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oregon bob

Any hydro store will carry it... o/l or local. I use 1ml/gal routinely & it contributes appx 70ppm. You can go from there. GL. More info w/in prev posts i'm sure... some use crazy amounts of 4-5ml/gal. Peace.


so do you use it every time you feed ? Do you use it to flush coco out before you use the coco.

From what I've gathered it's personal preference. If you buy quality coco, it's supposed to be pre-washed, and the cal-mag is not needed.

Some people are passionate that you should pre-wash & rinse with calmag before starting. Others seem to think it doesn't do much...

So I'm just as confused as you :)
coco is great , dont let your cal mag worries stop u from getting hooked on it, a good coco(im useing botanicare) and a food with cal mag in it and youll be happy with your results, im amazed how coco is so easy to work with, u can hear the water seep through threw it each time u water drawing in fresh air and making your girls happy!!!!


Overkill is under-rated.
I am on well water, and when I was filtering it (480 ppm to 300 ppm) it seems that the main thing the Tallboy filter was stripping was cal/mag! I bypassed my filter and just top off my reservoirs with straight well water now, and the plants are much happier and I haven't had to add cal/mag at all lately. Just depends on your water source.

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