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DIY adjustable timers - electronics guru required


Am i missing something here? Why are companies charging $75+ for sub 15 min timers??? Couldn't you construct an adjustable timer for about $15? for example...

Using a 125v relay such as this...

and a basic 555 timer circuit similar to this...

would it not be fairly straightforward to build a simple timer for something like an aeroponic pump timer?


or you could be like me and go to walmart and buy one that works in one minute increments, has 9 different time settings you can use (Though I dunno why), two 3 prong outlets, and a 15amp load (I think), for about 16-19$USD..seriously, who pays over 20 bucks for a difital timer?!

mine even has a li-ion backup battery in it..it's a "brinks" brand..pretty sure its just a little microcontroller in there(has random funtion as well)..but expensive they are not


WOW! a hundred eh??

Mine works fine for me, but in my case everything is on the same schedule. What I would love to do is be able to control both individual outlets on mine..individually

I mean it's cool that you can program like 9 times in, it does me little good (maybe for a flood pump it would be good), but it would be great if those 9 times could be split exclusively between the two outlets..

On the original subject, I would guess you could for sure build on on the cheap..I have experience in electronics but its been a while, and never used those 555 timers though I do see them to be quite common


I would love to see a diy type thing to make a recycle timer....the 1 minute on 5 off type..or adjustable.

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