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Chicken out campaign UK



Hugh fearnley-whittingstall Has just recently started a campaign to get his home town of axminster to go totally free range in there consumption of chickens.
This was started because of the huge production and consumption of chickens in the u.k, which are raised in large indoor sheds in which 17 chickens share a sq metre and are fed under lights for 23 and a half hours a day with just 30 mins rest during there half hour darkness. These chickens reach selling weight in 39 days from hatching. These birds see no sunlight in 39 days, they shit on each other for 39 days, which cause them to recieve burns on there knee's which can plainly be seen on standard supermarket birds if you no what to look for!
Check it out!!

The reason i'm posting this? why am i bothered? why should you support?

The reason i am posting this is to see how other people feel about this, do you buy free range or standard chickens?

why am i bothered? well something like this would have gone over my head 5 years bk, but i'm older wiser now and things change.
since i have been growing my outlook on nature and my outlook on what i put into my body have also changed.
I cannot eat anything which has been sitting in its own shit in a artificial shed, just like i wont smoke anything other than organic weed! :joint:

Why should Ic members support in u.k?
If you are a true lover of weed and what we have been gifted then i'm sure you feel as i do about other matters.
And i'm sure there is many more uk growers who have become more in touch with mother nature since they have been growin this wonderfull plant! :rasta:

Please take some time out to look at the above link and sign up! get other peole to sign up to free range only too! There is some programe clips and info on there too!
And tell me what you think here also.
Peace one and all.
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Yeah man, mass producing nature isnt good...thanks for sharing.:D


The Tri Guy
You may be rich enough to pay top dollar for your food, and if you are, congratulations, but not everyone is. Knocking someone for buying their food in accordance with their budget is not on, though becoming the standard in this country. I am tired of being told what I can smoke, where I can smoke, what I can eat, and now, how my food should have lived before I eat it. I am an animal lover at heart, but lets face it, chickens are not the smartest of animals, or even in our animal group. I have no quarms about killing flies and spiders, we keep fish in tiny tanks, we keep birds as pets in cages that they can't fly around in for years rather than days, cattle are intensively farmed and they are mamals like us, same with pigs etc, I dont eat the animal group that I come from, ie mamals, but as for chickens, I'm afraid that while we leave humans to live on the streets and freeze to death in the winters and lock people up for being unable to pay their bills, then 34 days in the life of a meal that most can afford is not a priority in my mind.


GMT thankyou for raising this issue, I was fully prepared for the money side of the argument so here we go.
Well as far as being rich far from it, I am as poor as i have ever been in my life!
i'm not going to go into details but trust me i'm poor at the mo, jobless in dead end town with familly more on the way anyway i said no details.
I was thinking the same as you not so long bk, But trust me you can get just as many quality meals from one £6 free range chicken as you can from two £2.50 standard birds. Most people and i'm not saying you or all, throw most of the best meat away even on a standard chicken.
If you take the time to look at the site hugh himself will show you many ways to make a free range chicken economical. also they taste ten times better you can tell.
And i'm also as a keen amature cook gona show some of my own ideas, please take the time to look and think about it before you rush in with rash comments.
trust! Peace man :joint:
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It's more about a quality of life for us, the less standard birds we buy and the more free range birds we buy tells the producers what we as a whole want.
this decreases the production of standard and increases the production of free range, thus lowering the price.
It doesn't require much more effort to raise birds that can roam!


The Tri Guy
Well its not so much of a rash comment, its just that I dont buy or use a whole bird, I buy fillets pre packed from a supermarket. To get the same fillets from a free range bird rather than a non freerange bird would increase the price of each meal by 50% at least. And there wouldnt be any extra meat there as they are sold by the weight rather than the number of birds they came from. Do you for example check the conditions of the farms where your beef was raised etc? Do you track the water quality of the rivers or seas that your fish was caught in? Do you truly wish to see battery chickens taken off the shelves to prevent anyone from being able to buy cheap nutritious meals in order to guarantee that no bird suffered to badly. Try wandering through India, coming face to face with a tiger, and telling him you've had a hard life. Do you think he will refrain from eating you? Yes you have a mind that can make judgements, but the way of nature is, (if you truly wish to respect natures way) that some animals eat other animals, and we are nothing more than an animal who guarantees their own food supplies. I'm sorry, but it is my opinion that there are far more important battles to fight than changing the way chickens live their lives.


GMT said:
Well its not so much of a rash comment, its just that I dont buy or use a whole bird, I buy fillets pre packed from a supermarket. To get the same fillets from a free range bird rather than a non freerange bird would increase the price of each meal by 50% at least. And there wouldnt be any extra meat there as they are sold by the weight rather than the number of birds they came from. Do you for example check the conditions of the farms where your beef was raised etc? Do you track the water quality of the rivers or seas that your fish was caught in?

I think you miss understand me i'm not trying to hug a chicken far from it i agree there are far more important things to worry about, its about us and what we eat.

Tesco standard chicken breast without skin 250g-333g £3.38
Tesco freerange chicken breast with skin 260g-560g £4.16
Thats 78p difference 39p a head for two people, come on!
And yes i like to no were my meat as come from, And as a unemployed fisheries manager and keen fisherman. I take extra pride in the water quality in which my fresh and sea water fish are caught in and the way they are caught!
All the fish i now buy are part of a new system set up by fisherman who use non-evasive fishing to get there catch,these have a special tag with a number, simply put this number in on a on-line site and i can see who were and when my fish was caught. Again peanuts in terms of cost increase.

so if the cost differnce is that little, then surely it would become the same as standard chickens once it became the norm?
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The Tri Guy
Lol I wasn't prepared for that answer. Fair enough, although you should shop at the co-op £3.00 for 410g of skinless fillets.


all i see on the shelves is chicken this, chicken that. this mass produced hormoned laced shite is everywhere, stuffed into sandwiches, wraps, ready meals etc. i don't go near it.

Is this to do with that series starting later this week? I know Jamie Oliver's and someone else is doing some programme where they show the whole process of it.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I've eaten a lot of chicken in my days but the best ever is from a kosher joint in New Rochelle NY. I bought it fried about once a week for lunch as it was along my trucking route. It was advertised as 'free range' and was wickedly great, clean and fresh tasting.


ICMag Donor
Yo D

Sure thing free-range (preferably wild-ranged) all the way :D

Having worked around an intensive poultry farm in the past,, (just like the open shed on the program), we can safely say that,,, prop-holes on the side of battery barns doesn't constitute free-range!

Even intensive "free-range" chickens cooped up in sheds of shit, pecking at themselves and their own dirt have short miserable lives. The chemicals needed to keep that many birds healthy (in the water lines) is shocking. Needless to say we don't do chicken too often these days, free-range or otherwise :wink:

Hugh is a cool dude,, inspired many of us to start properly growing our own organic fruits, herbs and vegetables again :yes:
For this he should be commended, knighted, whatever... :D

Jamie Oliver is a tosser,,, lol But at least he gives a shit about the food we serve to our kids at schools.. which is also commendable.

Peace dLeaf :joint:

Transforming School Food: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQSRsY8s3kM&feature=related


Glad to see the wall has come down GMT!!! lol
No seriously my friend as i have said its not about the chicken but what we put in our body's...
Its easy to change the way you eat! and think about these things.

E.g lets say your making a curry, spend an extra 15 mins in looking for bargains on your main ingredients, onions,rice,spices,nan's e.t.c save yourself some money! maybe 80p! use money saved to buy better tasting freerange chicken.. simple.

Or plant out a couple of metre's in your bk garden with veg,herbs,chill's e.t.c
money saved on these items use for better quality meats...simple

Biftaman, yes this it to do with these programes, they kicked of with hugh's chicken run on monday.
Docleaf, come on freerange is a start..lol we will hit um with wild caught later.... :muahaha:
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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I agree with you 100% Dalek.

There are many BIG problems in our food supply.

CJD or Mad cows disease is the result of feeding the dead and diseased cows back to the ones in the factory!

Chickens are injected with ground up beef and pork pellets dissolved in water!!

Thats not even getting started on GM foods!!!

Go organic!

Go local!!

Grow yer own!!!


ps. Dont eat anything from China...


Come on guy's and gal's there must be more u.k peeps with some input on this subject?//?//


I support free range eggs and chickens. I don't like supporting the holocaust-like (what we do to animals is the essentially the same as the holocaust) activities on other species. We shouldn't be torturing animals like this.

And the notion that spending a dollar or 2 more on a case of eggs or a pack of chickens to prevent this kind of torture is too expensive is ridiculous. That notion is cheap, selfish, and unfounded in my opinion. We are animals too, but we have the power to prevent needless torture.


The Tri Guy
I dont think that the gassing of millions of Jews accross europe and buying your food as cheaply as possible can really be compared journies.


GMT said:
I dont think that the gassing of millions of Jews accross europe and buying your food as cheaply as possible can really be compared journies.
I sure do.

We send animals along in transportation with conditions that mimic what was experienced in the holocaust. Most live, some die from the packed conditions. It's all about cramming as many bodies as possible into those wagons and hey - they're animals - so who gives a fck, right? That's the gist of it.

We gas animals at shelters for 20 minutes while they writhe and die because shelters are overflowing with animals and normal euthanasia is too expensive.

Animals get slugged in the head and some don't die - they survive when they are hung by the ankle on a hook. Some pigs get boiled alive because they aren't dead - metal slugs to the head don't always kill, especially in rushed conditions of industrial meat factories. They then dip the live bodies in steaming/boiling water to remove the outer layer of their skin.

We see animals with their esophagus being ripped out while still alive, thrown to the ground left to die.

Etc, etc.

I most certainly liken it to the holocaust. Just because they aren't people doesn't mean it is ok to treat them exactly like Hitler did the Jews.

It's out there, it happens, and what is worst of all is that it is accepted and it is a common practice that the consumer doesn't ever see. Read up on it, research the conditions, etc etc. It happens and it is definitely in my opinion and in many others' the same thing as the holocaust in terms of treatment and torture etc. If you don't want to read, go watch the documentary "Earthlings" on the internet. It is free and is available in good quality (the ones on youtube are there but not as good quality)
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
free -range or not , they all get killed in exactly the same way, electricuted and head off
i dont buy free range
im afraid the prices are just too high
but again "theres nothin like growin ur own "

daddy fingaz

Active member
its a shame that this kind of issue seems to have come up in the past but then almost been forgotten as the consumers want everything as cheap (no pun intended) as possible and often have little regard to how it has got to the supermarket shelf at such a low price etc.

i remember seeing a programme a few years back which showed conditions that many of these chickens lived in, basically so pumped that they didnt have the maturity in there bones/mucsles etc to support themselves and basically sat in there own piss/shit all day, it mentioned that if u look at a chicken in the supermarket u will often notice yellow patches on the legs which are effectivly ammonia burns and myself and the misses always buy free range since seein this!

at the end of the day it shouldnt be down to an issue of price, this just simply shouldnt happen in the 1st place.

unfortunetly this is all part of a much wider issue again down to the fact that the consumer/supermarkets are constantly striving to sell wotever product for wotever rock bottom price and as long as their share holders and customers are happy noone really gives a f*ck wether its a pair of £5 jeans made in a chinese sweatshop or a battery chicken and all morality goes out the window, unfortunetly i dont see much changing as the majority of people are to greedy and selfish in their attitude!!!!!

sh*t i think i might just become a vegan naturist!!??!!


ICMag Donor
easy chicken heads,, swatch this :D

dispatches - supermarket secrets

...some cool chicken bone info. by Raymond badboy Blanc (25mins in)

yo daddy fi: keep it ital mon,, nah salt,, (nly ikkle jerk pork boy),, plenty dem pulses, dem squashes, n dem erbs canabis:

dLeaf :joint:

"only da fittest and the fittest shall survive,, stay alive!" :dance:
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