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Besides a Stack of Mattresses - what do Cats like to Climb ?

St. Phatty

Active member

And some trees. It depends on the surface and whether they can dig their claws in.

This little guy REALLY likes climbing the mattresses.

Fortunately he is train-able, I am using cubes of beef heart to prompt him.

He gladly climbs over and over and over again.

I have taken my previous cat up to the big stands of madrone trees. He liked sitting there looking at them as much as climbing. He realized pretty fast that getting down was not his strong suit so he refused to climb very high.

Anyway, just wondering what the Cat Lovers at ICMag have found.

I guess rolls of carpet is another thing. Seems like the local artisans that make cat climbing sculptures tend to pad their constructions in carpet material.

Incidentally, I'm not sure Cats are really good for Cannabis, though I think they like the nature display. And the soil for kitty litter.

He bit one of my Blueberry Headband seedlings clean in half. Just left it there, didn't eat it. Now I'm afraid I have to lock him out of the seedling area.

To me he looks like a little Man, climbing that mattress. :huggg:


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