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Bubble Buckets a Cheap Alternative to Bubble Bags Pic by Pic


1st ya need 4 2 gal buckets and 1 lid

next cut down to listed sizes

Here are the measureemnts for the lid....

Best to drill lid and bottom togher for accuracy

asssemble the lid to the bottom and yer almost there

Now lay the screen over the bottom assy mounted to the the lid

and press into place looking like this

i made 1/4 inch holes to relieve pressure from the pour

next the inner lip on the lid locks the bucket so getting rid of the lip aids in seating the top to the bucket

now get the trim

Ice it up i just crushed a bag witha big fuckin hammer




Squeeze out...

between runs the 2 gal fits in the freezer perfectly then i dont use ice after this just the freezer

wash the product into the center with good water

ya can even rinse it in the sink too

put the screen in the freezer also and the stuff pops of in yer hand no more scraping with a credit card.

see it pops right off

i made a grade system on this cut of glass to remember i let them be on it wet if real wet when they eventually thaw in like seconds i use a folded tight corner or point of fabric or paper towel

hope ya all like a freind turned me on to it and it is a cheap efficent way to make bubbly goodness thx BT
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Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High smily! :wave: Good stuff! Thats similar to the way I did it, but i just used a coffee filter. It was a real pain, because it wouldnt drain. it was a mess too and created waste as well. What type of screen is that? ..and where would I find it? Peace and thanks, TBug


TBug said:
High smily! :wave: Good stuff! Thats similar to the way I did it, but i just used a coffee filter. It was a real pain, because it wouldnt drain. it was a mess too and created waste as well. What type of screen is that? ..and where would I find it? Peace and thanks, TBug

screens oops i forgot here ya go................




hope this helps the more we order the more they stock. i was given my screens so i dont have an answer hopefully the maker will chime in and lend a hand he does the 5 gal setup.


Active member
shit looks dank. I did something similar recently cause I got a shiteload of leaf given to me and only had a 5 gallon kit. I took 3 20 gallon garbage cans, and like you cut holes in the bottom of one to drain to water. works/ed great.


How much time , $$ and labor was involved in each stage?
That looks really nice and strong and usefull.

I would love to see a shopping part $ breakdown and how you drilled stuff out (not all patients are as handy as you).

Smiley, with a bit more fleshed out step by step and price guide, I nominate for FEATURED ARTICLE!

One Love

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there is not much labor in fact the OG guy that created this whole thing just devloped an attachment for the Dremmel tool to cut tthe Buckets Nice......its not that hard and id gladly help anyone thru making one if they like :yummy:

ben ttech

Active member
not bad at all!!!

this might really go somewhere if this thread was actually VISIBLE in the hash forum list of current threads...

i got the link here from offsite...
but when i look to see how many have read it...
its not here....


[ oh... there are TWO hash forums here.... duh "/ ]
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Active member
smily said:
:wave: What you need is a table showing the Dickblick part numbers and the micron opening - for Dickblick silkscreen. :bat: Like this:
Ignore the almost useless Inch Count (TPI) and use the micron opening to decide which you want. I'd suggest something like the 57, the 79, the 120, and the 195. At least, that's where I'd start, and add others as I feel the need. In fact, I'd also like to find about 20-25, at this price of course.

And great pics and instructions on how to do it. I expect a lot of folks will make them - I know I will. It's a really good looking system.

Your holes are really clean, did you use a forestner bit, or something like it?

Thanks for a great write-up.



keef thanks for the micron info

benny got any input on the screen sizes esecially the 19 micron yellow one

and thanks all for yer input and kind words hope everyone can enjoy this awesome contraption................. :wave:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Great Tutorial!!!

Great Tutorial!!!

Making the switch to bubble hash soon....can't wait to try this. It's always better to DIY, especially for those of us with a tight budget and medical bills etc....boy am I glad you shared this with us....I was gonna save up the $250 for some bubblebags...I cannot afford them right now...too expensive....I'm sure I speak for many when I say it's nice to have an alternative to those expensive bubblebags....when I'm ready I'm going to revisit this thread, perusing it periodically, in preparation for my attempt to duplicate this fine work!

Thanks Smily!!



Active member
Great post!

The only change I would make is do the mixing over all your buckets so when it settles the crystals will sink through your screens.
Instead of getting caught up in the trim again when you pour.



acidfire said:
Great post!

The only change I would make is do the mixing over all your buckets so when it settles the crystals will sink through your screens.
Instead of getting caught up in the trim again when you pour.

you dont understand the way it works 1st pour the lump of wet matter is set aside and ya pour it thru a screen then change screens put used screen in the freezer and do it again.

and there is only 2 buckets one to pour from and one to catch. :confused:
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ben ttech

Active member
he got a point smily...
i didnt notice before that your first pour was with all the vegtable material included...

the way i do it...
you just mix in the bucket and then let it sit for a spell... your plant material all rises to the top and you just scoop it out with your hands... the amount of leaf and trim in the first pour will be insignificant...

oh and a minor note on orderinng the fabric...
be careful in assuming that the threads-per-inch corralates to a specific opening size.

a manufacture can offer 2 or 3 fabrics with the same TPI count... that all have different opening size... the distinction will be in the thread-diameter... the TD.

opening size ISNT a figure refered to hardly at all by the silkscreening industry... its not printed on the materials... only the TPI-TD is...

so... be careful assuming from reseller to reseller that a given charts information will be correct...

you can alway determine the open size FROM the TPI-TD figures with a quick formula...

its TPIxTD...
then subtract from 25,400 [ the number of microns in an inch ]
then divide that number by the TPI and you get the opening size for a given poly mesh fabric...

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Voluptuous Trichomes
So each screen, in effect, is a stage in the process....I understand much better now....Hell this seems less laborious than pulling bags (to me...a novice)...I'd rather lift a bucket and pour...than pull a bag

ben ttech

Active member
now your getting it!!!

you wont need to wear your fishing waders or you wet suit when working this system!!!!


you pour...
pop the screen out...
in goes the next... clamp it down...
then you lift the collandar assembly off the now full bucket...
set it over on the one you JUST poured out of...
which is now empty...
and repeat!


Active member
smily awesome idea, the simple things huh? 'cept while it looks simple I'd wager there is a fair bit of refinement and thinking been put into that

I was going to ask about a micron conversion but you got it covered keefhead...thx...i'm gonna make me one of these.. I can feel some xmas hash coming on...hmmm boggle48rhino hash
