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Case Designate US-447 "CANNAFIELD"

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Radvancan & Sammet

Thanks bros, starting to be able to think clearly, now.

Good thing for bong hits!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Crawdad and Che

Thanks guys, been a long day for me, but it is almost over now, going to bed very soon to work off, or work on the sleep I need

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Core

Thanks Brother, everything back to normal today. I am on my way to work, grrrr, but have tomorrow off, whoo hoo


The Tri Guy
OOOO Sorry Dr Dog, slept through your Bday celebrations, hope it was a good day mate.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
No worries brother, even my own son did not call me till today

Loads of fun, still a bit wiped out from it all


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey High Low thanks man

Ok I was too tired to post up any shot slast night, but here they are


Feb calendar


Group shot, they are all scattered here, the bushy one near the bottom left is zombie virus


Sour Puss


Zombie Virus



Ok so probably a week or so, before I switch lights, the idea of potting up has crossed my mind, not sure what I want to do yet, but all of these plants are well rooted, and are growing great. I will be topping some of them this week, to add a few more colas

I will get another update when the change is noticeable


Grower of fine herbs...
Whatup Doggy! Happy belated birthday my friend, I hope it was a good one:headbange All your kids are looking really good, its gonna be a full room real soon! Anyway keep up the hard work its all worth it my friend:wave:



BR Looking good what is dominatraix made from !(parents)and is it oga variety?

Good vibes my man

Old Soul

Active member
Nice update bro. They are looking nice and cozy in there. Gonna fill up that space quick after the stretch.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
another year older EH :moon:
don't worry bro it happens to all of us :1help:

LOL nice up-date broseph :friends:
they coming along quite fast now


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
theyare lookin bomb dr dog...i still have mine on 24 hrs. light man i dont have room in the veg spot for a few more days...as soon as i throw them in 6/18 i think they are gonna blow up.right now they are lookin sooooo healthy and on the 4th leaf sets,i gotta hurry up and get them vegged up....so i can catch up to you !!!!
peace brother,glad you had a good time for ut b-day.peace-T-

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo Kron

You better believe it bro, going to be a full room. I may need to make a few mods, but it should be a room full of colas

Br has another thread, but Dominatrix is made by Core, which I am sure Core will correct me if I got this wrong, but it is ssdh x Bogglegum

Old Soul,
yeah, I am going to have to do some bondage on these very soon I am afraid, well at least some of them. I am hoping for a full canopy!

Yeah they are growing everyday, I can see the changes, I am starting full strength nutes now, so I am hoping they blast off


Mine are almost ready for another repot, not sure if I am going to or rock a sog style this time and just go for colas. HAd a good birthday dude, got my tripod too, so as soon as I have something to hold the camera still for, I am set, lol

Thanks man, I think they are all healthy, just one having any issues and that would be the one in coco