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Chiskey from Majorca


Hi Growers , we're almost at the end, and our effort will be rewarded soon, but until you take the bear must not sell the skin, I'm here almost touching the fruit, thanks to all the tips I've gone reading around here, you have helped me reach this point in these conditions so optmas, so I thank the entire community of icmag all contributions that are made, well, these days I walk all day with the pots for inside and outside because of the much-needed rain and the island and the rest of the country, is a little heavy work but it sure plant paid more than me, I'll leave some pictures, every day is more diabolical afraid that so sticky, fragrant resin.

general view in your refuge plants


a bit of resin to brighten the view


a heart of bottom you will see that this mature alike, tied with the plant is very open and mature alike, next year do bondage, and I think it gives discreccion up production, but above all gives more discreccion.


the next pictures of them after the new moon, so hopefully this will provide a state of moon extra resin. Cut to 3 days. Good luck to everyone in this harvest.


Good again around here, back earlier than expected, but that I never tire of seeing this magnificent plant, so I want to share this pleasant experience, I will put a few more sexy pics,

this is the comparison with the can of coca-cola, which hides behind the tips of branches, these last days is, terribly fattening, the plant has about 14 points of this size, it seems that it has laid great bend to the plant, and I guess they all sit equally well. I of course I paid the bondage, production + discreccion that more could you ask for, besides being much more comfortable than a SCROG.



Here is the chiskey enjoying a beautiful sunny morning, it is very grateful the poor these last days is not much, and all morning today is enjoying whit the sun.


And finally, here it last night, sheltered from the storm, despite preventive antifungal used, as has been propolix and copper, the game not me, other than that will feel much better protected and will offer me better results.


Well folks, I hope you enjoy it, as I'm enjoying myself.
And I encourage guys work is paying off


Hello Friends growers, we're almost at the end, with many difficulties and hard work as every year, I'll put some pictures of my Chiskey, which I think is already ripe for the court yesterday afternoon look through a lens of 20 increases, and I could start to grow the number of amber trichomes and the amount of brown hair you will appreciate the photos indicate that the plant is in a good ripeness, look at the pictures, and tell me if I'm wrong, I plan to ask the hairdresser in the evening or tomorrow morning, and cut tomorrow evening or Tuesday to fine morning, I have to look at what time we have low tide.

Plant general appearance


Photos of buds





Give me your opinion about when to cut, thank you very much everyone for what they have learned in this forum, these buds are the result largely of my wisdom gained through this corner of the net.


they start by cutting the nerves, the truth that gives joy complete the cycle, but also feel sorry to end this magnificent plant that has behaved so magnificently, cortare tomorrow afternoon, and in 2 weeks you can say something about your taste .

The arrows point to the sky


Preparation for harvest, the first step by the hairdresser, you got a first manicure, tomorrow I will make another manicure, and when cut and manicure fine hare, who want to taste it, smell copious remains between the fingers in me and also fruity reminiscent of vanilla is a delicious smell.



I put some pictures of the bud, a little past the hairdresser,



Comparison with coca-cola can


Perhaps the last sunset. From Chiskey'09



Good night all, today I picked, the magnificent plant created by aeroos, which gave as good answers to my care, has given me a good result, to have had a container of 25 liters. Do not trust her at first, and awarded the smaller pot for next year, always reserve a bigger pot this variety is due.
I pass some sexy pics taken during the harvest, thanks to all Members, who have helped me in this arduous journey, but everything comes to an end, I hope you have enjoyed this track.

View of manicured plant


Manicured bud.




The drying plant


Here a little present I left the manicured


So much for the plant in 15 days you dare, dry and data quantities of khat has been a pleasure cultvar this variety next year I hope to do a good selection of this variety with at least 15 seeds and select a pair to harvest them. Bearing plant is a small but very robust and wide, she looks very strong, so that has not suffered plagues of any kind, of course this prevention must always be very binge, I've always been short paid, provided wanted more, so beginners should go smoothly since sobrefertilizar be difficult, but remember that it is always better to fall short, for this and much more if given the bad taste not repeat this marvel. Thank you very much for the advice and personnel tracking. See you next crop.
Aupa Aeros Good Job


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Nice grow mallorqueta, congratulations

Glad to see you missed the worst of the storm by getting the ladies under shelter, just over on the mainland it was like Russian Roulette for all the outdoor growers. I now hear these September Sea storms, the ones that bring the massive hailstones, are a regular entertainment in this part of the world ...... :yoinks: