Curious what DIY drip clean is. Please share
DIY drip clean recipe here
Curious what DIY drip clean is. Please share
Hi guys,
Just thought I'd show you a couple pics of my Deep Blumats that I have been talking about before.
Regular Tropf Blumats are extended with a plastic straw/pipe that's vertically inserted and goes down directly to the center of the pot.
The flexible drip line is inserted into the upper opening and this way you always get even saturation all the way to the bottom and the edges of the pot. Works great in bigger pots where you always end up with dry soil at the bottom and behind the carrot.
That straw idea is great. How would you go about top dressing using the straw method?
I usually just plop down 1 or 2 tbls of power bloom right under my dripper and let it drip in ans it waters
Hi guys,
Just thought I'd show you a couple pics of my Deep Blumats that I have been talking about before.
Regular Tropf Blumats are extended with a plastic straw/pipe that's vertically inserted and goes down directly to the center of the pot.
The flexible drip line is inserted into the upper opening and this way you always get even saturation all the way to the bottom and the edges of the pot. Works great in bigger pots where you always end up with dry soil at the bottom and behind the carrot.
Damn this is a great idea. So you just run the tubing tit the center of the pot? Does this work for 5 gals+? Do you angle it towards the center since it is offset to the side?
I guess you could pull out the straw, sprinkle in whatever you topdress with and push the straw back in?
Thanks Aye,
No the tubing now only has one purpose and that's to get the water into the straw so it can trickle down to the center of the pot and only then start to wick away in all directions.
It does not have to be 100% accurately the center of the pot, but moving the point from where the water wicks from the top of the medium to roughly the center of the pot it will reach further down reaching the areas that would normally stay dry and hence not let roots develop as much. So you'Re really just making better use of the volume of medium you have with regulr Blumats
How do you set the blumat dial when you calibrate it since you can't see the droplet in the tube?
Hello! Could somebody of you suggest me the In and Out diameter of the 8mm silicon tube like which selled from substainvillage to replace the black one that is too much stiff and sometime broke down easily?
I m from europe and it is not convenient to buy from shop overseas such small items instead of china.
I' m looking too for some quick 3mm tube connectors letting moving plants possible (i found them on aliexpress but not sure about the right size of the thread)
any tip to avoid roots clogging the 3mm tube? I could keep it rise from the soil but i would like to find another way.. Could copper to inhibit root proliferation(as happens in some professional drippers)?
could put clay pebbles or perlite distribuite on the superiore pot surface be usefull?
Very last question is if somebody could explain me the reason of a loop connection between two line of carrots feed each one by the gravity reservoire from a dedicate output VS only one line of carrots and single output with a purge tap at the end of 8mm tube to purge air, periodically.
I think it is to equalize the pressure but not sure why..
Sorry for my bad english, hoping understable anyway!
ChevyI tried that now and no bueno!
Better results by normal topdressing and watering in by hand (won't affect the blumats)
Really nice man. I just stumbled here by accident and also use blumats. My roots do the same thing all over with multiple drippers.Thanks a million to everyone who made this thread a great read. Here's some root porn from my first ever Blumats run.
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