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400W Ebb and Flow Scrog


Greetings Friends,

Introducing my latest grow!

These 4 ladies are about 40 days into flowering. I've got an el-cheapo 250 cfm 6" in-duct fan sucking through the carbon filter, then going into the hood. The exhaust from the hood passes through another in-duct fan and then outside. A portable A/C keeps things cool, even during the heat wave that scorched California in July.

I'm using GH nutes in a 18 gal Rubbermaid, flooding every 3 hours for 5 min during lights-on. I'm pruning the sun leaves aggressively, to keep the light on the buds.

Scheduled harvest is Labor Day (Sept 4th), hoping to have a nice reward for my toil!

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These 4 ladies are clones from the same mother. Not sure of the strain, it was a batch of random seeds from a seed bank up north. 6 germinated, 4 were females.

I kept this strain since it had the shortest flowering, shortest inter-nodes, and a nice Indica flavor. But the strain's name eludes me. :confused:


Hey OG, nice grow!!

want some advice?

If you want to double your yields try the following.

1) buy some 2" hole size chicken wire. use as scrog screen
2) train the grow tips till they cover 90% of the holes (constantly keep tucking them under)
3) then when 90% filled, let those branches "turn the corner"
4) here is where the fun is... you get to experiment with how many inches to let them grow up, to get maximum yield. (start with 1-2 inches)


400 watts will penetrate upto 1 foot
600 watts 2 feet
1000 watts 3 feet

so size your scrogg to the light you have.

hope this helped



Thanks for the info, POW! My screen right now is string, lashed around the 3/4" piping. But chicken wire should be good, will try it next time.

Some questions about your technique:

- When do you induce the flowering cycle? I turned them to 12/12 when they were ~ 10" tall, just about to hit the screen.

- When you say a 400W will penetrate 1 foot, does that mean keep the light 1 foot above the screen? My light has a glass lens so burning the tops isn't a huge problem, and I keep the lens ~ 4" above the light.


Nice looking rig, man! Only other input I could add is try not to trim too many fan leaves. Those are the food factories of the plant, and are essential to big buds. You can trim 'em, but they'll get bigger at the next node up....I guess there is a certain balance with trimming those and doing a scrog. I don't ever trim them, but I don't scrog either. :confused:

Keep it green! :joint:



you veg till the screen is almost full. let me explain...

you grow your plant up to the screen (make it just high enough that you can work below it too.)

Then as the branches get 1-2 inches above the screen you gently place them back under the screen aiming in all directions to fill most of the holes. (repeat this proccess over and over, it will fill quite quickly)

AFTER the screen is almost full and all the last branches have been trained UNDER the screen, let them just grow though the screen. making sure as best as you can that EACH branch has it's own hole to grow through.

What we are aiming for is to keep your plant numbers down, but give you a TRUE sea of green! with a perfectly even canopy.

Then you flip to 12/12 when the shoots are 1-2" above the screen. (they will grow straight up)

You keep your light as close to them without being to close to cause burning. Raiseing your light every day or 2.

What you are looking for is to find the MAX hight you can let them veg up from the screen and still penetrate right down to screen level. (no further)

Then you will have your MAXIMUM yield for that light.

hope this helps... pm me when you start your next round... i want to watch.



Stoned2Death, thanks for stopping by. This is my second scrog. I didn't trim enough during my first one (I'm also on the "don't trim" side of the trim/don't trim debate). The shaded buds took longer to mature. This time I've tried to keep the buds under direct light. All of the leaves below the screen are intact.

POW!, you've got the heart of a teacher! My screen is 15" above the top of the pots, more space than I need to work with the ladies. Next time I'll shorten the screen's height. I'm growing inside a 7' plastic garden shed, and there's plenty of room for the light.

Before starting to scrog, I did a couple of 11-plant SOG grows in 3" rockwool cubes. As a space-constrained personal grower, scrogging has worked out better for me.


Here we are at day 47. Older trichomes are yellowing, but there are still lots of new ones coming out. Should be harvesting in 2.5 weeks. The C filter seems to be be neutralizing most of the odor.

BTW, I've started a grow diary for my next crop at http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=33907 . But right now it's just some 12-day old clones in cubes, nothing too exciting.



here are my 4 ladies at day 50 of flowering. They haven't got any taller in the past few days, but the buds are swelling up nicely. The C filter is doing a great job scrubbing the skunky air before exhausting it.



Apologies in advance for the low resolution, I'm using a camcorder's cheap little digital camera. The ladies looks good, and the smell is getting overpowering. Two weeks until planned harvest.



This morning the 6" inline fan in my exhaust duct was making more noise than usual, so I swapped it out with an extra cheap fan I had lying around. Problem solved, I hope.

This is the home-made C filter and in-line fan combo that scrubs the smelly air before going into the hood and eventual exhaust. Works pretty well, but sometimes there's a faint smell near the exhaust point. I have another C filter that I can install, if needed, during the last couple of weeks.

Here's the portable A/C (7000 BTU I think) that keeps the ladies cool. They were unattended for 10 days during the brutual California heatwave this summer, and I had nightmares about coming home to a box full of dry twigs. But this A/C kept everything fine.


My ladies are 8 weeks into flowering, looking and smelling real nice. Here's a shot of the canopy with the light raised - I'm very pleased with the dense growth and yield.

I started the final flush today with water only. If all goes well, harvest is in ~ 10 days. My trusty Radio Shack microscope shows some clear, cloudy and a few amber-topped trichomes. I'll be changing the water a few times during the flush.

This is my first crop using the 3-party GH nute set, and very few leaves are yellowing. I used DynaGro during previous crops, and by this stage of flowering I would have lots of yellow leaves, I think due to a Mg deficiency.



Yesterday I noticed a faint odor of cannabis outside my house, near to where I vent the exhaust. Hardly noticeable, but this isn't something you can ignore. So I added 1 more DIY C scrubber inside my shed It's just sucking in, and then venting the cleaned air inside the shed.




It's Day 66, harvest time! It smells great, with a faint trace of perfume. Really wish I knew the strain...

Since I only need this to provide for my personal needs, I'm a pretty lazy trimmer. Smaller and lower buds go along with the top bud trim for later hash making. My main trimming tool are some Fiskars paper scissors. I also used some thicker rubber gloves I picked up in the paint section at Home Depot, they work better and produce more finger hash than the surgical gloves I used before.


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