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3 plus 3=?


The Tri Guy
Lol Jay,

Cool Karma, keep us updated on that one wont ya. Personally I'm betting against, but like you said, time will tell.

Harvest time:

1 side,

T'other.........................................................................................Top cola

a couple of branches

Yes I could have trimmed more, but I didn't.


wow! what awesome shots GMT! terrific job dude... whats next on the list? :D
i wanna know dry weight of that first pic! lol...



The Tri Guy
Thanks Sammet,

Thanks Jay, well an irrelevant girl is next, I may put a few shots of her up. Dry weight wont be anything too impressive, as she stayed pretty short due to slightly restircted root space. Also Ive been quick drying a few nugs for smokes, so by the time the bulk is dry, not sure how much will be left lol. The next irrelevant girl is in even more restricted space, I'm playing, new in the cab is a clone of the above girl, not very big at all, but there's space for her now, so in she went, this time with more than enough root space, like I said I'm playing, as I dont think clones are worth bothering with normally, I think seeds always out produce clones, but then you have the numbers game, so its a balanced arguement, I'm just playing. Also I have time now to allow the seeds contained in the above bud (about 600 collected so far), to get ready for the killing fields. Lots hit the dirt, few survive their first day of life, it's a brutal selection process. But I have a reliable girl growing bud for harvest in 8 weeks ish time. The irrelevant girl will be out in 2 or 3, the trick now is to make this one last until a week after the irrelevant girl is out, to give her a shot at sustaining me until this clone is harvested. I just know I'm gonna run out this cycle. So anyway, you have your schedule now lol.



yeah right! lol.
600 seeds! wowza! ive never ever seen that many MJ seeds... thats crazy. lol.

yeah i hate running out. obviously im still getting my timing down to be able to run the bunkbed perpetual so i always have some meds, but the 600watt dying on my certainly didnt help!

and now... im out!
dammit. i sleep so badly without my meds.... and as i stare at the time... 5:19am rolls past...
MJ helps my pains alot... but she REALLY helps my insomnia the most!

sleeeeep sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope ya keep us updated with the Irrelevant girl anyway GMT. :)
take care mate, and stay safe. :joint:
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The Tri Guy
Hi Jay, well when I say irrelevant, I mean she's not relevant to the tri thing. But I'll do an explanation of why she's here. Her mother was a quad, she reverted to bifoliar at around the 5th node and promptly got topped and her quad branches were pollinated by a tri male of a different line (well a cousin line). The cousin line wasn't very heavily populated with tri's but I wanted to see how the seeds turned out anyway so this is the 2nd I've tried. The stone from the first was nice, but not as heavy as the pure bruised nuts, and the plant was far too leafy, not just lots of leaves but leafy within the bud structure which I dont like. Anyway I was really hoping to find more quads or a high ratio of tris from a quad x tri cross but didnt on first trials of the seeds. This one that I'll be finishing now wasn't anything interesting I just want to know what I'm not going to grow anymore of. All of the sister/brother and early harvested daughter/son seeds have been popping for the last few days, but nothing of any interest, so sofar they have all been killed at birth. Got another 3 or 4 days of them popping though but to survive, they would have to be quad pheno and to be bred with they'd have to be stable quad. I'll pop a few pics of this one up at some point, but that's why she is "irrelevant". I'll also get a pic of the seeds from the relevant BN girl, must be up over 800 now, but around 70 are in soil. It's still too early to be planting them really, but just in case they are ready, there are some getting tried. I'll drop another 200 or so into soil in a couple of weeks when I know they are ready, and start the kiling all over again. Uk is reclassifying again though, and we're moving back up from a class C to a class B penalty, so just in case, no pics of that many seedlings, and my words are all make believe ;)
I clicked on your new thread, but saw I was so late, there were already 16 pages to catch up on (dial up 5 posts per page), so that's one of my sunday afternoon activities planned.
Insomnia is a killer, without heavy weed what would be a sound sleep becomes a frustrating few naps, if lucky. I hate it, that's why I concentrate on keeping my tri line as heavy as I can. One of the many reasons this is the second (techincally 3rd as I did 2 last run) F5 attempt, the previous F4s used weren't exceptional candidates, I'm happy with this one, so now the F5s can be selected and the manufature of the F6 can start. Anyway, enough wake and bake ramblings from me.


you are not missing much in the thread yet mate... it was off to a good start, but my 600 watt ballest died (didnt even make 1 grow!!!!!!! gggrrrr!) and it threw a spanner in the works.

your experiments are incredible dude. and you have got to be to single most patient person i have ever met. popping and killing, killing and killing, killing and popping some more! lol

ive never had a tri, or quad, but im certainly interested to see if yu can breed that trait in!
i understand what you mena about the leafy buds. i had a mazar do that to me once... i wasnt happy. but she didnt get cloned, and the rest were good.

take care mate. :)


The Tri Guy
Sorry to hear of your troubles with your ballast, I've been very lucky with mine, so far. Thanks for the props, I'm just glad I'm not going through it all alone, if it wasn't for this place, I may have ignored the tri trait and this project wouldn't get done, it's only the nonsense I've read others post about them that casued me to chase it this far. Now I'm happy with the F5s, I'm seriously considering sending the F3s down to DG for freebies. A very unstable generation, but think of them as free lotto tickets and they become worth popping.
You asked to see the irrelevant girl, here she is below, again showing the leafy bud trait that's preventing them passing on their genes.
1 week ago:

1 Hour ago:

same bud, line of sight above and below that front leaf.

Well, I'll have a read tomorrow, and catch up with your new thread, see ya then.


Yup, certainly see the high leaf/bud ratio in those pics.
its interesting because the "1 week ago" pic, because of all the leaf you wouldnt think you were far into flowering...
but the "1 hour ago" pic shows you are prolly more like 5-6 weeks in!
noone enjoys trimming those kinda buds.. lol.. i dont envy you on that one. lol.
whats the nonsense you speak of? things like : "most tris are males?"
ive heard this mentioned before, but never looked into it much, as ive never had a tri.
is that not true in your experiance?...

and yeah, i was really frustrated and bummed out about the ballest.
but im an optimist, and i really could have been alot worse.
i was flat broke, and it died week 9.2 of my Urkles, which i usually take to week 10.
if the light died when it was week 4 or 5 or even 6 and 7... it would REALLY HURT me.
also learned my lesson on buying things like that online.
the 2 new ballests i bought (1 replacement, 1 additional) have 5 year warrentys on then. no questions asked. and will replace on the spot.
so now im ready for anything! lol.

take care mate :)
and Oh your in the UK?..... watch the cricket at all? :)


The Tri Guy
Hi Jay, lol yes there is the "tri's are all male" rumour, along with the "they are all weak plants", "they grow out of it at sexing", "they aren't as potent", "they make poor breeding stock", "they only occur when the parent plants are poisoned" (sp?) etc, l've read em all.

Well being as lazy as I am, you may think that cricket would be my ideal sport to watch, but no, I find most sports far too boring and far too much hard work for me.


wassup GMT you thread is super chuck full of knowledge bro.dude i been workin with clones a few yrs now,i wanted to get me some new gear so i ordered some beans(now i cant order enough,im turnin into a seedbay junkie;)

anyways,i had some bagseed from cali.some really purple almost black weed super tasty and choker,some a few from some other purple weed,and 1 supposed white shark.i have no idea of the strains cause i wasnt there a friend broung the weed back with him from vacation.i talked him into lettin some go to me as soon as i saw it had a couple seeds in it.it was really good weed,all of them.those lucky dawgs in cali! im hopin i get real lucky and someone can tell me i have an elite as they grow hehe,gotta keep hope alive yo.

the first beans i poppped were the bagseed so i wouldnt mess up on the ones i ordered.they all germed and whattaya know,i got a tri the first time i popped a seed.nz had just revealed his 9 finger erkle freak and i thought i had a freak too. lol .
your thread is like the first one where the reading doesnt say "its gonna herm...or its gonna be a boy....or its weaker..."or other stuff like that.
i think mine is a female too,theyrs just startin to sex now,i should know by the end of the week.
so now that my high ass has rambled ur ear off,heres a few pics if you dont mind.

here she is after she first popped

a couple days ago and today

here she is next to one of the beans that popped with her,keepin up just fine if you ask me.notice i like to call her,her.she betterbe a her hahaha.lol

thanks for lettin me share yo.i'll be here readin and learnin now.peace-Y-


The Tri Guy
Hey YWI, good to see you and your special girl (fingers crossed for you), she really does look like a nice one. She should be good and not revert, although I've found that lack of root space can increase the odds, so watch she doesnt get root bound at all. Nice leaf angles, propper 3 not 2+1 shape, I like her, nice score. Drop in a pic when she's sexed.

I'm getting bored now folks, so it's time for another experiment. I've given it a bit of thought, and decided what to do. I need a clone of a tri F4 female, an F5 tri male and an F5 tri female. I have the first. Before that I need a base number for comparrison. The purpose of the experiment: to find out if during the stabalisation of a particular pheno, a back cross or a new generation populated by siblings exhibitting that pheno, will produce a greater number of offspring exhibiting the same pheno. (In this case Tri's). Now that base number for comparrison, F5s to be germinated, random sample 100. Planted 10 mins ago. Bifoliars to be killed at birth, tri's to be left for the census. I'll pick a few out (assuming I find any, this generation hasnt been tested yet), and hopefully find a nice male and female, if not I'll plant some more until I do, and use the same F5 male (best way for comparrison) to pollinate both females the F4 and F5, then do a count on the offspring tri's.


GMT ty for the kind words bro,also for the info.i'll be transplanting these out of the 1 gallon buckets this week into the final 5 gallon buckets.im tryin to wait till they sex so i dont fill up the buckets just to pull the males.
regardless shes gonna get the transplant tomorrow on ur advice.
i'll be sure to drop the pic to ya bro.and lookin forward to seeing the new expirement too.peace-Y-
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The Tri Guy
First interesting F5 birth, a late one from the first small batch of test seeds (only planted to see if they were ready to plant larger numbers), but I have noticed that the more interesting ones, tend to take longer to show up. More pics as others start to show.


The Tri Guy
hehe Sammet, I thought the same thing, still got the stcky membrane on its cottys.


The Tri Guy
Hey YwI, turned out disappointing, only 2 single blades, so it died suddenly. 2 tris up so far, more on that when there are more.

an irrelevant update on the side line irrelevant girl, the last of her kind to be grown, a couple of days before harvest. Whole plant, 1 cola, closeup.



you guys make me cry with those awesome macros.

this 3x optical just doesnt cut it.... might have to look at getting one of the 12x, or 18x optical. i love close ups :D

keep it going GMT... they look like very large colas. be interested in seeing some trimmed shots once cut, if you dont mind :)

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