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Registered Cannabis User
has anyone seen the trailer for the new cloverfield movie?

What do you think is terrorizing the place? I think it might be another godzilla movie! woOT



I've been wondering the same thing token! I thought it could be another godzilla i dont think so. The trailer boggles me....


I just read its some monster as big as a skyscraper....but no mention of what kind of monster.....ign movies.com


sunshine in a bag
It does look intriguing... hopefully someone puts it up on joox after it comes out :D

I don't like paying 7.50 just to watch a movie that is usually not worth the hr and 30 minutes of my time it takes to watch...


Mother Nature's Son
I heard that it was filmed on relatively cheap video cameras, instead of using the ordinary movie cameras. I heard that they were trying to make it look more realistic, didn't use tracks for the ground (to look smoother) just walked with the camera or ran with it.
I hope it isn't another stupid Godzilla monster, hopefully it will be a bit more creative than that. I mean, I love Godzilla, but he just looked like shit in the last movie. I actually preferred the rubber suit.
And to hell with paying $20 to watch a movie with Daisy, or even buy a game. I will just use the good ol' internet.

Oh, and Feyd....really diggin' the avatar. Cracked me up big time.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
nah i saw the new trailer..shows a woman infected with a "bite"..which leads me to beleive some crazy alien zomie creature thing...but they did look like some large mosnters..or ware they vehicles....it beeter not be one of those movies that shows you the creature int errible camera angles and is just a cheap waste of cash..


New member
been lookin forward to this for almost a year now. im a big time LOST fan, im sure jj abrams has somethin pretty tight cooked up here. trailers look dope, but thats just my opinion.


I dunno, will take more than curiosity to get me in a theater. God Voltron let's all hope not. Was lame in the early 80's be even lamer 25 years later. Damn it now i feel old.


Rabies said:
I dunno, will take more than curiosity to get me in a theater. God Voltron let's all hope not. Was lame in the early 80's be even lamer 25 years later. Damn it now i feel old.
ROFLAMO!!! your not the only one, trust me!


Mother Nature's Son
Ick, I hope it isn't a Voltron movie...
I don't really recall the "defender of the universe" infecting anyone with a bite though, so I don't think it will be that.

I hope it is not another zombie or godzilla type movie, can't anyone think up some original monsters anymore?? Just redoing the same old shit, blech.

And I am Legend was pretty good, but way too damn short. I hate how movies barely reach or go over the two hour mark. Definitely not worth the $20 to get in anymore.

Mr. Nevermind

Tarkus said:
Ick, I hope it isn't a Voltron movie...
I don't really recall the "defender of the universe" infecting anyone with a bite though, so I don't think it will be that.

I hope it is not another zombie or godzilla type movie, can't anyone think up some original monsters anymore?? Just redoing the same old shit, blech.

And I am Legend was pretty good, but way too damn short. I hate how movies barely reach or go over the two hour mark. Definitely not worth the $20 to get in anymore.

Whats up Tarkus! Long time no see, i hope you and daisy are doing well.

I saw that i am legend movie and it was ok. Im glad i watched it online instead of going to the theater. Most movies today are all hype and not worht the price of admission. So i end up going onlne and watching them. I havetn been to a theater in a while. No point when i can eat better food here, pause th emovie to roll a J and smoke while i watch.

I have a sony Viao and a sony wega so all i needed was one cable and watch it on 60 inch screen. Will more than likey do the same with cloverfield. While it looks interesting, in my experiance hype odnt mean a thing.

If its voltron i will burn down the movie studio!!!



I dont think Cloverfield is the next Voltron, but I did hear a rumor that a Voltron movie is in production as we speak.


Sneak attack critical

I wonder how many Cloverfield sequels it will take for us to get the whole story...

I've watched Lost for too many seasons now to think that we'll get a nice tight package (no loose ends) by the end of the movie.

JJ Abrams doesn't consume food to live, the way you or I do. Instead, he feeds on rumors and speculation. Having said that, my interest is piqued...


sunshine in a bag
I heard that Wilford Grimley is the Cloverfield Monster.

We are all ****ed if that is true.


Registered Cannabis User
dude, if it's gonna be ****en voltron kill me now. I hated voltron.

I talked to my friend today and he said that it was supposed to be another alien attack on the human race kinda thing. Basically another war of the worlds.

but whatever JJ has to offer, I bet its sick!