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BubbleSacs + Catching SAC What a wonderful combination


Hello all .

I have had my bubbleSacs for about 2 years now and have just realised how much i have been wasting .

I have made about 3 loads of Ice hash over the last 2 years using just trim and the little buds that havn`t quite matured . I usually wait until i have about 200g of trim and then do a run.

This time however i purchased a Catching sac which has a mesh size of 25u . My bubble sac`s are 220u , 120u & 75u

My last few runs have been quite dissapointing only yeilding about a gram of top quality hash.

This time howver i have hit the mother load ( almost .)
Using the catching sac has almost easily doubled my yeild . I got just over 3g from just under 150g of trim

Starting out

Add the ice

clean and easy and you don`t have to stand there and mix

Transfer it all to another bucket and start a second run while your finishing the 1st

The Bounty

The finished product


all strains at harvest have resin head sizes of varying sizes, including under 40 or 50 micron in size......but plants that are harvested a little on the early side will have a greater percentage of resin heads in the 50 ~ 20 micron diameter range....on the other hand, those plants picked just right or a little late will have a lower percentage in that range ..usually a high percentage of yield under 50 micron points to an early harvest or strains with small resin heads (some sativas)

you can thank Bubbleman for introducing the 25 micron bag idea ....this was 5 or 6 years ago?..maybe longer?


These plants were cut abit early , due to me running out of my last harvest a little sooner than i thought .

Most of the resin was indeed in the 25u bag .

its very sticky and squidgee it reminds me of hash i used to get when i was 15 , ( i`m 30 now )

Defo gunna build up some stock of this stuff , its such a nice high.

laters people
