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Antibacterial Properties of Cannabis

Storm Crow

Active member
And more on Cannabis vs MRSA!

And more on Cannabis vs MRSA!

Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa

Killing bacteria with cannabis

Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA

Marijuana Ingredients Show Promise In Battling Superbugs

How pot may win the war against super-bacteria

New medical uses found for marijuana


Active member
Hello Storm Crow!

Hello Storm Crow!

Thank you for the links.

Strange, that nobody else took the time to post in this thread.


Storm Crow

Active member
Perhaps they are just stunned into absolute speechlessness? After all, the medical community keeps saying that modern antibiotics can't touch MRSA, it's unstoppable, a huge danger to everyone...and here our little "green miracle" seems do do the job- without poisoning the patient half to death!



I've been putting this stuff out all over the net.


Here is a response to a news story against prop 1 in Michigan I sent in:
(Thanks for the links Granny!)

The CDC estimates that more people will die from antibiotic resistant staff infections than AIDS in the US next year.

There is little that doctors can do.

Marijuana kills this infection.

Current law requires these people to all die.

Estimates run as high as 119,000 innocent US citizens will die from these infections next year.

Sixty second video:

Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa

Killing bacteria with cannabis

Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA

Marijuana Ingredients Show Promise In Battling Superbugs

How pot may win the war against super-bacteria

New medical uses found for marijuana

copy and paste this in the search line
("1950"[Publication Date] : "1970"[Publication Date]) AND (antibiotic marijuana)
at this web site: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez...

Should give you nine studies between 1950 and 1970 about antibiotic properties of hemp or cannabis.

Safety ..

the primary cannabinoid in marijuana, THC, has been approved by the FDA.
In 1973 a US congressional study found that there was nothing about marijuana that warranted someone going to jail.
In the late 80's a multi year study by the DEA found that marijuana is one of the safest therapeutic substances known to man.

It has a five thousand year history of being used medically for infections and other conditions.

In 1900 more than half of all medicines used by doctors contained extracts of marijuana.

Storm Crow

Active member
Remember, the first American Revolution started with 13 rebellious states. Looks like come next week, we'll have our "rebellious 13" MMJ states!

I wonder what will happen when the info in my list is common knowledge? What will folks say when they learn that Cannabis vs MRSA and Mad Cow studies have been ignored? That cancer cells are slowed or killed by cannabinoids? And that the government has know this for about 30 years? That seizures and tremors are lessened?

What will WE, THE PEOPLE say, once the truth is out?

Phan, and all the rest of you- write a Letter to the Editor, throw a voting party, keep doing something,- anything! When I started using cannabis there was not even the concept of "medical marijuana". Now, over 2/3 of the American public supports it! The difference is EDUCATION! Every one of those people were educated by a friend being helped medically, or by a report or article about MMJ.

In my list, I've given you a powerful tool.... use it! Educate!

pb- glad my list is being used! Keep on raising cane! We got the truth on our side (and the studies to back it!)- all they got is tired, old, racist, greed-driven lies!



I see that study says that smoking the pot is bad...but do you think they only are saying that because they want us to buy the pharmaceutical pills?

Also I have heard argument on the web that smoking pot or even tobacco (pure) might be good for your lungs (to a certain point), because of that fact that its going into your lungs and killing off bacteria that live inside your lungs from the air you breathe.

But I spose vaporizing would be the ticket in this case... although I sometimes feel that vaporizing doesn't get all of the components as well idk.
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Storm Crow

Active member
ECR, they have to put in that kind of BS if they want to get any government funding ever again. Just politics! Hopefully with the change of administration that kind of BS will soon no longer be needed.
