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500+ out: High Desert guerilla growing Vol.2


Will share some more tomorrow,,,(new plot, and pics),,believe it or not, but I gotta go water the plot I just posted pictures of:biglaugh:......

Thanks for the support yall!..


Active member
Hey FB, thats a big grow u got going there.

Nice strains u got going aswell. Didnt see your last grow i gotta check it out..
But im just imagining how you will manage trimming all thoose girls? you are using a machine or what? or else ordering some massage at the local clinic is needed haha >) but you know that already.
Good luck

Peace pop/


Well-known member
They look real healthy very nice grow. The fourth pic down looks like they a starting to flower is that correct? I like the idea of the pots for better water retention at the plants. I hate seeing all my wonderful nutes running away from my plants


lookin good fast! your plots look like they get the killer sun exposure bro.


All of your hard work is showing up in your grow FP. We're about to start the countdown. Good luck. from now til then.


*Stoned User*
Great looking grow FP. I wish I had the luxury of pulling off such a bountiful grow. I guess I will just have to settle for watching your growshow. Should be amazing!!


Fast pine, i hope you get a mega harvest man!!!! You have to be the hardest working grower on here dude!!!! i cant even imagine doing all that,hehe i guess my set it and forget it method wouldnt do to well where your at...Cheers and stay safe



This is a nice looking grow i like the nature and i like your plants ill be back for more u got me hooked m8 ...


8,500' checking in and you are looking fabulous.Last years grow was a great read for those of us above the pinion!Peace, Lilly456...high altitude sensi bitch!?Keep it up, high and dry!!! :joint: :joint:


Sorry I never checked back in with those details on the large seed plot...

First Tracks- Thanks brotha,,,,I hope so too..Not using the pump any more at that spot...The pond dried up,,,,,,,<deep sigh>,,,,,,Thats why the large one is only getting rain...another reason why I expect my numbers to drop so dramaticly..

LittleJ- I appreciate the support bro!

PrinceofPersia- Thanks,,Yeah,,I am trying to test as much stuff as I can handle..I think I found the line, as I have already lost a fiew due to having soo many to keep track of..As far as trimming,,,,<contemplating weather I should let the cat out of the bag>....I hope to adress that issue in great detail in a fiew weeks..For now, lets just say its gonna cost about 14k...An thats not to pay the massage therapist with my friend..:biglaugh:

Hamstring- Your presence is always appreciated my man..Thanks for the comments..So yeah,,some of them have started to bloom..Lets think here,,,The Chrystal, Jamaican Pearl, stuporsonic, an some of the Mendo's are at it already..Ended up burning the shit out of some of the JP's..Slowly learning, that when commercial growing, its best to keep the strains all the same, at each plot...i.e. A chrystal plot,,,a sensi star plot, ya know...Mixing everything up caused issues with feeding, harvest times, height issues, etc...

JackS- Much appreciated.

gdawg-..Thats one of the best things about high desert growing...Warm sunny days all week,,Plus the high elevation increases light intensity by alot! We have clearing's galore, and very little to block out the sun as far as large trees....Some areas get direct sun all fuckin day man....Its awesome.

Silverback- Thanks man,,,Im kinda gettin worn out. There have been a fiew moments where I have asked myself if I bit off more than I can chew this summer. Going to school the morning after a late night watering session with out having done my homework is becomming a common occourance:biglaugh:

Trichosaur- Good lookin out man...

Brewtxtea-:biglaugh:....Good one man...Thought that was pretty funny..I love sand castles....Out here folks actually live in em..They call em "earth ships"...:biglaugh:

Breederbrad2- Thanks bro,,,,I appreciate that alot. I work as hard as I do inorder to stay away from the day to day bullshit of a crappy 9-5 ya know....Spent years doing that shit,,,and after being wrongfully fired (drag raced my boss and kicked his ass, he fired me 2 weeks later),,,I have no tollerance for some motherfucker telling me what to do...Thats why I decided to become my own boss,,,,,never looked back....Like you said in Vol.1.....Its a damn good job..........As far as the set it and forget it methods.....dang man,,,I cant tell you how jealous I am of yall...Seems like my biggest limiting factor is water..I dream of a place to plant, and not have to rig up some sort of irrigation..8footers in the fall ,strictly off rain,,,dude yall are fuckin blessed, thats all I can say..

kallenavndk- Stick around man, things will only get better,, <crosses fingers>....I will be uploading some more nature/plant shots soon, so stay tuned brotha!..

Lord B- HEY neighbor! good to see ya man....Thanks for stoppin by,,been checkin on yer green house thread off and on..

Lilly456- Another Rocky Mountain grower huh?......Good one lil,,,nice to meet you......High and dry!!!



New member
An inspiration. I loved reading last years diary....... a treat. Don't let yourself be ground down with your watering versus school-next-day. Soon the need to water will not be an issue, and you can pick up on the school work. You will reap a good reward from both endeavors.


been waiting for this one bro! Ive read all your stuff. Gave me some motivation to try my hand at some outdoor this year. Going great so far..

and ive lost about 12lbs......my god its alot of work.

best of luck bro

little j

im thinkin of ya every time i water my 6 ft sweet purple. i got a few others that are at around 4-5ft. hell i even have 2 males in the window sill. 10in. one which i have been collecting pollen from for weeks. im hoping to make more of them seeds. i wish you luck and i watch daily. little j


Hey Fast_Pine, i just finished your grow tread from last year, what an awesome ride!! Your environment is so different from what i grow in, so i have nothing to offer in advice, but ill send as much good carma i can spare! I hope this year is as good as the last one, ill be watching!

Good luck m8, stay safe!!



daggaboy1: Thanks man..Last year was an adventure to say the least. I sure hope the rains set in hard so I can back off on the matenance, ya know..Its unpredictable out here,,some years fall can be wet as hell,,others dry, with little rain..so..:confused:...When the rains come they come quick and hard,,,usually late faternoon...

Theblackrussian: Im glad to hear your season is goin well.....Growing MJ outdoors can be sooooo damn rewarding..See, I bet the cuties are already lookin yer way after loosin some weight an getin some cuts due to the hard work:confused:...Feel free to put up some shots of yer garden here if ya want...See ya round bro.

littleJ: <in best chris tucker voice>...."God daaaaaaamn", you have a six foot sweet purple!!!,,Thats awesome man,,,Mine never broke 4feet..Isnt it weird how you will catch yourself thinking about ICmag wile in the field...I do it too:biglaugh:

Slapstick: Im hoping so man,,,I truly am..With the economy, and gas prices Im working harder than ever to ensure I will do well over the winter..(ever read the story about the grasshopper and the ant? :biglaugh:),,,,Plus, I need alot of lift ticket money,,,,,,,As far as environment,,I feel ya.....Seems most here areent used to seeing desert grows...Im proud to be representing for the desert MJ heads.....Its amazing out here,,,,expansive views, and warm sunshine all summer!

Dignan: Where are you?:confused:....I been thinkin about ya bro..You still around?..Hope alls well yer way man.




Went out last night...Visited 2 plots. Watered the High Matenance plot, and flushed the lines at my largest most remote garden(seedlings)...Dealing with alot of bear attacks on my irrigation setups.. Seeing large teeth marks late at night makes for a worried Fast pine..:Bolt:

Will have pictures up later today...
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