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All Aboard the Chemwreck Kush express


Active member
Welcome aboard the Chemwreck Kush express. I go by the name uraverage and i will be your host for the next 3-5 months.
Hopefully the ride will be smooth, but please remember during the ride, to keep your hands and feet inside the moving vehicle
and be respectfully of the people around you. Your stewardess will be by shortly after the ride starts to take drink and food orders.
If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns please raise your hand and an attendent will be by to help.

Alright, the conductor has turned off the no smoking sign, which means we are about to leave this station.
So please have a seat and feel free to self medicate when needed. If you look out the left window as we
pull out of the station, you will see OJD tending to his garden. Lets all wave and thank him for this journey.
:thank you: :thank you:


Traktor driver
Uwiee better put my seatbelt on, picking up speed already :yoinks:

Best of luck for this mate. :wave:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Funny stuff. Loved your intro...

Funny stuff. Loved your intro...

Welcome to the testers group Uraverage. When will you be popping the seeds?

GreatLakes THC :Joint:


Active member
Alex-F and GreatLakes THC welcome aboard. You guys just kick your feet up and enjoy the ride.

I cracked these seeds about 14 days ago.
I was 9 for 9, 7 showed tales in the first 12 hours in water.
All 9 cracked the top of the soil in 40 hours.
Kudos to OJD 100% germ, that aint to shabby.

What has been really surprising is how fast these have grown for being Indy dom.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed by the conductor
that if we look at the right window we might get to see some of these lovely babies in their natural element.(@10 days)

The conductor just told me that by the end of the weekend we should get to see many more.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Cant wait to see what you have on store for us.....what set up are you running?


Traktor driver
Looking good mate :yes:

I put mine in jiffys 3 days ago, still waiting for some action. :joint:


Senior Member
Lots of party'ing going on here. I am happy to be on board.
Puf puff... pass

Looking superb with a very health green colour to the leaves.

Good luck.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Alright just grabbed the train as it was pulling out of the station, grabbed my seat and ready for the show. Best of Luck with these killer genetics, this is going to rock. :biggrin: