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nah grobro, that aint no outdoor and im a well-seasoned outdoor grower. you wouldnt get that color or calyx/pistil contrast with outdoor buds and they wouldnt be that solid. that there was grown hydroponically, cut early (giving it the headier high), dried 5 days, vacuum sealed and shipped.


Well-known member
thanks fer sharing-does look like hydro beast
now-i've had hockey bags full of REAL canadian nugs
so the boys do grow the real deal-this could be m39 genetics OR more likely someone found seeds in the beast elbow and did their own show-it's good genetics-not being allowed their full potential


JeremiahJohnson said:
nah grobro, that aint no outdoor and im a well-seasoned outdoor grower. you wouldnt get that color or calyx/pistil contrast with outdoor buds and they wouldnt be that solid. that there was grown hydroponically, cut early (giving it the headier high), dried 5 days, vacuum sealed and shipped.

Yeah - I can see that - esp with the color. Again it's hard to tell just from those pics but I have seen some outdoor purples . .and a long time ago some East Coast schwag (before the time of BC bud) that had unusual coloring (I can't even really tell from his pics . .looks orange-y.

I have to say that I have never smoked any Beasters if they are what you describe above. I thought Beasters was a term people used to mean all pot from BC canada. A hydro pot cut down early, quick dried and vacuum sealed would be yucky, indeed. It would have to smell and taste like wet grass, no?

Hey . if you got some beasters could you fluff the nugs back up and cure them in jars for a few months and get some smell and taste out of them? Or is the drying done just too fast?


just smoke the beasters dont try to re-cure and attempt to find something that wasnt there in the first place.


Jgrandizzle said:
Maybe take the time to read the whole post :bashhead:

I did.. thx for the instructions thou.. :bashhead:
I recognize it now that everyone says beaster, have fun

P.S. To be honest is looks like that legal bud stuff lol,thats what got my first response.
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Stupid Newbie question....
Beasters is better than bagweed is what I am gathering. But it seems like nothing to get excited about. Any better definition?

I did do a search but could not find a definition.


no offense... but that is BEASTER... aka kind bud.. usually goes for 35-40 bucks $US for an 8th. No point in telling me it is not beaster.. i smoked/sold so much of that shit its burned in my memory.

for $55 your nugs should look like this:



Active member
ya im not trying to hate.. but ive seen shit like that on the east coast.. pretty common if u got a hook up who just trys to bank..
some even spray them with shit to make them smell like bubblegum. and berry n shit.
its just another way for the big guys to make a quick buck..
Yea man I know what your saying..I cant even smoke that shit it anymore just gives me a headache and makes me tired. And ITS EVERYWHERE!!...thanks to a few greedy growers who pump there hydro buds fulla lowgrade chemical ferts just for that little extra yield.. then they bag it wet and send it down by the ton. Stop buying this crap and maybe they will learn to grow better buds...or GROW YOUR OWN. :rasta: