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AK-47 & HDF Side By Side Bio-Bucket Style!!!

Mary Mary

Thank you. I received an answer on another post and they recommended in the 40's. During lights on it's right around 40 but at night it climbs. I've set the dehumdifier for about 48% so I think I'll cut that down even more now.

Thanks again,
All the best,


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Yea I bought the largest one that I could fined in my area and thought that it would be enough but the 36 Bio-Buckets overpowered my dehumidifier, the buds from the AK’s plus the H.D.F’s were to much for it I will be more prepared for it the next time.


bigtoke im glad u posted yeild ,u sold me and im gonna try the bio-thing... nice grow and keep on teaching ... 1HOVAH

critical diesel

New member
Sorry bio- for prob a dumb question....

How many lights were used?

Sorry if it is posted but it is 4am and ive been reading your posts for hours and getting tired!!!!!!!



Wow, love this thread. Real nice job You are doing there.

Think I have to look at some more threads from You..... Thx for sharing info with us.



Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
C.D………..there were 2-600w’s and 6-400w’s for a total of 3600w’s

…………….well I’m glad every one has enjoyed this thread and are still enjoying it, that’s why its here.


Active member
:bow: :bow: :bow:
That was beautiful.....stubbled across the thread looking around, and kept me up all night...... :jawdrop:
I want one........That set up and design is my favorite. Very few set-ups are of that quality. I love building stuff, and I've had a few ideas, but I couldn't have dreamed of something as clean and perfect. :yoinks:
Oh.....those buds were nice too....thats close to 3lbs per kw.....wow

Secret Room

sonoma>>> If you build one of these, you won't regret it. The system will totally amaze you with how well the plants do. This was my first experience with hydro let me tell you it's the best thing I ever did. Just follow the "how to bio bucket thread" that's all I did. Stop dream'n and start building. :listen2:


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Hay sonoma how’s it going, I’ll be here when you get ready and if ya need any help just ask, but SR is right everything you need should be in the How-To-Threat………..well good luck to ya.
BigToke, I stand in awe. I have been growing in soil for about 6 years now, and I am ready to go Hydro after reading your Bio-Bucket threads. I really doubt I'm going to have any questions, as you explained it so totally. so thanks! :joint: A friend or two is also considering "taking the plunge", after reading your threads. BTW, how the AK coming along? I LOVE my AK. :D Peace...
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Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
B.G ~ good luck, and if you and your friends need anything …well you know were to find me…lol

Yes the AK-47 was great ………I am still toking on that…lol
Man, if I yielded that much, I'd be toking for a LONG time too! I'm not a newbie to growing by any means, and I am IMPRESSED! :bow: I'll start a thread whenever I get around to building it and getting it running. Gotta finish what's in the room first. :joint: Gotta buy a decent digi cam too....


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
………yea all my jars are full, just kinked back and enjoying the smoke now…lol

……..looking forward to see that setup, good luck.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Very good thread, Thanks for sharing...

Question. DId the mold happen during grow or drying?

Mold sucks and spores get everywhere, did it effect the flavor of your marijuana? Musky?


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
…………thanks for the big up’s bro, ~ the mold spores were a result of running a fan that was in the floor of my grow/room that pulled up cool air from under the ?...........it was good as long as I ran it during the day but I mad a mistake of running it at night also because I believe that cooler temps at night produces more resin…………bad move on my part I should have just used an air conditioner instead………..I did not try to smoke any of the molded buds and the rest of the buds were just fine.


Active member
hey BT gret job!!!!!! I can't believe you got that much from a couple of 6s and 4s, I would of swore you had a bunch of 1000s. I was just wondering what kind of nutes and addatives if any you were using. also I understand why youre using vertical lighting in the middel of the 2 rows but wouldnt you get better coverage if you used horizontal lighting above? Please correct me if i'm wrong. great job and I can't wait to see your next grow.

bigtoke great show big fan of your work, got a question if you got the time read alot of your threads and currently in a grow of some dp blueberry using dwc 6 bucket system under 1000w. need to veg for 2 months to get 2nd room up and going. I read awhile back in one of your grows you did this got great results in yeild and quality. Was wondering if you had a tip or two about this. Thanks for your time :joint: :wave:


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
@..............MT ~ thanks for the props, I tried additives at first but was useless and did nothing but fucked up my already good solution, so I started looking into growth/regulators and Wow!! Now that worked (don’t ask just look around and you’ll find it, ok)……………yea well it seems that everyone does it different these days but the lighting works great for me just the way I got it….

@..............SI ~ ……….well I know you mint to say something in your post but for the life of me I can figure out what it is…lol maybe some time when your not so blow’n away you can rewrite it….

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