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BrownDirtWarrior sent me blank dvd!


At least you got a blank CD. I got completely ripped off. Ordered June 1, sent an e mail on july 1st after no disk showed up. His reply "you'll get it soon" pure BULLSHIT!! it is now October and no disk yet.

I really loved the prohibition movie on youtoube, have lived it so I like the guy's work.

I was really hoping to see it show up, now four monthes later I am not holding my breath. Hopefully there is a good reason and it was not just internet DOUCHBAGGERY!!

Green Supreme

I have met the fellow a few times. I would think that after all the work he has done in our field and against prohibition that he has just gapped these mistakes. I am pretty sure he has no intention in ripping peeps off. As to the brokeback comment that's obviously a person hiding behind the net. If you have seen any of this fellows vids you would know he is not a man to be trifled with unwittingly and talks cheap. Good luck, I am sure it will work out in time. Peace GS


what do you guys expect, it's from a stoner

Hehaaa!! Yeah, I know. I have been in those shoes before, hopefully he is just so overwelmed with all the orders and is drowning in a pile of envelopes , reciepts and DVD's that his head is spinning.

I am sure there is something going on, I honestly don't think he is ripping people off on purpose, but it is irritating to not get what you pay for.

I can't see posting and selling the videos without some sort of legal trouble. His web page is gone, and I do not have any contact info to ask him. I just hope it gets taken care of and he gets his biz back online. The movies were awesome, I just want to see more.


cant stop wont stop
you guys know he's a member.. send him a PM..
might take a second but its worth the try if his websites still down.
Last Activity: 07-21-2009 08:10 PM
hope he didnt get busted or some shit. let us know how that DVD is once ya finally get it


why that brown dirt cowboy sounds like a brokeback dirt chute dickhead.



Well, you do what you have to do...

If he doesn't send you a good one, or do some really fancy 'splaining, take the return addy, and send him a nice big package of trimmed fan leaves, no return address, of course!

$30? That's a day's work where I live!

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