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Cannabis Increases Brain Size...


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
lol which Yoda avatar looks like its been smoking the most pot ?


Active member
lol....Yoda comparisons...pseudo's looks more experienced....good article on brain size, explains the stress fracture i developed in my skull on my drive home from the meet.....


Great show on brain size! The age old advice: eat healthy food, exercise, relax, and be happy. If all would do these simple things, I would be out of a job! Most of my patients are obese, drink too much, don't exercise or take care of themselves, and are non compliant. Relaxing is a very important part of staying healthy....no matter what method you use to get there. He kind of left out meditation and sex, but I guess that just goes without saying..... so eat organic, grow organic, and have more sex in the grow room!


Patient Grower
Does size really count when it comes to brains? I seem to recall Einstein's brain was substantially smaller than average. I thought it wasn't a good thing to become too big for your head.

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