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Amnesia Haze smoke Report



Good day fine folks here at Cannagraphic! I decided to take the Amnesia hazedown at 8 weeks flower . The buds arn't tight but seem to be very sticky when dried. I myself am a heavy user , of several, times a day.
Well I selected one of the smaller flowers because it seemed to be very crispy already. I smoke in a pipe pretty much nothing else.
> :wave: The High is very intense and has a very long duration that lingers in your body forever......the high comes on instantly and grows to an overwhelming heavy pulsating sensation in yer head and back....

The flavor is by far the most complex of any cannabis strain I've found...sure you can sniff a pice and smell haze and of course the same flavor comes shinig through in the smoke...BUT if you can savor what you are inhaling there are intense and layers of undertones and nuances that cant be described but> I will try to.....Sagey, Hazy jack thing on top that hints of good Burbon and Pineapple/mango, this flavor turns over on the exhale and becomes Extremley hazey with hints of cotton blossoms , hybiscus, Oak/cedar and ending in a hash oil bling on yer palate....very smooth and mildly expansive, Bong hits will kill you..lol....I coughed for several moments before I realized I had drool about to escape the corner of my moth :canabis:

I never believed the whole "short term memory loss" thing but I do now...this strain really screws with yer memory and thought pattern.. I hope I imagine It only gets better with time!! I hope this thread has been helpful to some who have never grown predominitly a sativa strain.

The ak48 and somatooth smoke report to follow. Then Its BluMoonshine and NL/BB PS How long about will a 12 inch Sweetooth #3 cola last in an air tight jar? Tired of smoking on her! Passing to the left


Excellent report Mothra

Sounds like you have a closet of goodies just around the corner as well.

Good job and good luck on your next harem of ladies



Thank U Texas Kid! It wasnt that difficult once I was thinking again. Just had to take one toke this AM to really express mysefself. Even though I seemed to be all over the page. I though I heard of a texas BBQ In our neck of the woods? :friends:


Take another blast and explain the last sentence about BBQ, I can't track it.

You want some BBQ? you want to meet for some BBQ? you want to have a BBQ for us grower types?

I may have me some Marshalls BBQ today now that ya mention it.lol



LOL Ya Thats it Texas Kid , A BBQ for us Tx grower types sounds Fun ! What can i bring?


Once you have smoked a good Haze.... You can just about tell if there is even a hint of A Haze cross in anything else you smoke from then on. It definetely has it's own unique taste.

Good Smoke Report Mothra! :canabis:


I was in Holland when you posted this report. So sorry I missed it. Very nice report and on the mark with the facts. Nice job and thanks, Smokey.


TX BBQ :wave: I will cook! just find a place......

Just fill me in; & 'The General' will be there (a 24'' x 72'' barrel x 52'' up-right - with 2 burners/cooler/sink)

for the BEST Rub in the business;



Man That Briskit looks gooooood, Fredster!
If we can get a Que together , I will make sure the clouds are Amnesia Hazy.:}


Ag town huh?
Used to live there(if you're referring to the one between dallas & ft. worth). Right off of 303. Then I decided to move to las vegas, and then guam. Go figure.


Oh shit. Didn't realize how old this thread was. I guess I could've posted on the Texas Heads Crew thread if I was all about telling people I'm from texas. Sorry.


Active member
One day my brother came home with some amnesia haze, definetly oneof the very best smokes availible to man... Just thinking of the taste ooooooh, ok thats it i'm gonna buy some seeds, see ya'll

215 User

top them puppies & they'll clump up.
Got some from ANNA C a few years ago & I just ordered
a pack to do for Dec.-Jan. harvest.

Survivin' the Cali Heatwave!