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CBD Theropy


New member
Many of the conditions treated by MJ react better to the cannanoids in CBDs than the cannanoids from THC. There seems to more info on the levels of THC than of CBDs. Please assist if anyone knows of strains that have high CBD levels or a site that list % of THC and CBD levels. If nothing exists, maybe we should make it happen.



now at peace
Dear Mikee,

This is a key area of research. GW pharmaceuticals tested three tinctures on MS patients. One was all THC, another all CBD, and the third was a 1:1 ratio.

It turns out that patients got the most relief from the 1:1

Indica's have 10X the CBD of Sativa's. A potent Sativa will be 20% THC and only 0.4% CBD while Indica's come in at say 15% THC and 4% CBD.

I think this is why great Indica/Sativa hybrids like White Widow, SAGE, etc. are so good medically.

The trick to maximizing CBD is to start with an Indica dominant plant, cut before the trics go amber, and use as fresh as possible before the CBD breaks down.

Dr. Jay


New member
Dr Jay,
You gave me 5 short paragraphs with 5 bits of useful information. With research available now, I believe this to be the correct method of CBD therapy. Is there an on going list of recommended strains and their uses? Kudos to this site and thanks to Dr. Jay.


now at peace
LOL, when you think about what strains help with what conditions, WE are in the lead of research. Of course, we don't have a GC/MS/EI machine and our results are all antedoctal but that beats a blank.

There are 60 cannabinoids, numerous flavinoids, vanilloids, and terpenes in cannabis. Every strain has different amounts and ratios of these. We don't even know what all of these substances do.

The cannabinoids and terpenes and flavinoids are good antioxidants. Some may be anti-inflammatory through the action of reducing tumor necrosis factor and inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. The vanilloids may be the most interesting of all since they look and act as if they were co-factors in the actions not just of the cannabinoids but perhaps also the endorphins.

I'm a big believer in using cannabis fresh (within a month of harvest). That's pretty tough unless you have a regular rotation. The cured stuff is more potent but not as good for me for things like spasm and back pain.

We should have expected results like these as patients report that Marinol (all THC) gets you higher than a kite but doesn't provide the relief that whole cannabis does.

Dr. Jay


New member
There is the factor of ingestion also. I notice that things like nauseau, stomach irritation, constipation are helped almost immediatly using smoke or vapor. Things like joint pain, cramps and muscle pains are alleviated by eating of the cannabus for myself. I make kief outta indica and make pills. My Hep Dr. recommends this highly. At this point, a combination of ingestions using strains with a THC/CBD blend seems to be the ticket. We all have different chemistries. That which works for one may not be as good for another. Per Dr. Js suggestion, I will pick my indica
just as it turns cloudy and turn to kief immediatly for my pill stock. This should help the CBD levels. Wadda think?


Captain Expando
i am sorry to bust in on a great thread but i have a question. what is kief and how is it made and or used? is this an ice water and blender method?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
zeppelindood, kif is the resin heads that fall off buds. A Kif box usually will have a #25 silk screen, with a glass tray underneath to gather it on. This can be smoked immediately for the purest high. It can also be pressed for hash.
Mikee, do you just gelcap up the kif? I'm surprised your Dr. would be all for ingesting pot, seems like more stress on the liver.
Can anyone point me in the direction of tincture receipe?

Tremendous info Dr. Jay! As always, thank!
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thanks DR JAY ..any info on what strains are useful in stopping pain are very interesting to me ...again thanks .........PEACE


now at peace
The trick I learned in pain management is that it's easier to prevent pain than to treat it.

I use edibles (cookies) and/or tincture which are whole cannabis extracts containing all the goodies. These taken orally take 1-2 hours to begin their effect and last some 12 hours. I try to take a small dose but I take it daily to maintain a basic blood level.

The prophalaxsis (prevention) helps prevent most episodes of "breakthrough" pain but not all. For acute episodes I smoke (I know I should vape). Smoking (or vaping) is immediate in action and can last 1-4 hours.

For my particular pain (a mixture of myofacial and neuropathic) I find that overall potency is most important. I can't be sitting around waiting for a light buzz when my muscles are dancing and my back/neck are killing me. I go for Train Wreck, White Widow, Lifesaver, White Rhino, a good Blueberry, G-13 x Hash plant, etc.

Sativa or Indica, it just has to be strong. Many of the strains we've grown are great social pot but not the best for pain or really serious discomfort. Our Sweet Kush, for instance, is a stoner's dream but forget it when it comes to medical.

Rotating strains helps keep tolerance down. I like to try new strains several times a year to rotate new plants into the garden. We're now evaluating 2 skunks, a G-13, LSD#4, and a Black Domina.

Dr. Jay


New member
I wiegh out 1 gram of kief and put it in a tablespoon. I have a baking pan for like a loaf of bread. I put the spoon in the pan and pop into the oven at 225F for about 5 minutes. The heat activates the ingredients. Caution: Destruction of active ingredients may occur over 325F. Put about 2 drops worth of butter in the spoon after taking out of oven. The heat will melt the butter creating a paste. Kief is oil base and must have oil present to break it down. I poke a pin hole in each end of the gel cap. This lets the air out when putting together. I put the mix in the cap using a wooden stick I carved out of a close pin. After one or two tries, this becomes easy. I like to make this just before taking. I agree with the Dr. on the systematic method for medicinal use. A maintained level or prophalatic application would seem to be the most effective treatment. Still much to be learned.



New member
Per your concern of stress on the liver when using Med.MJ; cannabinoids are anti inflammitory and immuno-modulating agents that minimnize portal inflamation and slows progression of cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma. Have names and studies if interested.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Mikee, 1st off thx for the kif recipe! Will have to give that one a try!

I've got HCV that I treat homeopathically. Have stopped alcohol and coffee since being diagnosed 7 yrs ago. Have my ALT and AST levels tested every 6 mo. and the only time I've been able to get down to normal levels was when I abstained from weed for 6 months!
I've been keeping ingestion down to a minimum, trying to spare my liver a bit.
I did take a spoonful of canna oil the other day to test it ;)
( made the oil w/ trim AFTER running them thru the bubblebags, so it wasn't very strong)
I'm in harvest mode right now, and, again, after making some bubble, I plan to crock pot the new stock w/ the oil from my last run, hoping to get a bit more impact from it.
I am interested in names & studies, thx mikee!


Active member
Per your concern of stress on the liver when using Med.MJ; cannabinoids are anti inflammitory and immuno-modulating agents that minimnize portal inflamation and slows progression of cirrhosis and Hepatocellular carcinoma. Have names and studies if interested.


I am interested in cirrhosis treatment studies using Med MJ. Please do provide them. Thank You!

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