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6 CFLs + CO2, goal 150grams


Military nice set up. Big ups.

Too bad i missed i missed the other pics. I'm looking forward to see how this comes about with your Scrog. keep up the good work. and Awesome cab! :rasta:


quick update. Today just checked out the babe and noticed something interesting I didnt see this weekend. ITS A MALE!! ahha JK :p

No but really, this weekend there were ZERO trichomes, today, the leaves around the white hairs are getting covered!! They are starting to look like snow caps now.


quick update :p Few pics of the plant and some pics of the PC grow.

Here the pics of the PC grow. I have 5 CFLs total, 3; 42watters, 2; 26watters.
I really dont want to take out anymore 42s and swap them with the 26s i have because right now the CAB Grow temps are PERFECT. It stays about 80-82'F while lights on, which is just right, drop to about 68ish when lights off.

Right now temps in PC grow are around 90'F with the 2 PC fans i have in there, but I think I might punch out 2 more holes on the top of the PC and add 2 more fans. This should handle the temps NP and drop them to 80s without any difficulty.

For now though I might see what temps are when I take out the 2; 26s and leave just the 42s, if temps are good, then while im home ill plug in the 26s but whenever I leave ill take them out so I can have EASE OF MIND :p hehe



haha thanks :p Man I should take a pic of the thermometer now hahah FUCKING 110!!!!! hahahahaha

Good thing this is a test run. But thats like DIRECTLY under the CFLs like 1inch away... Temp at bottom of PC where there is another fan blowing in cool air, is about 86'F at the bottom, in the middle its a steady 90-91.

So, really the temps are not that bad... 85'F = perfect rapid MJ growing temp hehe just gota watch so the plants dont get to tall.. lol ill be hitting the red zone :p

I think im going to take out the bottom fan and move it to the top and have it as another exhaust, then there will be a passive intake, no need for forced. That should dropped temps about 2-4 degrees :p

Im also testing to see if these 42 watters get hot enough to melt or burn. So i placed a piece of paper on one, piece of plastic garbage bag on another, and piece of clothe on the last one... Im in the room so ill smell if anyone starts melting or burning, but so far so good.. just makes everythign REALLY HOT not enough to melt or burn though atm.. Well see though, i wont open it for a few hours and see what happens then


Goodjob Military...gotta luv those white pistils.... and nice job with the PC lights.. and we WILL compare PC grows once im done with mine...should be sumtime next week... this is gonna get good....what are the dimensions of ur case??Soil or hydro?


frozengreen911- indeed that was a tricky thing for myself to figure out I will admit that :p But this is what i did... Since I wanted to MAXIMIZE my growing height because im going SOG, I had to have my lights lay horizontal. And since i didnt want to drill through side of the case and i couldnt mount the lights on a piece of wood at the socket end beccause then they would be to wide for the case, I had just a single piece of wood to work with and the lights..

I knew i wanted MAX light in there as i could with the most room, so CFL's were the best bet. SO i lined up all the CFLs put a piece/strip of wood over the main plastic pieces of the lights and used electical tape to tape them to the wood nice and tight. Then i found these nifty VERY SMALL sockets at Lowes that screwed on end of the lights, then i just wired them all together. Heres a pic.

kidkannabis - Indeed like i said in your post :p we will compare but then should combine all the final products and grows and styles of build into one thread and make it a DIY PC GROW, that has the main different styles and great ideas of all the designs :p

Of course if being a competition, we would have to use the same 1GPW equation, and this one here is by far IMO the most accurate.


As for the dems of my case ill have to get back to you on that one, dont have tape measure in front of my atm. And im going to go SOIL with this PC grow because it will be the easiest, wont have to have to have a pump screwed onto the back, and soil will just be nice to try out :p

PC TEMP UPDATE... After hours of sitting in the PC lights on, and temp being tested at abot 4" from the bottom it has been a steady 88'F This is with 1 fan exhaust at time, and 1 active intake on the bottom side. Im going to get rid of the active intake and move this fan on the TOP side to have 2 exhaust and just a passive intake, This should drop temps 3-5 degrees.. Going to do this now.
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haha fuck you ghetto :p jk pic dont show to well but all tape is symmetrical :p hehe and the wiring is 1/2 pro.. I was gona use wire nuts but said fuck it thats only ghetto part :p

Hey been on all night and day so far. and I fixed the ventilation to perfect now :p 80'F inside the PC heeh :p AND in 2 days i got my seeds sprouted :p They looking nice.



Military u slut got all these dam kids :muahaha: you better take care of them or they might :asskick:


hahah ya i know :p im popping out babies left and right :p

Just throw in about 10 more seeds, hoping to have about 20 total. Gota have that many so then hopefully ill end up with atleast 10 females.


MEH i think im going to have to redo the inside of my pc.. The garbage bags werent the best idea haah my fans are making so much of a negative pressure envirnment that the inside lining bag is being pulling in like a backwards balloon :p Like as i look inside the case... then turn fans on the walls close inward :p Kinda funny.

But ya looks like ima gona have to go with cardboard :p
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Hey hey everyone :p UPDATE TIME FOR THE BABIES :p

So one day and these seedling grow 2x in size !!! lol Pretty crazy the best Germ results iv ever had. The ones in the rockwool bed have sprouted also, so thats 24hour germ time :p Didnt get a pic of them though because its a pain in the ass pulling up all the pieces of rockwool.

But here are the pics :p

As you can see the plastic wrap has some tension on it lol Because those crazy
seedlings grow straight up into and more then half of them started to push
against it :p


Heres the dirt i whipped up. Its about ... id say 8 cups of some pretty good shit. Not gona lie either it smells like shit lol almost made me throw up.
This is what I got in it.
7ish cups potting soil
2 cups of fish tank rocks from my fish tank(plus the water)
1 cup hydroton(wat the hell I have no other use for it :p)
O ya and remember the Gatorade bottle on my CAB that was decomposing..
ya Iv been throwing potato peals, and kitchen waste in it :p It was 100% black SHIT when i put it in the soil :p So that was like some free compost hehe.

Gona let the soil sit in the PC in that container for a day or so to let it dry up a bit. Right now its pretty water logged. It should dry up real fast in that pc for sure though :p 85-90'F temps

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They look good Military.Wit the pc if u gona use the cardboard make sure to glue it so it's firm thats wat i did


very nice :p ya i think ima gona be messing around with it in a few minutes. Gona cut up some .... those clothes gift boxes.. thats nice thin cardboard perfect for what i need.

Right now though freaking thing has a hell of a seal :p when i take off the side the fans are blow a shit load.. probably around 70cfm id say enough to blow out a lighter thats about 8inches away :p then then i put the side on the fans like strain lol half as much blowing power :p and when putting lighter around the edges, it gets sucked in real quick.

One thing im having trouble with though... is making a light trap for the fans... Because what i got now, when i have the traps out temps reach 90'F but when them off.. temps go no higher then 82'F .. Meh.. Might have to work on this for little longer then i thought

EDIT>>> Quick update on the CAB... buds are really starting to full up like a lot... after touching then smelling fingers( hahah) the resin or tric's have a kind of SOUR/Pungent smell to them... Def something different then my last grow for sure. Interesting... Ill be adding Lemon juice to the NON-NUTE watering periods now, I want Lemon smell and taste from my buds, im sure i can achieve this :p Just orded a PH tester so i dont make my shit to acidic :p
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Looking good Military....sounds like you got everything handled.Except your temps with light traps...maybe a bigger opening will allow the air to exit or enter quicker IMO... keep us update...

BTW....we want bud pics!!!!


HEY HEY HEY Quick update guys :p

Finished the PC and its 100% now :p

temps = 80-85ish... sometimes a rare 88..
Light = minimal but def visible if looking for it.

Put seedlings in dirt and cups :p


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BLAH lol fucking seedlings are all wilted like crazy :( I knew i should have waited till tomorrow to put them in the soil :( because I would have the pH tester

Ya i def think the pH in my soil is really wacked... I don't see why they wouldn't have taken well.


I just personally love hydro much better... when it comes to plants in pots and shit I just dont do well, but like outside gardens on other hand im PRO :p

SOOOO I think the PC is going to be Mother holder for sure now... With a little mini DWC setup :p

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