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Common Sense Use of the Infirmary



For Soil

What is your soil composition ratios?(peat, perilite, vermiculite? etc.)
Runoff Ph?
Feeding schedule?
List the nutrient ratio on the bottle of ferts you are using...ie...N..P..K..?
How do you tell when to water? Weight?
Daytime/nightime temp?
Tap water? RO water?

c'mon ppl... jump in any time with more suggestiions...lets get this ball rolling....



All my suggestions have already been laid out by brother monk. So my advice is listen to him.


Basic Information

Basic Information

pieceofmyheart said:

Being a member of an adult forum means you must be able to wipe your own behind. Other members are here to help you learn but not to change anyone's diaper. Potty trained members are a must!

Before you can post in the infirmary, you should read something on HOW TO GROW MARIJUANA and have at least a small amount of information and knowledge on the basics. This is for your own good.

Then, should you feel the need to use the infirmary, please follow a few common sense guidelines.

Please make the title of your thread a brief description of your problem, not just HELP ME. This makes it easier for people to stop by your thread should they have a clue how to help. It also makes it easier for others to search for answers to their plant problems.

Then, you may get many different solutions to your questions. There is no ONE way to grow Marijuana, there are many different methods you can follow. Don’t blindly jump and follow anyone’s directions.

Look in their gallery, grow threads, any other threads they may have and see if their methods coincide with your ideas about your grow. Then decide which way to proceed.

You are responsible for your own grow and your own decisions.

Please include as much information as you can when posting. Pictures whenever possible are very helpful. If there is something on the list that you are unfamiliar with, or just simply do not know...skip it for now, but try to read up on it later. There is lots of useful information on this site. Just use the search function at the top of the page.

Strain of Mj?
Hydroponic or soil?
From seed or clone?
Age of plant in question?
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)?
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)?
Container/Pot size?
Have they been transplanted, if so how long ago?
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)?
Water runoff Ph?
Nutrients added?
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)?
Feeding schedule?
When were they last fed/watered?
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)?
Tap/RO/Distilled water?
Ph before and after adding nutrients?
Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated?
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage?
Distance to the canopy?
Temps at canopy?
Temps at root zone or reservoir?
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)?
Current air flow (CFM)?
Is there air blowing directly onto plant?
Using CO2?
Relative humidity?
Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)?
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched?
Chemicals used to irradicate?
If so,When?

Please, if this list is missing something, that you feel is important, feel free to elaborate further.

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Brother_Monk said:
Please include as much information as you can when posting.

Strain of Mj?
From seed or clone?
Age of plant in question?
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)?
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)?
Container/Pot size?
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)?
Water runoff Ph?
Nutrients added?
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)?
Feeding schedule?
When were they last fed/watered?
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)?
Tap/RO/Distilled water?
Ph before and after adding nutrients?
Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated?
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage?
Distance to the canopy?
Temps at canopy?
Temps at root zone or reservoir?
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)?
Current air flow (CFM)?
Is there air blowing directly onto plant?
Using CO2?
Relative humidity?
Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)?
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched?
Chemicals used to irradicate?
If so,When?

Please, if this list is missing something, that you feel is important, feel free to elaborate further.


Have they been transplanted, if so when?
Have you successfully grown before?

I Got Nuttin....


Nape, I like your first suggestion and I'm adding it. The second one I don't think will be of too much relevance once they get to the infirmary. Were trying to help not scare noobs away.



Active member
I'm looking forward to your finished product Monk. I think it will make the infirmary much more user friendly for both members who have questions and the ones who can help.
I also think that filling out a basic form will help new growers learn.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
this is a good idea ...but i have 2 say stick with the basics....NPK ratios ,airflow ?temps at canopy temps at roots :confused: whats next ....these and other things are verry difficult for newcommers...i say give them and me a break stick 2 what realy matters...


^^I see where your coming from core..

^^I see where your coming from core..

Basically the member with the sick plants should post up as much info as they know, if your new and don't know what half these words mean what are you supposed to do?:chin:
......if this thread is stickyfied than peeps can pick what they know from the big ol' list you guys are putting together, and everyone can help...thus solving the above problem with the terminology. Nobody should flame someone because they don't know the difference between necrosis and narcissism. :lurk:

Maybe a Glossary is needed as a sticky too..with laymans terms for peeps like me. :chin:
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Maybe spliting the infirmary into half for hydro related problems and the other half for soil/soilless problems. Since not all issues show them selves the same in different grow media's. Kinda like how the growers forum is split into hydro,soil,indoor,outdoor,ETC.


Resident pissy old man
I think that you folks are on the right track, but you have missed the very best advice to give new growers. Use the F**king search feature! That's what it is there for. Then if you can't figure things out, post a thread.


BeAn said:
Basically the member with the sick plants should post up as much info as they know, if your new and don't know what half these words mean what are you supposed to do?:chin:
......if this thread is stickyfied than peeps can pick what they know from the big ol' list you guys are putting together, and everyone can help...thus solving the above problem with the terminology. Nobody should flame someone because they don't know the difference between necrosis and narcissism. :lurk:

Maybe a Glossary is needed as a sticky too..with laymans terms for peeps like me. :chin:

Excellent points BeAn..here's what I edited to account for this

"Please include as much information as you can when posting. Pictures whenever possible are very helpful. If there is something on the list that you are unfamiliar with, or just simply do not know...skip it for now, but try to read up on it later. There is lots of useful information on this site. Just use the search function at the top of the page."

Thanks pops for pointing out the search feature.

The list, I think, is as short as I feel comfortable with at the moment. As far as I can see, everything on it is a requirement for someone posting for help in the infirmary. At least the person asking for help will understand more of what it takes to better help us help them. They can skip past what they don't know or are unable to provide. Say someone comes in here asking for help, and we all see there needs to be some Ph readings before we can actually help them. If they don't have a Ph meter or strips, then they understand they must go purchase something to read Ph. It IS important. Otherwise, we are just taking educated guesses, shots in the dark. This form will streamline the process of helping, without all the redundant questions from us.

A glossary of Mj terms would be helpful as well maybe as another sticky? I think there are a few around, if anyone can find it, please do post the link.



gets some
Thats a good idea but as I tried to highlight in my suggestion above, people rarely follow-up their posts with the results of the treatments so even searching doesnt answer much.


PH pens should be manditory lol, most problems turn out to be improper PH. Grower follow-ups would be very cool, then the infirmary would be so much more educational.... :lurk:

Brother_Monk, your a top bloke for doing this, and of course POMH for starting the ball rolling.... without people like you's the community wouldnt be what it is today...

Keep it green! :sasmokin:


Thanks BeAn, but I can't take all the credit for the list. I found most of it in one of MyNameStitch's threads. She is the real McCoy behind this form. I just thought it was a good idea back on OG and maybe it could be of some use here as well.



Active member
RESPONSIBILITY!!! Take responsibility for your own garden man.

If you take advice from Joe Blow, and your grow didn't go so well....Joe did not ruin your grow, YOU did.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Beware the Noob who come into threads and diagnoses everything as " A cal-mag deficiency caused by PH lock out"

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