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continued...My Blue Moon Rocks, AK48, NL and Blue Mystic grow. 2 weeks into 12/12!!!


Registered Medical Patient
Hello all you IC'ers. I have another thread here that I started this grow with, and I thought I would do a new continued thread now that flowering is in full swing!!! Here is the link to the first part of this thread:


So, I am in week 2 of 12/12, growing BOG's Blue Moon Rocks and Nirvana's NL, ak48 & Blue Mystic. They are in Pro-Mix in 2 gal pots, being fed with Earth Juice Grow, bloom, microblast, catalyst and meta-k, as well as epsom salts. I had some nute problems early on, but they seem to be very healthy now and blooming nicely. Saw my first signs of trichs today, and I seem to have some really nicely colored phenos. A couple of my NL's are throwin out pink and purple pistils, and some of the BMR are showin some really dark purple leaves and buds... This is an all CFL grow, Ive got about 268 watts goin for 15 plants. Im gonna add a few more brighter cfl's in a week or so, to help finish up flowering. I got 15 females out of 21 beans, not a bad ratio!!! Anyhow, here's the pics, and enjoy!!!Peace.

- Z :joint: :wave:

2 sativa NL phenos

pink bud!!!



Registered Medical Patient
thanks Pontiac, this si my first grow with just cfl's, I have to say I like them alot!!! next time, Ill have clones, that way I can do a scrog and have a more even canopy. I hsould've trained these girls a bit....Peace....


Occasional User
Hey Zeus. Good Luck with these. Looks like things are lookin good now compared to your last thread pics. CFL/Floro grows are a hoot. I'm with Pontiac on that one.

Peace bro. I'm pullin up a chair.


Registered Medical Patient
Thanks BG for the kind words...yea, I seemed to have worked out the nute prob.'s, so all is well. Im gonna take some more pics today, cause these babies are swelling and giving off some beautiful colored buds...I got one very purple NL, as well as a purp AK and most of my BMR are showin purps. I think its because my nightime temps are so low. Its hard to keep it warm in there ATM, bein in AK and all!!!!Peace out and look for the new pics L8R....



Registered Medical Patient
Quick update!!!

Quick update!!!

Hey all, just took some pics, so I thought I would post em up. The girls are all lookin fine. The stretch seems to be over, except for the 2 NL sativa phenos...I tried to get some closeups pf the purple buds, but my cam sucks up close. Anyways, enjoy...Peace.

- Z :respect: :hotbounce :rasta: :jawdrop:

purple buds...

my nicest BMR...

It looks to me like all my girls are gonna be single cola buds...I guess thats due to the cfl's and genes!!! They are startin to get frosty, and fillin out every day!!!

Later y'all....



Registered Medical Patient
Update...week 3 of 12/12!!

Update...week 3 of 12/12!!

:wave: What's up IC?! Just a quick update on my girls.Today is week 3of 12/12 and Im startin to see some frostand these girls are finally startin to fill out daily. Im gonna feed them in the next few days with a good dose of bloom and meta-k, as well as catalyst. That should give them the boost they need to start really budding nicely!!! Well, on to the pics. You will clearly be able to see the purple on my AK48's now...im lovin these girls. They are getting super purple!!! Well, onto the show..... :joint:



Registered Medical Patient
Start of week 4!!!!!purple evrywhere...........

Start of week 4!!!!!purple evrywhere...........

:wave: Hello all, another quick update here. 2 days ago, these buds were just startin to fill out, now they are gettin frosty as all hell by the day, and startin to fill out nice-nice like...Enjoy the pics, most are of my beautiful, frosty purple ak48 phenos!!!The resin smells like purple candy!!!YUMMMMY!!!!!Peace all. :joint:

first up:Blue Mystic

Blue Moon Rocks

and now...my purple ak48 beauties:

and a few more...I lost the top on this NL!!

Thanks for stoppin by all, enjoy the show..things are really heatin up now!!!!

- Z

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Man, that purple 48 is amazing. I can't wait to see it in a few weeks. I'm sexing mine next week, hoping for some purple too hahaha, take care man....



Registered Medical Patient
Thanks BR, yeah, the 2 of them are out frosting and outbudding evrything else in the growroom!!! Im a little surprised at the BMR. At this time lsat grow, they were soo frosty, but that was with a 400 hps, so I guess Ill have to just wait this time....Good luck w/ urs. Peace.

- Z


Registered Medical Patient
feeding time @ the ZOO!!!!!

feeding time @ the ZOO!!!!!

Hey all, just fed my girls yesterday and gave them a reg. strength dose of Earth Juice nutes. I also added some organic sugar this time around, I was reading that it can help ur buds fatten up, so Im gonna try it. I figure it cant hurt, right?? So, they got a good dose of EJ Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, Meta-K, Microblast, as well as some Epsom Salts @ 2tsp./gal., and some Organic sugar @ 2 tbsp./gal. Im gonna continue w/ the sugar until harvest, just to see what diff., if any, it makes...! Well, thats it for 2day, the girls just woke up, and they look beter today than they did yesterday!!! This is the fun time. Ill have pics in a few days after theyve fattened a little...Peace all.

:wave: :smoweed: :headbange :headbange


Registered Medical Patient
Update...week 4 goin on 5!!!

Update...week 4 goin on 5!!!

Hello all my good buddies here @ IC. Just wanna give a quick shout-out to BonsaiGrower, BlackRain and all the others who have folowed my thread from the beginning!!!Thanks all for the kind words and advice...Well, onto the update. 1st off, I think these girls are rootbound almost, so my yield is gonna suffer, I think, but I'll still have some primo buds to smoke till I get some clones goin!!! Most of the girls are lookin good, but my purple AK's are very light green in the leaves and my B Mystic has some wierd def. that I cant quite place, but shes still packin on the trichs, so Im not too worried...Aside from that, tey are all gettin super frosty and smellin great. I love when the lites come on in the A.M., the smell is very enticing!!! Well, on with the show!!!!...... :wave:

my sative pheno NL....

Thats it for now...check in later for some more!!!!

Peace y'all...Keep it green!!!

:wave: :smoweed:


Registered Medical Patient
Thanks man, I gotta post some new pics in a day or so, they are gettin really frosty now!!!! I think I got a N lockout though on some of them, gotta get a friggin Ph meter!!! Laters...

- Z


Occasional User
Hey Z ...don't take my advice as gold...EVER.... but I don't think it's a N Def...if anything I'd say they are hungry is all. what are you feeding them? Watch you don't over water too maybe. Looks great all in all though buddy.

you know about this thread eh? Mynameisstitch Sick Plants Thread...

Peace buddy
See ya in da threads


Registered Medical Patient
Hey BG, thanks for the advice....I just fed them a week ago with a full strength dose of Earth Juice Grow, Bloom, Microblast, Meta-K and Catalyst...I think due to not checkin my PH, EVER!!!, I got a lockout or some burn goin on. Ill post some new pics in the infirmary today...And yes, I have looked thro that sick plants thread ALOT!!!! I dont think its the best, but it does help. Some of the def. symptoms are very vague in there!!!Anyhow, check by later for some new shots. My BMR are startin to get snowed on!!!!! Just like those LUI u got man, Im lovin that shit!!!! Peace brother....

- Z


Occasional User
good choice Zeus...you'll notice I made the same rookie mistake....ha...and I should have known...all the old timers ask about ph first...before anything else...and I overlooked it...again...ha

You got it under control man. keep us posted.

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