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Colloidal silver


I found some silver clay in my area, it comes with a pouch of silver powder and some chemicals. The final product would be silver 99.9%

Should i go thru the process and make this silver a solid material and then use the generator to make the colloidal silver or can i just add water to the silver powder and use it as colloidal silver?
i'd be wary of the product you mention, stick with the wire and coins.


'Colloidal silver is a liquid suspension of microscopic particles of silver. A colloid is technically defined as particles which remain suspended without forming an ionic, or dissolved solution. The broader commercial definition of "colloidal silver" includes products that contain various concentrations of ionic silver, silver colloids, ionic silver compounds or silver proteins in purified water.'

i still don't think it would work.. the pieces would be too big and won't separate on their own.
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I went to the mall and got a piece of silver clay. It says that by adding a little bit of water and then mold it to any shape i want, then bake it in the oven and the final product is silver 99.9%

I couldnt find any silver that is 99.9% in the shops. They are all 92.5%.

I dont really know if the 92.5 would work....so i picked the clay.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
You're not drinking it right? So it doesn't have to be pure silver, its just needs to have a high concentration of silver. I have the 999 for my generator and wish I had got cheaper and gotten less pure silver. W/e you live and learn.

Don't worry about it.


If you're sure the silver dollar has high concentration of silver, then it'll work.

Just dont drink the final product.

I used 300ml with two 2.5grams of silver clay. Supposely 99.9. My generator is at 6V 300mA.

I left it on for about 7 hours. The water got dark, and there was a bit of deposit at the bottom, Now it is in the fridge. I will start spraying it on my LR#2 today.

The LR#2 are on their day 26 from germination.


I dont know if this would help but there is a product called Artic silver thermal paste which I belive is 99.9% silver. Its used for cooling computer processors.


i dont know the percentage their U.S. morgan dallors does anyone have a clue?


What on earth do you need colloidal silver for when it comes to cultivating/smoking pot?


i would probably buy some real colloidal silver- you can buy it at health food stores and places...whatever you have isnt realy colloidal silver i doubt,- but first...why in the world DO you want to use it when it comes to pot?


It is used to make feminized seeds. I am using it on my LR#2. I have 9 plants total, with one already showing pistils, but i am still spraying on her just to see what happens. Then i have 3 that arent showing sex yet, so i been spraying on their lower branch. I been spraying like 5 times a day. They start their week 5 today. I think a few of them are late to show sex due to algae problem in their first 2 weeks of life.

MPL and Benny, You can find other threads about colloidal silver. Very interesting if it works.

Colloidal silver sold in pharmacies arent strong enuf for plants to herm. The ppm is too low. I constructed my generator using 6V adaptor. The water came out with 15 ppm in the morning(left on for 7 hours). I used 300ml of water and 5 grams of silver 99.9.(i bought a 5 gram silver clay that by baking it in high temps for 10 minutes and then sanding it, it actually turned into 2 pieceds of shinning silver...wow~ :crazy:


Mr Celsius, it seems like you've succeded in making fem seeds. This is my first try. could you give details of your method on how to use the colloidal silver to make fem seeds?

I been spraying on the lower branches of a few LR#2, about 5 times daily, but it seems to get little yellow spots on the leaves that i been spraying.

How many times do you spray per day? I think we're supposed to spray 2 weeks before it starts flowering. When do you start spraying yours?


Active member
I spray 2 times per day in veg for 10-14 days and then keep spraying once or twice a day in flower until they start showing balls and then stop......~ogr


How does this make seeds more likely to be females? Isn't there a problem with herms when growing from feminised seeds?


Update on this subject...

I sprayed on 3 females. All Lowryder #2. One was showing pistils when i started spray, and the other 2 was not showing sex yet. I sprayed on one branch of each for 15 days, and balls started to show on day 16 for all 3 ladies.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
jiboia said:
Update on this subject...

I sprayed on 3 females. All Lowryder #2. One was showing pistils when i started spray, and the other 2 was not showing sex yet. I sprayed on one branch of each for 15 days, and balls started to show on day 16 for all 3 ladies.

Good job man!
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After 2 weeks of CS, balls were showing up in the area where i sprayed CS. I watched the balls grow and grow for 2 weeks. Picked a few of them to check for pollen. But no pollen....