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B10naryBuds Super Stealth Computer Grow Cab with LOWRYDER #2


well, guys.

We've got 4 living. 1 seedling dried out last night during my sleep. My soil just keeps drying out too quick for my small plants. My large plants are doing ok, but this has wreaked havoc during the whole timeline so far is iwth seedlings. I'm flooding it in water now trying to revive, but i believe it is lost.

i'd think its safe to say i'm running with just 4 plants now.

I've been busy taking some movies during the course. Yes, i've moved shit, i've sprayed shit, i've bumped and moved cams but its a good vid. Here you go.

oh, and also, i dropped the soil container, you will notice a spot of drastic change and move around, this is after i merged them after the fall and transplant. I damaged many roots as said, and as a result, you can see thye are barely moving. The only 2 really goin anywhere at the moment are the 2 small seedlings.



here are some pics of the ladies. Actual pics.

Some questions:

My soil dries out quickly with my high airflow and yes, i know having such a small grow container dont help. but, do you notice a droopiness in the plants posted?

i think thye look droopy. they arent reaching torward light as much as i'm used to. Is there something you think wrong with them? maybe overwattering?

How hard are seedlings supposed to be like this. The leaves i find are very stiff and rigid. Gettin sortof hairy too!

here they are. Tell me what you think



I've been loosely following this thread, so here is some suggestions that may or may not help with the lowryder:

24/0 lighting; since dark periods aren't necessary to control whether the plant is vegging or flowering, 24/0 lighting is best. this is the best way to obtain yield from your lowryders. you can ease up on the lighting schedule the last week or two, so you have some night periods to allow for resin buildup. try a 3-day dark period before harvest.

LST; this is going to be your best bet for maximizing yield.

the photos of the plants in soil seem to have some slight problems, probably overwatering. but PH off balance could play a role into why there is browned/light green areas to the plants. whatever it is, there isn't enough nitrogen getting to the plants, and/or too much of something else.

if you can, space them out farther, or give them their own pots if you haven't planned on doing so already. they will overgrow each other. and later on, roots may bind causing a hard time separating them.

you probably won't go from seed to harvest in 2.5 months, especially in soil and with that lighting, probably anywhere between 3-4 months.

LR#2 is supposed to be a better yielder, with more potent buds, than the #1. it will take longer because of this as well.
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see, i dont know. they shouldnt be fucked up nute wise. its in fox farm ocean forest which i hear is a awesome soil. i've moved them a bit closer to the light, about a inch or 2, but cant do any more than that cause of heat. they are getting lotsa light. 125w cfl with lotsa reflection going on.

i'm using a 24 hour light cycle right now. i was gonna do 24 for as long as i can, or untill i see fit to change it. makes it easier w/ timers too using 24.

thanks, and feel free to stop by more often. once things get moving again, i'll be keeping the time lapse videos going hopefully and keep uploading pics, just dont see a huge need right now while they arent growing much


to get the best out of lowryder, hydro is your best bet, and still an option. a bubble bucket would be very easy to make, easy to transplant, and you would notice new growth every day with ease.

over watering can sometimes cause problems that look like other things, so that could be the culprit.


but dont you need a bunch of other nutes and ferts with the dcw then? i thought about hydro then went soil for space and ease of using in a PC issues


b10narybud said:
but dont you need a bunch of other nutes and ferts with the dcw then? i thought about hydro then went soil for space and ease of using in a PC issues

well all together, a dwc setup will run you:

small bucket: 0-5$
air pump: 20-50$
netpots: 2-5$
air line: 2-3$
hydroton: 5-10$
nutes: 10-20$

(around 100$ give or take, but can be made for less if some things are cheaper or free.)

you can get either a single formula for hydro that can be used for veg and flower, or 2 part, one for veg and one for flower. you don't necessarily need a big bottle, you can get the tiny bottles, and maybe even some free samples or bottles if you ask your local hydro shop. the growth rates/yield are well worth it in the end. soil will keep your plants smaller for longer, but you can make good use of space with DWC too. I am not saying you should change anything or your original plan, I am just giving suggestions. I'm sure they have containers you can buy and use as a res. for a DWC instead of a bucket. and you don't necessarily need the res to be in there with the plants in other designs. hell, in that small of a space, an aero setup would be best. any almost the same cost, more or less.


well, the leaves are really stiff and brittle and tight. i think i'm overwatering.

its so hard to tell with such a small container

i'm gonna give em a dry out session and see if that helps

looks like one is starting to yellow more and possibly get brown spots. i'll look closer tommorrow. i'm tired..

heres another grow video of the top of my largest plant.




bad news today.

my biggest growing one, the one that has had a majority of cam attention i think is a male.

It's the biggest growing plant. It's still only like 1.5" tall, but today i peeled back some leaves, and when i did, i found a nice round shaped pot. it's really small. .. <<<<probobly about the size of the space between those 2 periods to the right. i pulled it off, but it looked almost definatly like a banana to me.

Is this coincidence? Should I still keep with it? or should I pull it? could it be hermie? what shall i do at such a age?

god, i hate life today, not a good day.

i'd show a pic, but my pic fucked up and I dont have time to retake it now

also took a closer look, and one of my seedlings leaves are turning puple on the small seedling. The middle sized seedling refuses to grow, it is getting darker brown pots and light yellow spots on the leaves closer to the edge. Looks like the biggest (male?) is also getting lighter yellow spots on parts of it. GGRRR....overwater? or something else?
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New member
Another thing could be your soil. I'm not certain, but I think that its for adult plants because its got nutrients in it that will harm your seedlings. I would ask someone else though because I'm not 100% sure. I got F.F. Light Warrior thats for seedlings and I was told that the Ocean was only for adults. btw. I know that LR#2 has given off alot of mutants (check out highbred.net its all about LR) so maybe its just a mutant.
Carry on and good luck here man, I have completed 2 grows of LR#1 and have ordered some LR#2. LR are easy to grow, and you should use 18/6 lighting. I also use BioBizz all-mix from seed to harvest. I pot up only once when I have sexed them, and I pot them up into 7" deep \ 5" wide and they are pot bound when I harvest....

How often are you watering? - I water until small run off twice a week - rarely more.
Have you got drain holes in you pots?
Have you got sufficient intakes, they need good oxygen.
Get some perlite in the soil, nice n airy :)



yup, got drain holes now. they have lotsa air moving. i'm thinking of ordering another 80mm, or a 120 to put on it for filtration now. but, it moves a lot of air...keeps it at 80-85 with 131 watts of cfl now, and with a nother fan, i could pull more iwht more room. they have good airflow and all that.

well, got the PH issues straightened out
headed to the pet store today and got water tests. the PH in my water was over 8!!! I bought a 6.5 buffer solution. Tested...stayed right at 6.5. i'm using distilled water now too. ph of the soil is now 6.5-6.7 with the buffered water added. So, hopefully things will explode now. hopefuly they'll get out of their hump. they have light..they have soil..they have air..and now they have good PH..so all should be good soon. I got some more beans, i might just keep these growing in a super small pot o the side, and replant to get more yield..i need yield from this bad. this is supposed to be my grow that last my through summer..i use about a quarter a week optimally. but, doub't it'll give me that much. Maybe, but more the better. my pc will be packed soon....i'll be taking it to the extreme with some of the plants....(for fun)...(super small spaces...weird training teqniques..i'm gonna go to town.....)

so, if anybody has any ideas of things they'd like to experiment with on plants..let me know... thinkin about using a razor blade to split stems...(you'll see what i mean when i do it)......who knows...gotta think of some fun things to do. once i get more going, i wont care if the other ones die i guess. i wont kill them purposly, but if it happens, it happens.

i'm determined to have fun with this grow.....


dwc might be fairly cheap to set up, but your forgetting ph and tds meters. these arnt particually cheap and are essential if you want a quality crop.

i think 18/6 is the best lighting for lowryder. 24/0 will probably get the fastest reuslts, but at the cost of yeild. weed develops more of its root system during the dark cycle and the amount of bud will increase if you have a large root system to suck up more water+nutes.
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yo bionary,

i think your plants are getting over watered... you have to remember all weed needs good movement of water through the roots... and if the water collects, youll eventually get root rot... add some peat to the mix as well as its a great indicator if your watering too much... just hve it be moist at max at the top. ive had some bad experiences lately using fluros for germination even... given your space in the PC, i think you should be able to add a 150 watt metal halide bulb... if you go that way, youll have to use a cardboard in the pc to create a floor with a window and a seperate airfan for the light... this would also help with evaporation of stagnant water..


my prolblems were stress, overwatering, and PH! ph of over 8 was the water in town....

i'll post updates later on tonight on how things are going with pics


well, i moved some stuff around today. I removed the other exaust fan i had and made it a passive intake and closed up the 120mm intake i had previously. Now the one fan is pulling air through the vent, accross the computer and plants, up through the tube, through the bulbs, and back out the back. IT GOES! it has enought airflow from just my 1 fan to even make all my plants sway in the wind! they are so small it looks more like vibrating though. LOL.

the big plant is a male. i pulled 4 more bananas off of it. It's probobly about the height of the leght of a razor blade now! I topped it too for shits and giggles and removed the balls. I'll let it grow till i need the space. The ohter ones are looking better. ONe still isnt moving, but the other 2 are straightening up. So, its cool.

Also, now that i moved the fans around, i keep it about 78 degrees in there...and practically SITTIN on the lights.... I LIKE IT


well, its offical. I have a female. It's showing its first hairs on the flower on my plant.

and get this...its...1" high. Yeah...go figure. hehe..i'll be yielding .05 g this go around. LOL!!