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Absolute Amber from Banana Silver Ladyboys


Well-known member
"runny" is incorrect

"runny" is incorrect

it is usually still quite hard though, and not runny. sometimes a very small amount softer, but not runny by any means.
After a year of curing only roughly half of the THCA will convert to THC, so this wouldn't be related to the viscosity, at least to any great extent.
Excuise my mistake please, "runny" is incorrect term.
I mean the viscosity of thick resin which is close to its point of melting for THC 40°C (104°F), its not runny nor firm,
while THCA is firm up to 70°C (158°F).

A mix of viscous and fragile.., result depends on percentage and shows is it decarboxylized or not.

Fully decarboxylized may not be fragile.
Well cured may be not fully decarboxylized.

For solvent extraction I see no profit in curing and even drying. In my opinion it takes time and gives nothing.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Jump, you rascal!

I finally “couldn’t stands it no more” and took 55 grams of fresh G-13 buds, froze them, and then trimmed them into small pieces using scissors.

I stuffed those into a 1 1/8” X 12” glass column and put it back in the freezer for another hour, before passing 600 ml of butane through it. The butane had also been in the freezer for an hour.

Most notable to me, was the light yellow clear oil yielded, which darkened slightly after cooking in a 200F oil bath until (mostly) bubble free, washing out of the dish with 190 proof, and after a settling operation, cooking off again until quiescent.

Yield after processing was only around 3 grams, but what interesting heady stuff. That will not be the total yield of course, as I also will re-run the material after drying and further finely dividing.

I did an extra step to convert the concrete to an absolute, which seemed wasted in this case, as there was no appreciable precipitant, even after sub zeroing the mixture in the freezer.

The absolute clearly has more head effect than the average oil extraction from the same material after curing. Pain relief was still excellent!

Also of note is the flavor, which was described as “fresh” by two of those testing it thus far. A good description I’m thinking and delightful stuff! I tastes like G-13 smells.


Well-known member
AA (opium x maple leaf)

AA (opium x maple leaf)

Hi Gray Wolf, thanks for the report and for the pleasure of being an indirect participant your practice.
I am happy to know that you and experts liked the quality of AA.

Will you please to clarify for me some details of your experience and your opinion.

Most often, I see the efficiency of a percentage of dry weight.
what dry weight corresponds to 55 grams of fresh flowers?
Suppose that 20 grams, from this point the yield of 3g is around 15%?

why cooking in a 200°F oil bath until (mostly) bubble free? imo it caused oxydation with no benefit.

Did 600 ml of butane passed the column through or was stayed inside for a time?
I made 10-20 minutes expositions in butane. I think timing affects the efficiency of extraction.

I yielded half the crop of fem seeds (opium x maple leaf) and produced a piece of AA from the remaining buds material.
Primary extracted 15 minutes in open pyrex tea pot at +30°C (86°F) temp outside.

I gently warmed one end to glue the sample to the base,
and the other end warmed a little more for the appearance of the bubble eyes, just to revive the image.
Finally dropped it on the tiled floor and it crashed into shards.


Active member
Nice pics Jump. Weed loses about 75-80% of it's weight during drying. Grey Wolf must have used the equivalent of about 11-14g dried, if it was 55g when fresh. If he yielded 3g of AA then that would be equivalent to a return of 21-27%, from dried bud. That seems rather high but maybe it's because he used G13.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good point on wet versus dry weight!

As a rule of thumb, I usually look for around 25% ending dry weight from fresh buds, assuming 10/15% moisture content. With that assumption, 55 grams wet would have ended up as 13.75 grams dry, which makes the 3.1 grams of oil a 22.6% yield.

Though not outstanding, it seems respectable and I still plan another extraction to see what was missed. Microscopic examination shows some intact heads remaining, though mostly just stalks.

I cooked the oil at 200F to rapidly purge and extracted vaporization samples at several points in the process to compare taste and effect.

I continued to cook it because of curiosity! I became interested in what the profusion of small bubbles really were.

They were more profuse than with oil extracted from cured material, but at 200F, I was not close to the boiling point of any known terpenoid or flavoids.

ß-caryophyllene is the lowest boiling point terpenoid or flavoids at 246.2F and I am not surprised at the small bubbles when I decarboxylate at 250F, but what is boiling at 200F? I suspect that they may be C02 from decarboxylation, as opposed to turpenoids.

I didn’t soak mine in butane, but passed it through one time. I primarily wanted first hand knowledge of the differences between fresh and cured bud oil and the small sample was not large enough to run in my unrefined pressurized column.

While I can freeze everything before hand, for safety reasons I can’t put butane back in any of my freezers to keep it from boiling off.

As it was 82F here, I wasn’t confident that I could keep the butane liquid, and am impressed that you were able to maintain enough heat sink to do so at 86F. That gives me heart to review it again and be more venturesome!

I actually took pictures and was intending to publish, but alas my last picture of the results turned out poorly. I used sunlight to illuminate the beaker and sadly all of the bubble pops on the glass took away the pristine clarity of the absolute.

As a discredit to my photographic professionalism, I didn’t download and review the pictures before allowing the sample to be distributed for testing. Here they are anyway. The last shot demonstrates my point regarding the color of the extract, though not the clarity. It is still hot and liquid, but solidified to taffy consistency.


  • Extraction components.jpg
    Extraction components.jpg
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  • Extraction column assy.jpg
    Extraction column assy.jpg
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  • Extraction butane injection.jpg
    Extraction butane injection.jpg
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
More pictures


  • Extraction blow down.jpg
    Extraction blow down.jpg
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  • Extraction butane boil off.jpg
    Extraction butane boil off.jpg
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  • Cooking off the alcohol.jpg
    Cooking off the alcohol.jpg
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  • Extraction absolute reduction.jpg
    Extraction absolute reduction.jpg
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Last picture and the embarassing one.


  • Extraction absolute.jpg
    Extraction absolute.jpg
    71.4 KB · Views: 58


Well-known member
I used the thermos flask as the extractor. The old one was found from last century.
Extracted 30 minutes with no loss of butane.

This AA was extracted from sensimillia, neither ladyboy nor femseeder. The mix of amber and sticky resin.





Oil-cakes from 6 previous AA-extractions were cooked in oven to decarb and then were extracted.
The result had the same decarb effect as earlier.



Well-known member
Fun finding in the micro-shot of oil-cake few days after 30 minute butan extraction.
Resin micro bubbles near some of the remaining trichomes


Well-known member
Compare fresh vs. dried extraction.

Compare fresh vs. dried extraction.

The illustration to compare the extractions from fresh material above versus the same material but dried and crumbled.

I accidentally over exposed fresh flowers in a refrigerator at 8°C (47°F) pending extraction, so that they have lost the freshness and started to let the juice.

No way to freeze the flowers in this condition because juice on the surface will block trichomes when frozen.

Thus I had to return to the traditional technology of preparation of material for extraction.

The material was dried and gently crumbled by hands and scissors, without grinder.

Extracted 30 min in butane, followed by ethanol winterization. At first I was evaporating ethanol without heating.


No doubt a bouquet of aromas is much brighter, but accompanied by weak shades of ethanol and consistency of very sticky resin.

I tried to remove residual ethanol in a double boiler and observed the long and abundant separation bubbles and darkening the color. Nothing like this was seen with ambers.


Collection of the obtained resin was a real nightmare, I felt despair of flies caught in the spider web.



Resin gossamers stretch easily and live in the air flow, but an hour later may break like sugar candy.
It was too long for the evaporation of residual ethanol from the thin spider line,
probably something else from the resin was evaporated that caused change it to brittle, or it was the oxidation.
Finally I won this chaos into the ball in the freezer.


It was the same material I used in getting ambers but now it was over aged the prime time and thus extracted from dried and crumbled form.

To me now it looks like half-to-half mix of amber with dark decarbed resin. And for sure it was very much harder work vs. fresh.


Well-known member
from the filters paper

from the filters paper

Resin semi-translucent halo appears after drying on coffee paper filter that was used to filtrate primary BHO/BHC.


These fragments of several filters I cut with scissors and washed them with ethanol.


In the ingot, it looks like black glass, to see the real color, I warmed up one end and pulled out the cobweb.



Well-known member
I sincerely thank ICMag for the opportunity to thank all the friendly ICMaggers for their interest in the topic, kind words and positive evaluation of the results of my effort!:thank you:

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