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Blue-adepts DIY SuperStealth tubs + pics


Active member
Sorry for the extreme delay guys, i have been out of the area, and without net access.

lovethevapor- The intakes are passive, and are also the light traps, one on each end of the lower tub. The carbon filters lasted until ~the middle of flowering, then they needed the carbon replaced, one handful per vent stack and it was scentless again.

Ragnorok- thanks, no i haven't been keeping up with any of the newer eps. My grow medium is technically what you would call soil less, I use a mix very similar to the one RedGreenery posted long ago, thanks RG! I chose soil less over soil or hydro for a few reasons; it is simple, easy to flush, low tech, and i can grab the tubs and move them around without fear of spilling anything. Hydro would require me to sacrifice tub space, or have another tub for res/pump/etc.

Shady Smoka

Active member
Nice job Blue. I'm actually in the process of making something very similar to this now (except I'm using 2 2gallon DWC). I was wondering where you found that nice, low-profile tub for the top?

Do you have any pics with some plants? you said a while back that you were soaking some beans.


If you run your fans all at 7 volts, you will have like 70% of max airflow and about a quarter of the noise. Use the psu's 5 volt line as the fan ground and the 12v line as the hot. difference: 7 volts

5 volts may not be enough to spin up those fans one day, its not considered good practice

old pc cooling trick


like many have already said "grape kush posting"
this is perfect for my sistuation. thank you for not keeping this a secret


I wonder if it would run cooler running a high quality led ufo around 90w or so, I think a decent one would definetly increase the yield in a small space over the cfl's and probably easily keep the stealth aspect.


Active member
It has been a while, but I was given a plant that was in pretty sad shape (outside, unwatered, hacked off at about 2ft up) and with no where else to put it, I dusted off the tubs, and threw her in there. I muscled the finger-thick main stem to fit under a single screen, and wove the few branches that had green leaves into the net. After a few weeks of water and nutrients she came to life quite nicely, and just got switched to 12/12. I will try to take a few pics as I go to show you guys, since I never took any of the original grows in the tubs.




New member
Quite glorious

Quite glorious

I have seen this tub and it's contents in person and it is quite glorious. Wonderful engineering on this thing!


Active member
Updated shots, and a shot of the underside to give you an idea of what shape the plant was in when I started. I have also trimmed a ton of fan leaves to get some more light down into the lower budsites.






Wow man, I remember putting one of these together YEARS AGO. Glad to see yours was laying around and still works! Have you been around other areas of the forum? If not, welcome back!


New member
Light Trap Installation

Light Trap Installation

I'm new to this and hoping to recreate the stealth box you created. You state that it will be ready for use after installing the light traps, and your guide to make the light traps doesn't state exactly how to install them. Would you mind giving me a quick explanation?


Active member
ekg- I realized I had left it out of the original post, but it was mentioned further in I think. Really mounting location is up to you, just pick a spot that will not be visually obtrusive. The tubs I used had little recesses under the handles, so I mounted mine there with a pair of rivets. If you were going for a really stealth approach then somewhere on the back wall of the lower tub would be perfect as well.


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