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A Guide to Fishsticks


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...yeah,there were 3 grow stores in town back when it was still illegal...now just the one...i actually start tomorrow for training,mostly on running the computerized register and driving the forklift...short day,then the regular thursday group ride...
today it's watering the garden again...and moar trimming! hooray!
at least the shop hours are good for the lazy...10am-6pm...some days i'll need to get up earlier and deal with veg,but will be off by the time i need to deal with main flower...and i won't be fully on the schedule until the led room is done so it should work out...and i get the employee discount which will help...
no bike part sales yesterday...hoping to get more of them gone today...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
(n) that sucked...had to buy a different brand of veg nutes until the shop gets more of my brand...mixed up like usual,measured the pH....waaaaaay off...over 8.5...added some verde to bring it back down,didn't budge the pH...adding anymore nutes would have burnt the crap out of the plants....so dumped 8 gallons and started over...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...first day at the shop today...group ride tonight but i will probably skip that and come home and trim...need to get that finished up while it's in good condition...and i need to make sure and have groceries and such since tomorrow i need to get home and start watering right away...some days are going to be packed as i will need to water veg before work then get back to it once i get home...at least it's not an hour plus commute each way...


Well-known member
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...first day at the shop today...group ride tonight but i will probably skip that and come home and trim...need to get that finished up while it's in good condition...and i need to make sure and have groceries and such since tomorrow i need to get home and start watering right away...some days are going to be packed as i will need to water veg before work then get back to it once i get home...at least it's not an hour plus commute each way...
It's boom boom booming out lotsa lightning.. half day today... Be nice to the newbs and there million questions...lol


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
It's boom boom booming out lotsa lightning.. half day today... Be nice to the newbs and there million questions...lol
i'm not making any promises regarding the noobs! i've worked in a grow shop before,and it was a test of patience for sure...and that was before people would ask a hundred questions then stand there and order from amazon...
just about time to head out...gotta check and see what nutes i need to pick up today


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:faint:well it was exactly as boring as i remember it being...pretty slow today...but i learned that we get a bonus on days sales are over 5k which does happen frequently enough...and direct deposit paychecks...and mellow owner so i can see bringing a book to kill the time...time to get trimming

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...high ho it's off to work we go...sure to be another excitement packed day slinging bags of happy frog...tomorrow i need to bring the trailer along so i can haul medium home..fun! and more trimming tomorrow night once i get home...if only i had more than three dirty pots to wash...

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Yeah it’s a bit crazy but it was soooo good. One of my favorite meals of the year. Every year like a sucker I’m there ready to plunk down my money.
Also got some outside skirt steak and a prime grade tri tip.

On another note my buddy hooked up the free nutes yesterday.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
:tumbleweed:mornin campers...one more day of work then off for a couple of days....looks like i'll have 4 days each week,perfect for the summer,still three days off in a row so plenty of time to deal with the garden and catch the occasional ride...
could be a boring day...long weekend,i imagine people are out of town...but i could be wrong...