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Cloning Bubbler Machine - Build it Yourself

Madrus Rose

post 69
Yup, he's the one who taught me how to make the aero-cloner. Then I added the air pump and air diffuser taking methods from what Microbeman suggests ( www.microbeorganics.com ). I pretty much borrowed ideas/methods from Dycans and MicrobeMan to make my hybrid unit.

The combo of very high DO water, with bubbles and sprayers seem to make them root like mad. I have never seen anything like it.

I agree using the PVC collar is really nice, I have never seen anyone do so besides Dycans design. FWIW, he is selling his units again if anyone need a Dycans aero-cloner.

Nice job on the cloner & the good info , just happened upon Dycans bubble cloner thread just last nite over on the Canna Cabana here

Amazing what can be done with air, water...& a little light.
Look at planet earth:)

Carry on

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude

had this thing forever, now putting it to use, did nothing special,
cut em, soaked in rooting solution for 10-20 minutes and in they went,
most are just dumped in 3+ inches in,
its been 4 days and starting to see little tiny white hairs goin

Got a heat mat, air stone and 42watt energy effecient bulb and away we go. rooms about normal temperature.



had this thing forever, now putting it to use, did nothing special,
cut em, soaked in rooting solution for 10-20 minutes and in they went,
most are just dumped in 3+ inches in,
its been 4 days and starting to see little tiny white hairs goin

Got a heat mat, air stone and 42watt energy effecient bulb and away we go. rooms about normal temperature.
Cool cloner b. friendly ! I was looking for dyi. clone growing thingy using rubermaid or ? container when I ran across this thread!:plant grow:

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
You can't see em that good but about 10 of them have roots. Would of happened way sooner with more taking if I did not be so sloppy, but I wanted to see if worked with zero TLC


I did nothing, let em sit like 3inches in water with minimal scaring and it worked
but in the future I would do more scaring and a good cut, plus only let em sit on top of the water and not submerge the stem like this time, all the roots grew above the water line?????

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
You can't see em that good but about 10 of them have roots. Would of happened way sooner with more taking if I did not be so sloppy, but I wanted to see if worked with zero TLC

like this time, all the roots grew above the water line?????
tried to put these roots in peet moss cubes, and the ROOTS are so brittle, they are hard and not bendable at all, even with warm soft peet I snapped a few, they should all live but that was a learning curve.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ok over 2 weeks of being exposed to light did nothing for growing algea, tote is completely free of any algea.

got 18 of 21 cuts rooted in peat moss now. maybe one or 2 will still root, so it's over 90% effecient for making babies

I prefer having a clear tote so I can see the roots growing and know which ones to pull out easily without taking off the lid.


it is a great thing for an agricultural tool to be both cheap and effective

a 3 gallon tub makes a spacious 20 site bubbler real cheap, pipe insulation wedgies, the stones and pump get used for making tea too - a handful of worm castings tossed in the tub makes a nice teapot when ya aint cloning in it



dont leave them in for 3 weeks though :)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
gotta say that i love this way of cloning because it is care free. I did not have cover on the tops,
just put em in rooting hormone for 10-20 minutes before planting and that was it.

Never had to do any maintance, kinda nice not having to keep soil wet, spray tops...


Made me one of these units years ago and have been rocking it ever since. Love em to death.

Anyone who says light in the root zone is not a big deal honestly doesn't know wtf they're talking about. There is research out there explaining how roots can sense different types of light and how growth and metabolism is regulated by what the roots sense.
You've already sent your cut into hormonal overload by cutting it off the plant.. now add light into the equation and make things more complicated for the cutting. Doesn't that seem unnecessarily silly to anyone?

I had a darkish blue tub that let in just a faint glow. Taping it up with tin tape took 100%-rooted time from sometimes over 2 weeks to ALWAYS under 1 week. I did this side by side for myself.

YES you CAN root in a clear container.. But it will take CONSIDERABLY LONGER and your FAILURE RATE will spike up.. Sooo why bother?

The algae risk is very real but depends on what you're putting in the water, what's already in the water when you get it and also what's in the air that the air pump is pushing into the water.. as well as the water temps.

It is an unnecessary risk. PERIOD.
Tape that shit up. Cheap 'n easy.

As for the collars, I used the same hole-saw I used to cut out the holes on the lid to cut out little pucks off a neoprene garden knee pad ($2). They squeeze into the holes and expand slightly to keep everything nice and snug. I've only used half of that knee pad so far btw.
My unit also does double duty sometime when I'm popping seeds. Once a few roots have popped out of the rockwool I just place the cube in a little netpot and they fit perfectly into the holes - and good god do they ever take off like mad. You may want to experiment with this in the future to make caring for seedlings even more easier.

In case no one's mentioned it already.. I found another important factor for success and speed to be the level of water.. I NEVER let my cuts be IN the water.. Having a strong air pump that creates a lot of bursting bubbles on the surface means tons of tiny water droplets flying everywhere.. You want your cuts to be soaking in that mist. That shit is golden.
edit: I see you noticed the roots growing above the water line ;)

Also, if you're paranoid or just have issues with losing power due to weather or living somewhere with a shitty power grid - consider the Azoo Battery Backup Pump or something similar (mine was ~$50). It's a sweet air pump that I swear by and that has saved my ass several times.. If your power dies it can keep things bubbling for ~10hrs straight or ~20hrs in bursts.
I'll never use a water pump based spray/mist system for that reason alone.

addendum: also noticed you're trying to go into peat pellets or cubes from this setup.. not the best idea IMHO. try going to the small netpots with hydroton, diatomite or some other AIRY material. As you've found - the roots can be a little delicate and it's easier to gently cover them.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Made me one of these units years ago and have been rocking it ever since. Love em to death.

. There is research out there explaining how roots can sense different types of light and how growth and metabolism is regulated by what the roots sense.
addendum: also noticed you're trying to go into peat pellets or cubes from this setup.. not the best idea IMHO. try going to the small netpots with hydroton, diatomite or some other AIRY material. As you've found - the roots can be a little delicate and it's easier to gently cover them.
Will be potting right into soil from now on.
Took some advice and darkened my tote with Metal Taper,

couple minutes of work and .30 cents of tape, findout next time if roots take faster???? and if success rates go up??????


Will be potting right into soil from now on.

Careful going from hydro to soil. They'll probably stress. They rooted in a hydro environment so the root structure will be different and may cause the cuts to freak.
Maybe prep them a bit by adding superthrive or some other b-vits to the water before and after transplanting.
Good luck!

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Careful going from hydro to soil. They'll probably stress. They rooted in a hydro environment so the root structure will be different and may cause the cuts to freak.
Maybe prep them a bit by adding superthrive or some other b-vits to the water before and after transplanting.
Good luck!
cheap and can find one just like it at your neighbourhood garden centre or home depot

5minute soak and so far no issues with transplanting

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