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Butane honey oil for dummies


Well-known member
I just think it's great that you are getting amber from fresh trim/buds. Any experiments I've made with fresh stuff always winds up green and cloudy. I am going to give this method a whirl in a week or so after my next harvest, and will report back my results.

Hey Otherwhitemeat freshies are in the other thread:smile:
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I did it and got about 1.8 from 14G total and 12 oz King butane. A little dark in color I used a strong Satvia it's great :)

Thanks for the tips.


Well-known member



New member


hey guys

Ive been making alot of batches lately thanks to chief and hmk! Its been really good and all but one batch of about 3-4 grams i have in a larger vile has this thin layer of milky liquid in the bottom. Has anyone experienced that and do you think its safe? im guessing its water or something. if you have any insight let me know.


honey oil addict
hmm no idea sounds weird. it sounds like something i heard on OG One time. long time ago. it was a really odd tale.
Avoid ALL Plastics, brass, steel and galvanized steel pipe, these all can contaminate your oil and make you sick.

Phife uses a cheap stainless steel turkey baster which works very well with little modification and is OK for small amounts.

People seem to think plastic work well too and it does but i was told differently that it sticks to plastic during the process more so than it would to stainless steel? What's the reasons behind using steel and not pvc plastic or "The Honey Bee ?


I dont know a hell of a lot about the scientific makeup of all that stuff, but I totally just stick to glass- seems way safer


CHIEF , you da man . i did oz of skunk x haze and have arock ball that wieghs 2.1 g . thanks!! this is the shizit .. thanks again for your help ..


What method and how long do you guys purge your BHO before jarring/smoking?

I made first batch tonight and it doesn't taste like but has a very slight gas smell on the burn I noticed. This was a very small BHO run using the stainless steel turkey baster method (7g frosty trim). I kept my pyrex in a near boiling water bath for ~30 minutes or until there were little to no bubbles, after scraped, it was candy hard in 2 hours.

Any ideas?


What method and how long do you guys purge your BHO before jarring/smoking?

I made first batch tonight and it doesn't taste like but has a very slight gas smell on the burn I noticed. This was a very small BHO run using the stainless steel turkey baster method (7g frosty trim). I kept my pyrex in a near boiling water bath for ~30 minutes or until there were little to no bubbles, after scraped, it was candy hard in 2 hours.

Any ideas?

I often leave the finished product open, ie no lid or anything for quite a while. Seems to evaporate any remaining gas, albeit slowly


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I just leave mine on the heating pad for 30 min for rock hard. Kut uses a torch, and some people just leave it out for a few days. Theres different methods that result in the same rock hard, it just depends on your preferance


honey oil addict
i dont use the torch so much as just sitting on hot water for about half an hour. a touch of torch from above, but sometimes its not even needed.


The heating pad`s been my best friend, 25 - 45 minutes depending on the size of the batch and it`s perfect.
chiefsmokingbud - thank you very much for your detailed write up. I followed the directions today (tried the stainless steel baster idea) and it turned out AWESOME!!! Have taken two hits so far, and am losing ability to think strait :)


One question: How does one keep hash oil... in liquid form? My batch today turned out rock hard, but I'd like to do another batch and keep it as liquid to spread on blunt papers/etc. Any idea? If I heat it up, it liquifies but I'd like to just have room temperature liquid thc. Thanks!


GOOD JOB! The consistency of your oils tells you two things, It's good quality and you made it correctly. Very very good for your first attempt let me tell you. One way to get a thinner oil and use up stuff normally goes to waste chop up some trim and other scrap like stems and make oil from that, it may be a little darker but it's good to throw on a joint to get you all messed up, it's what me and my buddys have been doing and when we burn them it smells like your smoking hash from all the oil mixed with a little bud haha


Active member
looking really nice for your first go oldschool. really nice regardless..

Love the shatter (hard) oil myself as it doesn't stick to everything, and if you want it softened up as you said a lil heat will do the trick. don't know any tricks for keepin good BHO 'oily',, overheating will keep it from getting hard though.


I wondered the same question Slees, The oil I buy is always good but thin, mines always hard, I wonder what's different.
Chief, great thread and I have read first 15 pages and didn't see the answer to my ?. And I did use the search function as well. Anyway I was at a dispensary and they had honey buds, looked awesome but was low on $$ so i passed. Anyway I was wondering how they did this since my oil comes out hard. And thanks for the great discussion on BHO.


Not all oils are hard, if you put oil on bud and hold it in front of some kind of heater or something the oil will sometimes be absorbed a little bit, I'm sure it was something like that.

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