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Collecting, Storing, and Mailing Pollen



clone him?

clone him?

Has eney one cloned there fav male. I have a very strong smeling Blueberry
male. He short lots of branching and very colerful. Iread that alot of you save pollen but no one is saveing the plant.Is it just becuz you dont want him to take up space or take that chance of over seeding. Iam going to clone him,and keep him in veg. intill I can use him. So I gess the Question is eneybody else cloning there males? If so how long have you had him.

tokes DBD


So I gess the Question is eneybody else cloning there males? If so how long have you had him.

please take a moment to read the thread, DBD

both your questions have been answered at least once in this very thread..

maybe i just wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth but this is the second time i've had to say "look for yourself" to you , DBD.. this time i will answer you though.

So I gess the Question is eneybody else cloning there males?
If so how long have you had him.
as long as you'd like, providing the plant is kept in a full-on vegetative state (lights-on 24 hours/day, 7 days a week), no dark period to ensure no reproductive organs grow, this is strain dependant tho. some plants will autoflower in this light,
it takes some time and some growing to get to know your strains, the ins and outs, and how they react to certain things.. you can keep the specimin alive indefinitely this way indefinitely if kept healthy and re-cloned when the plant starts to flower or the roots/your op runs out of room..

Well what no one doing it.
they are, the fact is that ICMAG.com is an ADVANCED growers site for the most part.. and most people don't really talk about things that are a 'given'
Its common knowledge that you can clone males and females alike and similiarly keep them in stasis/long photoperiod until ready to flower.

too many people skipping kindergarten and jumping right into to ICM *college*, blind deaf and dumb..

i have definitely posted some lame questions in my short time here..but for the most part i know when to post and when to search on my own for the info i need. I recall 1 post i made on brown bag pollen (how long it keeps stored this way to be exact) recently that could have been answered by reading through the forums here in the breeders area, or a simple search here or og or cw or google, anywhere really. the fact is i didn't bother beforehand, and i was pretty embarrased by that.

I have a very strong smeling Blueberry
male. He short lots of branching and very colerful. Iread that alot of you save pollen but no one is saveing the plant.Is it just becuz you dont want him to take up space or take that chance of over seeding. Iam going to clone him,and keep him in veg.
may i ask what you plan to use the pollen for?
make sure you have a game-plan, a goal you need acomplished before jumping into seed-making... There must be method to your madness or you are just ruining your sinse crop just hoping to get lucky..
One last point - 1 false-move in a spot-fertilization of select female flowers can render a crop worthless from a smoking perspective so you must be well endowed in o so many ways..:2cents:

hope this saves you some browsing, but next time please look within the thread.
if nothing turns up, use this link - http://www.icmag.com/ic/search.php

hope to see some grows from ya soon DBD


Sorry wrong Question!

Sorry wrong Question!

ho has the oldest male? How long have you had him?
darnit! Sorry still have not figard this out yet.
Thankyou for the truthful reply.was realy stond that day.wont happen again.
As for the silver spoon I can all most bet I am the porest bastard on this website! Everthing I have I got out of the trash or off the curb,excpt the litebulbs.
as for my pix of what I have growing cant seem to get them to up load yet(vergin on the computer).
The only plant that made it throgh my incaraseration was a BB male,so I crossed him with a bagseed that looked simaler.Im just tring to grow some blueberry.Ihave a female also that smels the same as my male.Going to cross them and see if I get more bb dom plants.I hope it works,I rite now can not afford to buy more seeds.
I hope I stated my cace for my ignorance.Peace DBD
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I would like to collect pollen but I don´t have any other area to keep a male!. Is there a solution for someone like me?. Is it possible to cut the male plants before the flowers burst and hang them in a closet until the pop open?, will they do that after they are already cutted?-


smarx that is amazing, I came to this thread looking for precisely such a model... thanks!

What I've been doing recently is harvesting pollen from males that have been tied down sideways, with sheets of baking paper layed in a way to catch all the pollen that falls, with cardboard dividers between the males to avoid cross-contamination. Ventilation in the room is kept to a minimum, there is a small extractor fan but no intake and no circulation. Light intensity is low also, 600w per 2.25 m^2.

Every day I tap the stem of the plant for a few moments and watch clouds of yellow dust cascade down. About every 4 or 5 days, I carefully fold over the baking paper and take it out of the room to collect the pollen. This gives the pollen a chance to air-dry a bit. The pollen is collected into film canisters and stored at -18C. I hope that the air-drying reduces the moisture content enough that the grains are not burst by freezing.

I have found that most males will continue flowering once they start flowering, in other words you can 12/12 them long enough to induce flowering and then put them in continuous light and you will still get pollen. I think that 2 weeks of 12/12 is plenty to trip the males, after that you can just put them on a windowsill or anyplace that gets a few hours of sun every day and you'll get enough pollen to make a couple hundred seeds at the very least.


"There are several reports in the literature of the prolonged
longevity of very dry pollen. For example, storage at 0%
RH provided the greatest survival of pollen of Permistera
typhoideum (Harrington, 1970) and 1% RH resulted in
good survival of pollen of Ginkgo sp. and Prunus domestica
L. (Snyder and Clausen, 1974). However, almost a quarter
of a century ago Roberts (1975) recognized that there is a
low-moisture-content limit below which further reduction
in moisture does not increase pollen longevity. He suggested
then that this limit lies somewhere between moisture contents
in equilibrium with 8 to 25% RH."

It sounds like 4 scientist from 3 countries spent a lot of time and money to discover that pollen should be kept as cold and dry as possible... thanks guys!

Another point is that you want the plant to drop as much viable pollen as possible; experiments with STS indicate that keeping the temperature close to 25C will maximize the yield of viable pollen.


i been freezin pollen for sometime now, and lately been pullin it out and the pollen that have used so far has been viable.

year old JC BX1 pollen, just like i just harvested the pollen and just hit the sourdeez again for another batch of F1s with OHaze pollen that was dated 4/30/05, and lookin at the plant last night the pollen took.

still have more of the JC and haze pollen, along with others, startin to get a pollen bank goin here in the freezer.

so whats that, a year and a half frozen in my freezer, and still good.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot


A year and a half in the home freezer and still quite viable. Now thats interesting. Just think of the possibilities...hmmm...ponder, ponder... :)


I.M. Boggled said:
A year and a half in the home freezer and still quite viable. Now thats interesting. Just think of the possibilities...hmmm...ponder, ponder... :)

imagine if ya had access to a nitrogen set up, would last forever. main thing when freezin your pollen, is to ensure its good and dry, and ya have somethin in the storage container to soak up any moisture, that may occur.


wow, a year and a half?!?! thats awesome information! did you dry it out prior to freezing or did you just put something in the container to absorb the moisture?


H&L.....i followed Telepods instructions in this thread for freezin pollen. has worked everytime for me.


ok so i've read the instructions by telepod (cool write up telepod) but how do i then use the pollon?

how do i accually inseminate/fertilise the female? how much pollon do i put on the hairs and where?

will seeds be produced only where the plloen goes or those 1 pollon site induce fertilisation for the whole plant?

how big should i grow the female, is bigger or smaller better?

i sound like a complete numpty asking all these questions but we've all got to learn som how. :confused:


New member



collect bees
remove wings, legs, head
hot glue it to a stick
the hairs of the abdomen will naturally collect pollen
you can now store this stick in a vial for storing pollen
when ready for breeding projects, dab the abdomen on the female stigmas

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can u store with desiccant they put with shoes and other goods..?? little with balls.. If not what kind of store sales with out buying online..?? thanks The info here is priceless...

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