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Coastal Seed Co Oaxacan Colombian


Well-known member
i bet its fire for sure, anything Oaxaca even 25% its pretty solid. Which brings me to Colorado Sativas? Have you tried them? Had to ask since they carry several types of Mexican.

I don't wanna derail the thread from Coastal seed Oaxaca/Colombia.

:LOL: No worries about derailing. This thread never had a general direction

Theres a member on here who grew a destroyer cross from colorado sativas and it turned out very nice



Well-known member
I don't want to be a downer but my insinct tells me that most of what we consider Mexican landrace is pretty much gone.

I don't know if people realize that just because something was collected at a certain place; like lets say Oaxaca, that its suddenly that old Mexican classic.

I see the same shit play out here in Colombia with things like lets say a 'Corinto'. Just because some fool acquired a handfull of god knows what they proclaim they've discovered a landrace.

A landrace that apparently survived through time being grown surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of commercial greenhouse growers pushing fast hybrids. Nevermind that most people had never even heard of it or these places until the last 2-3 years. They know who they are and they continue to hang on my every word the parasites but I digress...

In reference to Mexico i'm not sure if its just greed and profiteering from the person or outfit offering that or just willfull ignorance on part of the buyer, trader, grower and/or breeder.

I think its a bit of both in equal shares, the common denominator being greed and prestige.

Ive felt this way for years (call me a pessimist) but understanding as much as one can about the speed and size at which Mexican agriculture works and changes with time wether it be legal or illegal tells me that finding a continuous uninterrupted line or population of Mexican landrace or heirloum is quite impossible.

Unless of course a family, group or even an individual has taken to the task of conserving these genetics for at least the last 30-50 years. Unlikely right?

But Mexico is huge, like they say "como Mexico no hay dos" so one never knows.

What I do know is that one single source showing up with basically every famous Mexican variety ever mentioned all in one shot is most likely BS.

The worst part is that the pollen chucker(s) that used these unverified genetics making any possible, marketable cross they could, give less of a FLICK about the authenticity and provenance of these genetics.

Much less the broker and much less the end grower who willingly falls for it and starts breeding with it, whos so far from the birth of the lie that he feels quite innocent and justifies himself with the whole "thats what they told me" routine.

Ive been exposed to and have reached out to indigenous Oaxacan growers in Mexico and even THEY don't have it so...

I'd say if you wan't a true background (at least late 80's-90's) talk to retired military or cartel personal everything prior to that is pretty much lost to history from what I can gather.

Hope i'm wrong!

PS this is just one mans opinion mind you.


My wife has family down in Guerrero and her sister brought me back some seeds from a visit last year. Im hesitant to even pop them though because they're probably just commercial hybrids. I started smoking in high school in the late 90's and even by then all the brickweed we got in texas was undoubtedly hybridized indicas. Dont get me wrong, we got some good with the bad, but im sure sativas are a rarity there as much as they were over 20 years ago


Active member
¡Hola! Todavía quedan algunas buenas variedades de Oaxaca. Está el clon 79 y en el post de variedades locales mexicanas hay amigos que parecen tener genética mexicana antigua. NLD.

Tengo este Oaxacan Gold PS que compré en Proseeds de Cryptic Labs.

También hicieron un gran trabajo con Demon Latcher. (Original Haze x Oro Oaxaqueño)

Es una pena que ya no estén disponibles. Estas variedades no duran mucho...

Me dieron semillas Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold.

Hacen un gran trabajo y tienen variedades valiosas. Debemos apoyar a este tipo de bancos.

¡Quiero probarlo!

El Pearl-Stem Oaxacan Gold tiene un patrón de crecimiento único en el que crece un solo cáliz a la vez apilados uno sobre otro cubiertos de glándulas de resina brillantes que parecen perlas en un tallo. Esta línea fue seleccionada por el mejor efecto que pensamos de la línea Oaxacan Gold, que es más eufórica y alucinante en cierto sentido. El tiempo de floración puede ser un poco más largo con estas. Alrededor de las 16 a 18 semanas. Algunos duran 20 semanas. El aroma es como de fino incienso y especias con notas cítricas. Casi como el incienso y la mirra. Quemar un porro de ella dejará la habitación con un olor como si se hubiera realizado un ritual horas después de que se apagara el porro. Esta línea es más adecuada para los verdaderos amantes de las sativa que buscan asumir el desafío de una verdadera sativa pura de floración larga con un subidón a la altura.
Tengo semillas de Demon Latcher x Tom Hill Haze F2. Sólo escríbeme al interno si quieres algo.


Well-known member
@Lugo Well said man, I still have hope for some of these strains, but more than likely they're in a tacklebox, or under a floorboard in an older gentleman's house. When I first started growing the strain "Santa Marta" was available in Europe out of Germany (I believe) I just donated what i had for Colombian gold (which i said earlier ) to a member on here who sells clones, and hopefully will keep them alive for the community, I think there is hope, but its not in the general public, or the places one would typically look, If I was to search for Oaxaca, I'd start looking in Oregon/Washington and from ex military veterans, alot smoked and put the seeds in coffee tins, or like i said their old tackle boxes, and did not grow. I think the search has to be widened to the most unlikely of places, that is where miracles seem to happen :)

I feel the same way you do Lugo, thats why I started doing my own seeds, if I do the crosses myself I cant be fooled about what is in there.
I don't have plugs or connections to find seeds, I just travel for joy/pleasure and I manifest an opportunity and weed seems to find me and the 3 times I have scored solid bud it has had seeds lots of seeds in the bud. Thats what I am working as a starting point.
The people that have shared their bud with seeds most of the time never mention any particular name, strain, or legend, its just ganja for them, holy smoke, a master plant.

I have been very careful to NOT put iconic names to the cultivars I explore, I don't wanna fool anyone, that ain't my game, I just use the point of origin where I sourced the bud with seeds for reference.
Not everything found in Colombia is a Santa Marta gold, or Corinto, not everything found in Mexico is Oaxaca.

But if one talks to a peasant farmer in a village where no tourist are seen, and that farmer is smoking weed and gives you some seeded bud, would you take his work serious?
That has been my experience and approach to the seeds I have found in my journey. If they are modern hybrids or legendary old school genetics, It doesn't really matter to me because the seeds were handed to me by a peasant farmer like me in another country, so what ever that farmer did I want to find out.

At the moment I am stuck with a Filipino kind, from 2019 till now just checking it out, growing it multiple times in different climates. I wanna do the same with a Mexican but would like to start with a solid base.

Even if the landrace game is done, overkilled... guys like you, me and the many others here and there are trying hard to keep some stuff alive and around, thats worth keeping hope.

Totally dude, i'm always asking folks from all backgrounds what they're smoking, what they like etc.

This name gaming, strainstunting piracy is usually associated with folks that want to make a fast buck commercially with no real history with or about what they are selling.

Ask any of these landrace outfits (not all obviously just the most recent in the last few) that've popped up in the last few years to show you a single cycle of a seed to seed/flower harvest and they can't. Ask them about their testers and they can't either yet they offer a ton of varietals from every corner of the Earth 🤣 !!!

Landraces with NO MALES apparently!




Well-known member
My wife has family down in Guerrero and her sister brought me back some seeds from a visit last year. Im hesitant to even pop them though because they're probably just commercial hybrids. I started smoking in high school in the late 90's and even by then all the brickweed we got in texas was undoubtedly hybridized indicas. Dont get me wrong, we got some good with the bad, but im sure sativas are a rarity there as much as they were over 20 years ago
Its all worth exploring for sure!


Active member
Totally dude, i'm always asking folks from all backgrounds what they're smoking, what they like etc.

This name gaming, strainstunting piracy is usually associated with folks that want to make a fast buck commercially with no real history with or about what they are selling.

Ask any of these landrace outfits (not all obviously just the most recent in the last few) that've popped up in the last few years to show you a single cycle of a seed to seed/flower harvest and they can't. Ask them about their testers and they can't either yet they offer a ton of varietals from every corner of the Earth 🤣 !!!

Landraces with NO MALES apparently!


I had a mexican landrace m/f that i was calling California orange bud, it hermi's pretty badly tho, I don't know if i have seeds left anywhere but if i find them, i'll donate to your cause, it flowers for about 15-18 weeks and you can see some indica introduction but its somewhat close to pure.


Well-known member
I had a mexican landrace m/f that i was calling California orange bud, it hermi's pretty badly tho, I don't know if i have seeds left anywhere but if i find them, i'll donate to your cause, it flowers for about 15-18 weeks and you can see some indica introduction but its somewhat close to pure.
Appreciate it but up to now ive had a herm-free life!
This is my first post on here. Just signed up after I was doing some random searches and found this thread. I got a pack of Oxac/Col from DCSE and grew one out last year. I can't claim I know jack sht about the landrace purity or genetic line of this plant other than what I'd read about it before buying them, but what I can say about them is this: I grew one. It turned out female. I grew it out under my 150w LED lights and it flowered. No herm, stretched a little but I kept it in a smaller pot and it suffered a little. I took her down at 10 weeks but could've gone to 12 I think had I treated her better. I left a little branch on her to reveg while the rest cured for a month. It was a little skunky, a little grassy smelling, but nice. My first hit took me back to my teenage years in the early 80's sifting brown weed for seeds while pleasantly high, which is exactly what I was hoping for when I grew that seed out. I now have a 3 foot tall bushy mother plant thats over a year old. I'm not saying I don't gaf about whether it's "real deal" this or that, but this is some nice smoke and I'll be running with it. Now, if anyone can come up with something like Kiona used to grow here in Washington called Purple Santa Marta, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of those beans. Impossible though I'm guessing.


Well-known member
This is my first post on here. Just signed up after I was doing some random searches and found this thread. I got a pack of Oxac/Col from DCSE and grew one out last year. I can't claim I know jack sht about the landrace purity or genetic line of this plant other than what I'd read about it before buying them, but what I can say about them is this: I grew one. It turned out female. I grew it out under my 150w LED lights and it flowered. No herm, stretched a little but I kept it in a smaller pot and it suffered a little. I took her down at 10 weeks but could've gone to 12 I think had I treated her better. I left a little branch on her to reveg while the rest cured for a month. It was a little skunky, a little grassy smelling, but nice. My first hit took me back to my teenage years in the early 80's sifting brown weed for seeds while pleasantly high, which is exactly what I was hoping for when I grew that seed out. I now have a 3 foot tall bushy mother plant thats over a year old. I'm not saying I don't gaf about whether it's "real deal" this or that, but this is some nice smoke and I'll be running with it. Now, if anyone can come up with something like Kiona used to grow here in Washington called Purple Santa Marta, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of those beans. Impossible though I'm guessing.
Show and tell! I'd love to see what your talking about!

Got any pics?

As long as it makes you happy right?


Well-known member
But still ain't nothing like the real thing baby!

This takes way more than 10 weeks I promise you!

Althiugh I can totally understand that most folks don't want to wait 20+ weeks for a light harvest.


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Show and tell! I'd love to see what your talking about!

Got any pics?

As long as it makes you happy right?
Absolutely right! So I'm a child of the prohibition years and typically avoid keeping any snapshots... mom is confined to her 3 gal. container and she a big girl now, pretty bushy and takes up a good portion of usable space. I neglected up-potting and she suffered for a little while. For scientic purposes, I will snap a pic in a day or so when I'm back home from caring for my pops. Life just got unpredictable for the foreseeable future. Do you by chance have any info on Coastal's Big Sur HW? I picked up a pack of those after I finished and tried this Oax/Col but haven't quite gotten to the point of cracking any yet. That pic is some fire man....
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Well-known member
Absolutely right! So I'm a child of the prohibition years and typically avoid keeping any snapshots... mom is confined to her 3 gal. container and she a big girl now, pretty bushy and takes up a good portion of usable space. I neglected up-potting and she suffered for a little while. For scientic purposes, I will snap a pic in a day or so when I'm back home from caring for my pops. Life just got unpredictable for the foreseeable future. Do you by chance have any info on Coastal's Big Sur HW? I picked up a pack of those after I finished and tried this Oax/Col but haven't quite gotten to the point of cracking any yet. That pic is some fire man....
No man I don't, but I can tell you that ive seen very little (read none) of Kagyus work on here.

Heck even by his own hands its only been just a few pictures.

Im curious about the Oaxacan x Colombian, I wonder how long it would go if you let it...🤔

10-12 weeks is waaay to fast for anything authentically Colombian and honestly I don't believe that a classic Oaxacan exists outside of possibly conservationist breeders or as a family heirloum.

Not everything coming out of Oaxaca can be considered that classic Oaxacan people remember but theres a good chance that a hybridized Oaxacan was used that quite possibly was descendant of the OG landrace and that might be why its so fast.

That or something else was used!

I'm tempted to grow it myself!

Looking forward to seeing those pictures!
No man I don't, but I can tell you that ive seen very little (read none) of Kagyus work on here.

Heck even by his own hands its only been just a few pictures.

Im curious about the Oaxacan x Colombian, I wonder how long it would go if you let it...🤔

10-12 weeks is waaay to fast for anything authentically Colombian and honestly I don't believe that a classic Oaxacan exists outside of possibly conservationist breeders or as a family heirloum.

Not everything coming out of Oaxaca can be considered that classic Oaxacan people remember but theres a good chance that a hybridized Oaxacan was used that quite possibly was descendant of the OG landrace and that might be why its so fast.

That or something else was used!

I'm tempted to grow it myself!

Looking forward to seeing those pictures!
Ok now.... keep in mind, I had some distractions and family stuff going on and I was neglectful of my tent. I had/have a few clones and other things going in here too. But this girl bounced back like a champ in 2 weeks and is super happy now. I have a smallish clone of her about a bushy foot tall in a one gallon pot doing nicely now too


Well-known member
No man I don't, but I can tell you that ive seen very little (read none) of Kagyus work on here.

Heck even by his own hands its only been just a few pictures.

Im curious about the Oaxacan x Colombian, I wonder how long it would go if you let it...🤔

10-12 weeks is waaay to fast for anything authentically Colombian and honestly I don't believe that a classic Oaxacan exists outside of possibly conservationist breeders or as a family heirloum.

Not everything coming out of Oaxaca can be considered that classic Oaxacan people remember but theres a good chance that a hybridized Oaxacan was used that quite possibly was descendant of the OG landrace and that might be why its so fast.

That or something else was used!

I'm tempted to grow it myself!

Looking forward to seeing those pictures!
Isn't Vermontman's Oaxacan relatively early flowering? I'm not sure if it started that way or was adapted to the northeastern US climate.


Well-known member
Ok now.... keep in mind, I had some distractions and family stuff going on and I was neglectful of my tent. I had/have a few clones and other things going in here too. But this girl bounced back like a champ in 2 weeks and is super happy now. I have a smallish clone of her about a bushy foot tall in a one gallon pot doing nicely now too View attachment 19002876 View attachment 19002878
Wow thats some serious vigor you got going on there!

Good looking girl!

Whats she smell like?

Thanks for sharing!


Well-known member
Isn't Vermontman's Oaxacan relatively early flowering? I'm not sure if it started that way or was adapted to the northeastern US climate.

Pretty early flowering yes. Hes been working it for a very long time. I really enjoy his stuff, especially the mountain gold


Well-known member
I think he is gonna a new thing with the Oaxacan, teased us with "Double Oaxacan" over here:

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