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coco moms dying need help


i need some help here i am growing 2 chem x c-99s moms in coco in 4" pots using gh floronova bloom nutes under 80 watts of flos and there seems to be getting worse i posted this in the infirmary with no help but any ways here what i been doing i been feeding them 350 ppm and a ph of 6.9 the run off was 610 ppm and 5.5 ph and the leafs in the middle of the plants starting truning brown so i bumped the ppm to 610 ppm and a ph of 6.0 and the run off from that was 620 ppm and a ph of 5.8 and the moms seem to be getting worse now the leafs are getting limp and light green in color i been feeding 6 days a week with a good flush with plain tap water on day 7 any one got any ideas on whats going on here they been growing good for all most a year now and seem to have been going down hill for the last mounth or so since the spider mite dam near killed them here are the pics of the moms.



all the new growth at the tips is healthy. All the lower or inner growth is whats burning so I think you are just feeding to much.....With my moms I feed them like a couple times a week and then water the rest, they don't need much.

You ph is bouncing around a little? I hand ph by color and I always go for 6.0 pretty much. You put a high ph in and drain came out with lower ph, that's pretty weird to me?

Possibly maybe even though you been flushing once a week, but these moms are a year old, they might just have a lot of built up salt, coco can hold lots of it.

Also maybe you should take some cuttings choose the best one and make new moms for this year, something to think about and it won't degrade the cuts bro. PEACE


thanks man i will lower the ppms and feed less offen and see what happens i got a new cutt rooted and doing very well in the dwc soon as it get bigger i will make some news moms. trying to rember when the last time i trimmed the roots may be that will help with any salt bulid up
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I had the exact same problem with my moms in coco, I onyl switch from soil growing last year and things had been fine but I had the same problem as you - strange browning and dying of of lower leaves while the nex growth was fine. My Cheese, Flo, Jamaican and a few others all had this problem, and then some fresh cuts and seedlings in veg also developed the problem.

I soon figured it out - it's salt build-up in the medium. The cure is simple - flush the pots with a gallon of water and measure the ec of the run-off, I sit the pots on a garden seive on top of a bucket for flushign and pur jugs of water through. After a gallon, see what teh ec of the runoff is, you want it to be no more than 1.2 in my experience for moms as they don't need much. Flush them thoroughly, at first the runoff will be dark brown. After the first gallon, flush a second gallon thoruigh to be on the safe side and the runoff should now be pretty clear, once the ec of the runoff is nice and low - about 1.2 is best I think, the plant will slowly start recovering, just pick off any brown/dead growth and feed her gently with fish emulsion and seaweed extract with a drop of superthrive at a low strength like ec 1.4 and she will soon be green and healthy again. If you handwater your moms daily with nutes I suggest regular flushing with plain water to avoid salt buildup.

I keep my ph between 5.5 and 6.0 and never had any ph issues at all in coco. I had an Afghan that showed a little ph spotting so I dropped ph to 5.5 to 5.8 and she was quite happy then.

In my experience, there are very few problems in coco that aren't cured by a thorough flush.


Voluptuous Trichomes


spacecadet said:
any ways here what i been doing i been feeding them 350 ppm and a ph of 6.9
pH Burn will take a week or more to recover from...when Ca ("salt") builds up it locks stuff out...lower pH is more favorable for Ca uptake in coco....5.5 to 6.0 is a better pH than 6.9....next time you could flush with e-salts (or Sweet) to flush out excess Ca


British_Hempire said:

In my experience, there are very few problems in coco that aren't cured by a thorough flush.

Can I have an amen?



hey vt long time no chat man hope things are well with you, whats funny when i frist mixed my nutes my ph was about 5.9 and when i recheck it a few days later it was at 6.9
not sure why may be i need to let the mix sit for a day or two before i adjust the ph cant be the tester cuse i check the calabraction before each use


I hope you get it worked out... doesn't look very sexy at all.
I do reccommend keeping your moms in soil.... good luck


**AWD** Aficianado
I think the biggest mistake growers make with regards to coco is treating it like soil, it's not...not in the details that make a difference anyway.

You have to flush coco once a month maximum, or water until you get ALOT of runoff when you give her plain water, watering frequency is also important, I water every2-3 days max, even when they look well watered then can hold more, the weight method is USELESS for coco in gauging water needs.

I still keep my moms in organic soil because they buildup salts, organic ferts aren't salty and are low release, perfect for keeping a mom longterm.

If you do flush use a light nutrient solution and not plain water for a thorough flush, use twice the amount of water than you have medium.



Voluptuous Trichomes
good to see you too spacecadet...you still drain to waste, right? I never check runoff pH....I can tell if I have bad pH by the plants....anyways...testing runoff may not be most reliable....according to Canna, it's better to take samples of the coco...and test that (no need for labcoats and flasks...lol!)...if you need a link or something on that, I can find the Canna link (good read)...so PM me if so 'cause I may not make it back to this thread...

I agree with the folks suggesting that you flush...I think that was good advice...and you do have a habit of growin' in small containers, lol...I'll never forget that Folgers can and that fat stalk...


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
spacecadet said:
hey vt long time no chat man hope things are well with you, whats funny when i frist mixed my nutes my ph was about 5.9 and when i recheck it a few days later it was at 6.9
not sure why may be i need to let the mix sit for a day or two before i adjust the ph cant be the tester cuse i check the calabraction before each use
My tap water does that too. If I re-adjust my pH it will rise a little each day . When I use half rain water and half tap my pH stays put. Must be all the stuff dissolved in the tap water.


-VT- said:
good to see you too spacecadet...you still drain to waste, right? I never check runoff pH....I can tell if I have bad pH by the plants....anyways...testing runoff may not be most reliable....according to Canna, it's better to take samples of the coco...and test that (no need for labcoats and flasks...lol!)...if you need a link or something on that, I can find the Canna link (good read)...so PM me if so 'cause I may not make it back to this thread...

I agree with the folks suggesting that you flush...I think that was good advice...and you do have a habit of growin' in small containers, lol...I'll never forget that Folgers can and that fat stalk...

yeah man i still do the drain to waste but i am only doing one out doors this year but i want to keep a good mom around but i leached and leached and there still getting worse now the leafs are tuning yellow and brown so i took em out doors and pop them out of there pots and they was root bound so i trimmed the roots and re potted with fresh coco in the same pots well see if thats help if not i am going to trash em and make some new moms and this time i will do one in soil as well as coco. as as for me growing trees in coffee cans thats was a fun run to say the lest but not doing it again this time i got a 2 gallon pot for the one out door cutt and might repot later to a 5 gallon who know only time will tell man

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