra nute feeding in place of just water. That was two days ago. I think the plants seem about the same, actually. I don't know if it helped or hurt.

I'm using an pic upload site I've never used before so let me know if these pics aren't visible.

Should I just keep doing what I'm doing?


This is closer up on the taller plant in the back right.


Looking perfectly normal, the yellowing could be from a N def and that's what you want in flowering. Don't quote me on this though. The buds are looking nice anyway
Nice lookin girls you have there Hawk. Whats strain might they be? 40 days from 12/12 you say, lookin good to me so far. The leaves loosin color or changin color is the plant takin nutes from the leaves that aren't available in the soil. Normal process towards the end of their life cycle. Depending on the strain you might be nearing harvest at or around 45-50 days or it could be another 20-25 days to get to the ( SEEMS TO BE AVERAGE) 65 day flowering time. Using organic soil or what? Might just start flushin em and enjoy what they provide either way. My UrklexDPD and GDPxDPD are at 42 days in a SOG under CFL's and I'll start with just plain water with molasses, 1/2 tsp per gallon, for the remainder of my grow. Good Luck and i'll stop back and check in


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea they look alright to me....the yellowing is normal at that stage of the plants life...
i remeber the firts runs i did i always had early yellowing...untill i started to give the a longer time of period vegnutes....like say 3 or 4 weeks into flower....and then i change to flowernutes...this way they stay longer green tru there life cycle :smile:


It also depends on the strain whether and how strong the yellowing occurs. With my Menage a Trois, there's been NO yellowing at all so far, and they're ready to chop in about 2 weeks.


Thank you all for the comments. Being my first grow, everything is new. I don't want to overreact and attempt to fix what ain't broke. Sounds like everything is ok which is how I was leaning anyway.

I guess I need to get a RadioShack scope so I can start looking at the trichs. Is there a way to tell when to start flushing by looking at trichs? I'd guess strains could be different but maybe there's an average range or something?

smokey: yes, I'm using an organic soil. Roots Organics. Don't know on the strains. They're just mixed bagseeds. Two appear to be the same while the third one is a little different. #3 is a bit shorter, has fewer branches, a little wider leaves, the buds are a little thicker, it's always seemed to want a little bit different amount of water, and things like that. I think it showed sex first too. If I had to say, I'd say it's maturing faster than the other 2. It also, has a more widespread loss of greeness in its leaves and I think it started in that plant first.

Whatever happens, I hope they get fatter. Is most of the weight finished being added by a certain time or do they get fatter until right at the end? I figure my 250w can only do so much--and the biggest buds do have some girth and feeling of density if I squeeze em'. But I cut a taster last night and quick dried it (steam dry). It seemed kind of airy. It was a shorter bud I didn't mind sacrificing. And it probably wasn't half the thickness of the bigger ones at the top of the canopy. And my drying probably wasn't helping it. Still though, I hope all of them pack on more thickness.

(the sampler certainly got me high though--more than once :joint: )
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hawk: everything is looking really nice, especially for a first grow. You have a naturally green thumb. I would follow the inherent advice you seem to know already: you don't want to overreact and attempt to fix what ain't broke. MJ is surprisingly hearty even when stressed and growing in less than optimal conditions. It's best to err on the conservative side and apply nutrients and things sparingly. Nonetheless, good luck, and I look forward to seeing more pics from you.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hawk - bad newsa friend - those plants should be in my garden.

Your garden looks both healthy and happy, keep up what ever yo are doing.


Update: How bout now? Still lookin on track? I'm thinking maybe another two weeks?

They've gradually lost leaves and "greeness". But it seems normal enough? I've also noticed the leaves curling down around the edges and tips. Seems like that might not be normal. Dunno.

54 days 12/12.

I gave them they're last nut watering last time (4 or 5 days ago) and will be using just water from here on out. If that's not the thing to do, someone please speak up. :smile:


Looks fine to Me, the yellowing at this stage is just what I'd consider "old-age".
Some strains really yellow quick, like Mazar, and when they do, You'll think somethings wrong, when it's just a part of maturing.

Lookin' great!...Good Job!



I think you're looking fine. They on about day 56 now? I would not give them anything but pH'd water from now on out. Let them metabolize what's left in the fan leaves. They look like they are finishing near perfectly IMO. :rasta: I might give them another 7-10days...but check the trics and cut them when they are like you want.

Less is usually more in this business. You were absolutely correct to go slow and not over react. You see so many on here that start adding this ,that ,and the other thing to fix a problem...that may not be a problem at all. And then their grow is screwed from then out.

Well done!!!!

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Day 56 is today.

I've been using Technaflora's "Recipe for Success" as a guide for nutes. They list a "Pre-Harvest" stage and recommend a specific nute solution followed by straight flushing. The Pre-Harvest nutes are MagiCal (normal dose) and SugarDaddy (almost a 4x dose compared to the veg and normal flowering doses). Even using the practice of halving all recommended dosages, the SugarDaddy dose seemed like a lot.

So when I watered last night, I used the Pre-Harvest formula but used my normal MagiCal dose and a stronger than normal but not nearly as strong as they recommend SugarDaddy dose. I figure I should get 2 more straight pH'd waterings before day 65--three if I water on day 65. And maybe they'll need longer (I maybe saw a single almost-amber trich yesterday). I figure on the next watering I'll do a major flush (which I've never done). Perhaps I'll do three gallons for each plant instead of their normal ~1 gallon. And then any remaining waterings will just be pH'd water at a regular volume.

Sound like a plan?

And thank you all for the comments. Not only does it feel good, but it helps guide me towards better growing. :smoke:


Active member
RockyMountainHi said:
Hawk - bad newsa friend - those plants should be in my garden.

Your garden looks both healthy and happy, keep up what ever yo are doing.
HAHAHHA :muahaha:

nice man, were you just trying to brag? throw this stuff in the flower photo section its nice shit! :joint:


They've lost (or are about to loose) quite a few fan leaves now. All seems ok but they are looking a bit scraggly. A good type of scraggly I hope.

Day 62

HAHAHHA :muahaha:

nice man, were you just trying to brag? throw this stuff in the flower photo section its nice shit! :joint:

If they're "bragable", I'm not above a little bragging. :cool: :wink:


But tongue in cheek aside, input from folks who actually know what good plants are suppose to look like is what I'm really after.
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They look good. Real good. Seems like you've even got some "fall" colors going on in there - good for you. They are going to be niiiice smoke man, relax!


Registered Non-Conformist
Wow...! Bagseed eh....? Good work....!

Imagine what some super seeds could do under your guidance,,,,,!

I am thinking there was some good soil used....

For a flush, I like to use the CLEAREX Product at 1/2 strength, and nothing else, except nice pH'd agua....

Enjoy the "Fruits" of your labours....!