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Classic Firecracker Recipe


Well I always liked this and i didn't see it anywhere around here so I figured I'd retype the one i got from OG.

8 saltime crackers (most thin crackers with a wide surface area seem to work)
Peanut butter ( natural seems to work better than hydrogenated)
0.4-0.6g (about a joints worth) of highgrade organic cannabis bud.

End Result: You will get 4 (.1g+) sandwitched Cannautbutter crackers. Or as many as you choose to make.

Spread peaunt butter liberally on the tops of all 8 crackers. Cut cannabis bud into fine dust with shrap scissors. Sprinkle the cannabis very finely across the full peauntbuttered surface of four of the crackers. Now place the peanutbutter side of the four crackers on the top to make a sandwich. (peanutbutter faces the cannabis on both sides). Gently squeeze the crackers together to make sure cannabis is fully submerged in the peanut butter.

Now place your firecrackers on a sheet and cook them in a preheated oven at 320 degrees farenheit. (160 celsius) for 22 minutes.

Viola, There you have it!

From my experiments, I found it effective to eat only one firecracker at first, then second one after maybe 35-45 minutes later and a third one and so on every 2.5 hours if needed.

Firecrackers are very mobile but remember to keep them well wrapped as they do smell a but and it can be noticable to others who may not be as used to the smell as you are.

Firecrackers seem to get more potent if left in room temperature (wrapped) for 24 hours before eating them. firecrackers also seem to be more effective if eaten on an empty stomach. The effects alse seem to be amplified with physical exercise (as related to runners high).

If you are worried about smell you can wrap the firecrackers in foil before inserting them inside the oven but make sure to open them outside because they do smell, not much like cannabis more like burnt peanutbutter and cracker.

I will also tell you right now that these do not taste the best. I had a little trouble eating them plain and had to add a little peanut butter after.

This is the same as brownies, do not eat a lot at the same time, it takes around 35 minutes to start really kicking in

Thanks to the original writer of this. I have added/changed aswell.

Have fun!



Yeah man I have this recipe too and make them often. I've officially labeled them the easiest cannabis treat to make in the world.


Official Tree Taster
finally someone posted it. love these things and you should too :)

perfect for long rides or periods of time that you can't SMOKE weed


Future Psychopharmacologist
Man last time I made a firecracker I used half a piece of bread instead of a craker. Man was I fucked up. I'ed say it lasted 12 hours (no shitting, I went to bed and woke up high) I think I added a bit too much in lol.


Yeah man a lil gets you high. I'd eat a gram for good measure. A gram distributed between 4 sandwiches.

Kush King

i wonder if finger rub would work. im going to have to try :D

How high do you get of a gram of weed? like super baked like a good brownie would...


Active member
Watch out with these, they can be very very potent. Depending on how much you regularly smoke and how much you have smoked that day depends on your high and how much bud you should put in the firecracker. You also want to think is this bud your using better or worse than what I'm used to or the same.

I've gotten friends so high off these as well as my self, you will respect Marijuana if you use too much. Seriously.

BTW, I usually use .6-.8 grams of high quality home grown.


robobond said:
Man was I fucked up. I'ed say it lasted 12 hours (no shitting, I went to bed and woke up high)
hehehe :bat:

Been there, done that!! :wave:



from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
Overdoze said:
Yeah man I have this recipe too and make them often. I've officially labeled them the easiest cannabis treat to make in the world.

Well the easiest I know of is eating it raw... I love that taste.... about 1/8 oz will do and beware bcoz it'll hit you different to if you smoked it .....



Official Tree Taster
Delta9-THC said:
Well the easiest I know of is eating it raw... I love that taste.... about 1/8 oz will do and beware bcoz it'll hit you different to if you smoked it .....


amen. people look at me weird when i take a bite of fresh tree, i think it is delicious (a weird spice) plus it lets you know how well they have been flushed.


Moon-grass farmer
I thought THC had to be heat activated? I've never eaten weed to get high, so I have no experience really in this subject besides this:

My dog ate about a gram of some quality herb that she stole straight off of my computer desk. Had me all freaked out, but she wasn't effected at all.

A few weeks later, I was passing the pipe to a homeboy, dropped the bastard, and a half burnt bowl fell out. My little Jack Russell, got to it before I could. Very small amount of marijuana... .2 or .3 maximum. The dog got LOADED. I felt so fucking bad. I was too much of a pussy to tell my girlfriend, so an hour later she runs into my computer room saying somethings wrong with the dog..."I think she might've accidently...."

Yeah, didn't hear the end of that for a while.

But now I realize it wasn't my fault, accidents happen.

Jam Master Jaco



jaunt said:
i've putten a full g in one fire cracker lol. i almost vomited 3 times trying to eat it.

That's way too much for one saltine cracker. I'd say .3 grams is the most you should put per cracker. Eat three crackers when you're sober and I garuntee you will be blasted. Since you're only eating .9 grams, You only end up using 9 grams for every 10 times you do this. Are you sold on these things yet? :canabis: