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Are cuts from a revegged plant fine? Any downside?

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
As many here have said, a revegged plant and it's clones are bushier than the original. A number of genes were activated and expressed in the the process of going through flowering, and evidently some don't switch back to the original state. This is an example of epigenetic change.

Raúl Reyes

New member
revegging from Firsth week flower.

revegging from Firsth week flower.

Very interesting subject, I know about growing, not about revegging.

Ik bought 18 critical mass seeds and straight from germination at 12/12. Bytes firtsth flower signals Ik switched to 24/0. Ik thought they would not revegge but now they do!

So now my clones Will not stretch? If i want the best results, a stable mother and high yielding clones am ik fine? Or is it better to start again with new seeds on 18/6? Highest results are important for me. (yield )

Kind regards

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