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Deep Stoner Thoughts

Lester Moore



You really are a sick individual. The guy is gone, you have your woman president, yet you can't let your tee vee message-driven hate go. STFU about Trump, he is more a man than you will ever be, and a Patriot.

it is going to be interesting to hear the liberals want the old America back.

its a mental disorder..they cant help regurgitating what they have been fed, and they have been fed well for many years... I remember when their moto was free speech and government get out of my life..boy how that has changed...

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
You ever smoke that joint that doesnt really get you high or stoned, but you act that anyway, and just see all clearly through the air in the full moon smiling in blizz.? But completely clear, almost midnight and I could easily take a shift:)

Headache is a least gone:)

Deep stoned thinking.


Active member
What if hermaphrodites are the normal state of nature and the strict division of plants into male and female and insistence that they remain one or the other is a old white man's issue.


Well-known member
What if hermaphrodites are the normal state of nature and the strict division of plants into male and female and insistence that they remain one or the other is a old white man's issue.

lots of plants (and several insect/fish species) change sex at various ages, and/or under stress, or contain both sets of sexual organs. humans show signs too. ever wonder why men have nipples? don't think it is related to "old white men". i "could" be wrong though...:D

St. Phatty

Active member
if you smoked a joint inside a full body PPE suit - could you get on the airplane with a lit joint ?

Does it help if you agree to share ... :kitty:

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
What if hermaphrodites are the normal state of nature and the strict division of plants into male and female and insistence that they remain one or the other is a old white man's issue.

The idea that some things are natural and other things aren't can only exist in the context that language exists to define what is and isn't natural. Language itself is an entirely artificial, man made product. The seagulls at the beach don't give a shit about the philosophical difference between eating artificial saltines or a natural seal carcass, they prefer the saltines because they're too smart to fall for trickery like using language to create nonexistent, imaginary distinctions such as natural vs. artificial.
Darwin's theory of evolution, if you believe in it, says that nature is ever changing and has no default state. If you believe in the garden of eden as the origin of life, then how do you know god wasn't running that perfect garden using "artificial" bottled nutrients? The whole garden might've been underlaid with pumps and hoses and Adam & Eve never would've noticed.


What if hermaphrodites are the normal state of nature and the strict division of plants into male and female and insistence that they remain one or the other is a old white man's issue.

I'm still trying to decide if my newbie user error hermie is a fortuitous source of free feminized seeds, but I kind of empathize with her, since I was a tomboy in the 1970s and I'm not sure whether my brother was trans or just a much more badass tomboy who didn't have the acchiles heel of frustrated maternal instinct.

I kind of gave up trying to figure myself out when I realized that "demisexual" didn't quite fit, The Last Time I Saw Richard, by Joni Mitchell, would NEVER be considered a valid gender, and nobody really cares anyway.

My Strawberry Banana, on the other hand, stopped chucking pollen when I fixed the light leak and she's all girl now.

I'm too damned old to complain about consemilla on a breeding forum.

St. Phatty

Active member
I'm still trying to decide if my newbie user error hermie is a fortuitous source of free feminized seeds, but I kind of empathize with her, since I was a tomboy in the 1970s and I'm not sure whether my brother was trans or just a much more badass tomboy who didn't have the acchiles heel of frustrated maternal instinct.

My niece demonstrated some initiative, that impressed me at least, when she gathered together the materials for a tree house and built it.

And then ... the niece decided she wanted to be a nephew.

Full neck beard and everything.

I wonder how much of it was related to just wanting to "play with guy stuff".

Like maybe the impulse that I had to rent her a full size stake bed 26,000 GVWR type truck, to drive for a day - it's OK to do stuff like that.

The family member shouldn't have to change genders to play with the fun stuff.


Active member
A single gram of powdered QS-21 costs more than $100,000, though only about $5 worth is needed for each shot. Nine years ago, researchers estimated that the global supply of pharmaceutical-grade Quillaja extract was sufficient for just 6 million doses of vaccine. Everyone in the business knew the story of the Pacific yew tree, whose bark was the original source of the chemotherapy drug paclitaxel, and which was threatened by large-scale harvesting in the 1980s. “If you take out all the trees in one shot and deplete the source of saponin, you are in deep shit in the future,” says Garo Armen, whose company, Agenus, helped bring QS-21 to market......... Well,We know what to do for vaccines.

St. Phatty

Active member
After trying all the different AR15 calibers, I have come to the conclusion that the 6.8 SPC is the most functional of the 30 caliber & smaller diameter calibers (separate category from 350 Legend, 458 Socom, 450 BM, 50 Beo).

With the right powder, it can get a 115 grain Copper jacketed bullet about as effectively to 300 yards, as the 308 does with a 165.

AND it feeds smoothly in 5.56 magazines, which gives you a lot more choices than the few official 6.8 magazines (ASC sheet metal.)


Well-known member
Early in mouse's stoner years, had insight into the fact that the sun is what feeds life. Now, it was previously known. But not. It wasn't until the smoke, that the importance of the fact really set in.
Next morning, i sort of laughed at the 'revelation', but inside, i knew that the experience had changed it from a knowing to more of an 'experience'. The fact had not changed, but i had changed, somehow. and i liked it. It's a blessing, not a curse!

Some strains, or plants, have the special 'deep thought' attribute. Some are just monkeymind accelerant.

Mouse almost flunked the vision part of getting driver lic. renewed. Seems tragic that a person who lived and breathed and taught the 'visual arts' is losing eyesight. Of all the old age dilemmas, this one i did not see coming, ha. Am getting older, what the hell do i expect, right? The Reaper is around the corner. i expect that i will not escape this. i do not expect an after life. That others do...amuses me.

i could hope that as i pass by the pearly gates, and give the gate-keeper a friendly wave as i pass on heaven, that i should enter Amitabhas' Pure Land and be able to heal all past mistakes. Then i would hope to have Haoma lead me to the Chinvat Bridge. From there, i would be taken in by the World Tree...

Yet, for now, i can ponder Indra's Net.

St. Phatty

Active member
May you become pure energy.

Better yet, study the Graviton & Gravity.

Best guess of the science community - that Gravity (gravitational forces) TRAVEL at the speed of light.

That tells us something very fundamental about the matter that creates those gravitational forces.

related to, the matter in our bodies was at one point pure energy - that became matter.

Now we just need to learn to use fingernail clippings to power our cars, using nuclear energy.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I'm still trying to decide if my newbie user error hermie is a fortuitous source of free feminized seeds, but I kind of empathize with her, since I was a tomboy in the 1970s and I'm not sure whether my brother was trans or just a much more badass tomboy who didn't have the acchiles heel of frustrated maternal instinct.

I kind of gave up trying to figure myself out when I realized that "demisexual" didn't quite fit, The Last Time I Saw Richard, by Joni Mitchell, would NEVER be considered a valid gender, and nobody really cares anyway.

My Strawberry Banana, on the other hand, stopped chucking pollen when I fixed the light leak and she's all girl now.

I'm too damned old to complain about consemilla on a breeding forum.

Yummy Strawberry Banana! I am running some myself. Do you have any pics of her sweetness? Lucky you with the seeds!

I am growing what may be a Runtz S1 ( I found a seed in a pound), and it is the most vigorous plant in the tent. Maybe I should stress her a tad and get more of those seeds.

And as for Ms Nannymouse, may you have cataract surgery and live long afterwards, with great vision from new eye lenses.

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